

英文 中文
We are an unusual couple, ya know? 我们是不寻常的一对知道吧
My wife and her flying saucers. 我妻子和她的飞碟啊
My husband and his indestructible head. 我丈夫和他坚不可摧的脑袋啊
Hello, dear. I'm Agnes, your neighbor to the right. 亲爱的我是艾格妮丝你右边的邻居
You're like a walking computer. 你就像台行走的电脑
What? I most certainly am not. 什么我才不是呢
Dinner with Mr. Hart and his dear lady wife, Mrs. Hart. 跟哈特先生和他的好妻子一起吃饭
What brought you here? 你们为什么会来这里
- How long have you been married? - Why did you come here? -你们结婚多久了-你们为什么搬来这里
Damn it, why? 该死为什么
Stop it. Stop it. 停下停下
Vision, help him. 幻视帮帮他
What was that? 什么声音
Wanda? 旺达
Yes, dear? 怎么了亲爱的
Are you using your powers to turn on the light? 你在用你的魔法开灯吗
Yes, dear. 是的亲爱的
Allow me, sweetheart. 我来吧亲爱的
What do you see? 你看到了什么
Only your lovely rose bushes. 只看到你那些可爱的玫瑰花丛
That's all? 没别的了吗
Are you using your night vision, Vision? 你用了你的夜视吗幻视
I assure you, my love, I see nothing amiss. 我向你保证亲爱的我什么都没看到
You have absolutely no reason to be frightened... 你根本不需要害怕...
You were saying? 你刚刚说什么
Actually, I did overhear a couple of lads at work 其实最近我上班的时候听几个同事
remarking on a few unsavory characters settling in the neighborhood. 提起附近出现了一些麻烦人物
Now, who knows what those ne'er-do-wells might be up to? 谁知道那些无所事事的家伙会干什么
Robbing houses, vandalizing property. 抢房子啊搞破坏啊
Walking through walls, moving objects without touching them. 穿墙啊不用手就能把东西移来移去吗
Wanda, darling, you can't be suggesting 旺达亲爱的你不会想说
my colleagues were referring to us. 我的同事们说的是我们吧
One of us should really determine the source of that sound. 我们中得有一个人搞清楚这声音到底是哪里来的
Yes, one of us should. 是啊得有一个人
Oh, this is getting ridiculous. 真是太扯了
I'm going to take a look. 我要看一看
Oh, God! Darling! 天啊亲爱的
Well, I think we handled that well. 看来我们应付得很好
Yes, I must say I'm rather proud of myself. 是的我要声明我很自豪
And look how you seized on the opportunity to redecorate. 瞧瞧你多么会把握重新装修的机会啊
This is better, isn't it? 这样更好吧
Wanda, darling? 旺达亲爱的
Yes, dear? 怎么了亲爱的
Get the light. 关灯
♪ WandaVision! ♪ ♪ 旺达幻视 ♪
♪ WandaVision! ♪ ♪ 旺达幻视 ♪
主演 旺达·马克西莫夫
♪ WandaVision Wa-WandaVision ♪ ♪ 旺达幻视旺达幻视 ♪
♪ WandaVision Wa-WandaVision ♪ ♪ 旺达幻视旺达幻视 ♪
♪ WandaVision Wa-WandaVision ♪ ♪ 旺达幻视旺达幻视 ♪
旺 达 幻 视
第 二 集
♪ WandaVision! ♪ ♪ 旺达幻视 ♪
Ladies and gentlemen, for my final trick, 女士们先生们最后一个魔法
I bring you the Cabinet of Mysteries. 我将为你们带来神秘柜
Darling, that's your cue. 亲爱的你该上场了
You said, "Cabinet of Mysteries?" 你说了"神秘柜"吗
I said, "The Cabinet of Mysteries." 我说了"神秘柜"
Oh, that's my cue. 那我该出场了
Holy Toledo! 我的老天啊
Darling, do all the other acts in the talent show 亲爱的那个才艺秀的其他表演节目
have such elaborate props? 都要用这么精良的道具吗
Are you kidding? 你在开玩笑吗
Fred and Linda are building a moat 弗雷德和琳达要做一条护城河
and a fully-functioning portcullis and no one even knows why. 还有一扇能开合的吊闸鬼知道是为什么
Let's keep going. 我们继续
Yes, yes. Where was I? Um... 对对我说到哪里了
