Two BBC presenters are talking about online conspiracies. One questioned if Armstrong really landed on the moon and who shot Kennedy. Then, the topic naturally turned to Bill Gates. He is an example victim of bonkers claims because he funded research into Covid 19 vaccine. The conspiracies in this context refer to crazy, silly, baseless accusations against a person or an incident. Some conspiracies are very dangerous. How to help conspiracy believers see the truth?
Establish a basic understanding of the situation, the conspiracy theory and the believer.
Engage them in discussion by avoiding making sweeping judgement like "you are wrong".
Approach them on their own terms
Get to the bottom of legitimate concerns at the heart of conspiracies (the real but hidden reasons behind them)
Present facts and research
Be neutral
·和阴谋论者对话,不要随意评价说 “这是假的,你居然相信这么假的东西?”
·探究阴谋论产生的原因 (他们是出于怎样的合理担忧,才会相信谣言?)
conspiracy 阴谋论
down the rabbit hole 陷进复杂的事物(本来看着很有意思,很简单,实际上却很复杂,很曲折的事情)无底洞
bonkers 疯狂的 (adj)
psychology 心理学
debunk 拆穿、揭露
disdain 轻视/鄙视/不屑(就像我们对待流言、谣言、阴谋的态度)听见跟没听见一样
be unworthy of our attention and respect 不值得我们去关注或认真对待
dismissal 随意的打发/随意的处理行为
make sweeping statement 做一棒子打死一群人的全盘否定论断
get to the bottom of 深入调查/探究/仔细地查/深入地查
that's all for this program 本期节目就到此为止
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Tin foil hat 锡纸做的帽子