(What Logic Is)
Logicis the study of the methods and principles used to distinguish correct fromincorrect reasoning.
推理 (英语:Reasoning)是“使用理智从某些前提(Premises)产生 结论”的行动。
When we reason about any matter, weproduce arguments to support ourconclusions. Our arguments include reasons that we thinkjustify our beliefs.However, not all reasons are good reasons.Therefore we may always ask, when weconfront an argument:
Does the conclusion reachedfollowfrom thepremises assumed?To answer this question there areobjective criteria; in the study oflogic we seek to discover andapply those criteria.
Reasoning is not the only way in which people support assertions theymake or accept. They mayappeal to authorityorto emotion, which can be very persuasive, or they may rely, without reflection, simply on habits.
However,when someone wants to make judgments that can be completely relied upon,their onlysolid foundationwill be correct reasoning.Using the methods andtechniques of logic—one can distinguish reliably between sound and faulty reasoning.
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