Watch closely as I, Illusion, Master of Enigma, 看好了我是幻术大师充满了神秘
make my captivating assistant, Glamour, disappear. 我将让我迷人的美艳助手凭空消失
You really are very dashing. 你真的很有范儿
Mmm, thank you, darling. 谢谢你亲爱的
Fear not, Glamour. 不要害怕美艳助手
For I, Illusion, vow to bring you back exactly as you are. 我幻术大师保证将会让你完好归来
Abracadabra! 阿布拉卡达布拉
Yes, um, Wanda, you're not at all worried 好吧旺达你就不担心
that the audience might just see through this little charade? 这些观众可能会看穿这个小把戏吗
Well, that's the whole point. 这就是这个表演的意义啊
In a real magic act, everything is fake. 真正的魔术表演中一切都是假的
Darling, the talent show fundraiser 亲爱的才艺秀募捐会
is the most important event of the season 是每季度最重要的事
and it's our neighborly duty to participate. 我们住在这里就有义务参加
Plus, it's our chance to 再说了我们这样
appear as normal as possible while doing so. 也是一个尽量假装正常人的好机会
Well, I don't think that should be a problem. 我觉得那应该不成问题
This is our home now. 现在这里是我们的家了
I want us to fit in. 我希望我们可以融入进来
Oh, darling, we do. We shall. 亲爱的我们融入了我们会的
And we're gonna knock their socks off, 我们会把他们的袜子都惊艳掉
especially with you wearing this. 特别是等你穿上这个
Oh, that's actually the rest of your costume. 这正好是从你的服装上抠出来的那一块呢
Well, I better get going 要是我还想赶上
if I'm gonna make the planning committee meeting. 筹备委员会会议就得赶紧出发了
That's me off as well, actually. 我其实也要忙这事
There's a gathering of the neighborhood watch 社区联防会要在公共图书馆
at the public library. 集合开会
And after last night's excitement, 在经过昨天刺激的一晚以后
I want to make sure this town's security is up to snuff. 我要确保这个小镇的绝对安全
That's a swell idea. 真是一个好主意
You tell those tree branches who's boss. 告诉那些树杈子谁才是老大
Would you look at us? 瞧瞧我们啊
Wanda and Vision, Westview fitter-inners. 旺达和幻视融入西景的居民
I'll see you at curtain call. 谢幕时见
Look, it's the star o' the show. 瞧啊是我们的大主演
Agnes. 艾格妮丝
I'm sorry. What did you say? 不好意思你刚刚说什么
Oh, I brought my pet rabbit. For your magic act. 我给你送我的宠物兔给你们的魔术表演的
Yes, of course! Thank you, Agnes. 对了谢谢你艾格妮丝
We will take good care of him. 我们会照顾好它的
Senor Scratchy just loves the stage. 挠挠先生最喜欢舞台了
He played baby Jesus in last year's Christmas pageant. 它在去年的圣诞盛典上扮演了婴儿耶稣呢
Oh, morning, Dennis. 早上好丹尼斯
Morning, Agnes. 早上好艾格尼丝
Stick 'em up. 举起来
Don't shoot. I'm just a messenger. 别开枪我只是一个送信的
- Shall we? - Oh, we shall. -走吧-好的
So, are you ready to meet 你准备好见见
Queen Cul de Sac and her Merry Homemakers? 屁股皇后和她的那群快乐的主妇了吗
Agnes, Dottie can't be as bad as you say. 艾格尼丝多蒂不会像你说的那么坏的
Hmm, well, you'll notice her roses bloom under penalty of death. 你嗅一嗅她的玫瑰就会被判死刑了
Wanda, can I give you a bit of friendly advice? 旺达我能给你一点友好的建议吗
Is it about the way how I'm dressed? 是关于我的穿着吗
Yes, but it's too late for that. 那也需要不过已经太晚了
Dottie is the key to everything in this town. 多蒂是这个镇子上一切的关键
Country club memberships, parties, school admissions... 乡村俱乐部会员资格派对入学申请...
Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves. 还是别说得太早了
You get in with Dottie and 你和多蒂处好关系
it'll be smooth sailing from here on out. 你在这里就能如鱼得水
Just mind your P's and Q's and you're gonna do just fine. 凡事小心你绝对没问题的
Or maybe I could just be myself? More or less? 或者也许我能或多或少地做我自己
Oh, Wanda, that's good. 旺达那也很好
Everybody, hurry up please. 大家快一点
Hiya, Dottie! Your roses are divine. 你好多蒂你的玫瑰真是太棒了
Well, thank you. 谢谢你
The Rotary Club is finishing the stage set-up as we speak. 扶轮社在我们说话这会儿正在完成舞台布置
They've given the gazebo a fresh coat of paint 他们给凉亭重新刷了一层漆
and will be installing the final decorations 马上就要去镇广场上
all through the town square. 布置最后的装饰
And if you recognize the antique footlights, 如果你发现里面有古董脚灯
it's because they're from my store. 那是因为这是我店里出的
And the chairs? 椅子呢
I'm sorry, Dottie. I didn't ask about the chairs. 很抱歉多蒂我没有问椅子的事
So you better not ask me 那你以后也不要问我
if you can chair any committees in the future. 能不能主持任何一个委员会了呢
The devil's in the details, Bev. 恶魔往往藏在细节中贝芙
That's not the only place he is. 不仅仅只在细节中
As you all know, the talent show 大家都知道才艺秀
is the sole fundraiser for Westview Elementary. 是西景小学唯一的募捐会
This might help. 这也许能让你好过点
In the eight years since I founded our little club, 在我成立这个小团体的八年来
this event has gotten bigger and better every season. 这个盛会举办得越来越大越来越好
Say, those pants are peachy keen. 这些裤子可真漂亮
Do you really think so? 你真的这么觉得吗
The other ladies are in skirts. I was worried. 其他女士都穿了裙子我还担心呢
We only have a few hours until show time, 距离表演开始只有几个小时了
so a little less cross chatter and a little more focus. 所以少点闲聊多点关注
Okay. 好吧
Those little boys and girls are counting on us. 那些小男孩和小女孩都指望着我们呢
All of this is for the children. 一切都是为了孩子们
"For the children." 为了孩子们
"For the children." 为了孩子们
So, I want you all to give yourselves a big hand... 所以我希望大家都要热烈鼓掌...
...at the appropriate time, of course. 当然了是在恰当的时机
But first let's review event etiquette. 但首先我们来回顾一下活动礼仪
Dress code is upscale garden party... 着装要求是高档花园派对...
The only reason I didn't clap is because I'm afraid to move. 我不鼓掌的唯一原因是我吓得不敢动了
Yeah. 是啊
I actually don't know what I'm doing here. 我其实不知道自己来这儿干什么
I'm starting to feel that way myself. I'm Wanda. 我也有这种感觉了我叫旺达
I'm, uh... Geraldine. 我是杰拉丁
And I'm irritated. 我是很生气
Tickets for tonight are completely sold out. 今晚的票卖得一张都不剩了
Now, you can clap. 大家可以鼓掌了
And stop.
Really, how is anybody doing this sober? 讲真清醒的人怎么忍得了她这一套
- Let's say green. - Yeah. -绿的吧-嗯
I mean, the other side could be dirt. 另一边可能是尘土
Pardon me. Is this the neighborhood watch meeting? 打扰了请问这是社区联防会吗
Oh, hiya, Vision. 你好幻视
Didn't expect to see you here. 没想到你会来参加
This is sort of a "members only" type deal. 其实我们在聊"仅限内部成员"那种话题
Certainly. Right. Well... 是啊对
I'll just stay here and be as quiet as a church mouse 我就安安静静默不作声地待着
till you open up the floor for new business. 等你们说到新的话题
Well, in truth, we were just getting to new business. 其实我们正好要说到新话题
Oh, splendid! 那太好了
Could you tell me how often you rotate security patrols? 能告诉我你们巡逻多久换一次岗吗
Do you interface directly with local law enforcement? 你们直接跟本地的执法部门对接吗
What are your protocols regarding threats 你们对于入室盗窃
such as burglary, graffiti, and reckless driving? 涂鸦和危险驾驶等威胁的规程是什么
- No, Vision. - I know these are indeed grave matters. -不幻视-我知道这些事情十分重要
"New business" actually means another round of Danish. "新话题"其实是再吃一轮酥皮点心的意思
Raspberry or cheese-filled? 你要树莓馅的还是奶酪馅的
Oh, neither for me, thank you. I don't eat food. 谢谢不必了我不吃食物
What I mean to say is that 我是说
I don't eat food in between meals but at mealtimes. 我两顿饭之间不吃食物三餐还是吃的
I'm a regular eating machine. 按时吃饭有如机器
Hey, fellas. Vision here has got a point. 朋友们幻视说得有道理
Now, listen up. I got some top secret intelligence for you. 听我说我有绝密情报要告诉你们
Oh, excellent. 太好了
Now, you know how Johnson's been braggin' about 你们知道约翰逊一直在吹嘘
that treehouse he built for his kids? 他亲手为孩子们建的树屋吗
Yeah. 知道
It's a prefab job. 其实是预置的
That blockhead can't even swing a hammer. 那个傻瓜连挥锤子都不会
I can do you one better. 我给你们讲个更好的
You know those bowling trophies Arthur's always polishing? 你们知道亚瑟常常擦拭的那些保龄球奖杯吗
He bought 'em all at a yard sale in Hackensack. 那些都是他从哈肯萨克的庭院跳蚤市场买的
I knew it. I've never once seen him down at the lanes. 我就知道我从来没在保龄球场见过他
I too have some top secret gossip to share. 我也有绝密八卦要分享
Norm here's a Communist. 诺曼是个共产党人
Vision, you're a real cut-up. 幻视你真会开玩笑
You know, I always thought you were kind of a square. 我总觉得你有点方头方脑的
Me? No, I'm as round as they come. 我吗不我圆得很
Hey, care for a stick o' Big Red? 想来一条大红口香糖吗
Well, hold on there a second. 等一下
Didn't you hear the man? He doesn't eat food. 你没听他说吗他不吃食物的
Is gum food? 口香糖算是食物吗
Well, my understanding is that it's purely for mastication. 我觉得这种东西纯粹是为了咀嚼
No, I don't do that. 我不嚼
Well, when in Westview... Cheers. 既然都来西景了...干杯
Who knew you were such a funny guy? 原来你是个这么风趣的人
And to think you came here 你刚进来的时候
all hot and bothered about protocols and nonsense. 还一心挂念着规程什么的
We actually thought you were serious. 我们还以为你是认真的
He's funny. All right, so, back to this barbeque. 他真逗好了继续说烤肉的事
That is why you never do a seating chart on an empty stomach. 所以安排座位前一定要填饱肚子
Golly, you're a whiz at all this committee stuff, Dottie. 天啊多蒂你真是这些委员会事务的魔法师
Thank you for choosing me 谢谢你今天选择我
to help you clean up today. I feel so lucky. 帮你收拾现场我觉得好幸运
You are. 你的确很幸运
I can't help but wonder if you and I 多蒂我不禁在想
haven't gotten off on the wrong foot, Dottie. 我们是不是一开始没给彼此留下好印象
And I would like to correct that if I can. 如果可以我想扭转这一点
And how would you do that? 你要怎么做到
I've heard things about you. 我听说过关于你的传闻
You and your husband. 你和你丈夫
Well, I don't know what you've been told, 我不知道你听说了什么
but I assure you I don't mean anyone any harm. 但我向你保证我对谁都没有恶意
I don't believe you. 我不相信你
Wanda. Wanda, can you read me, over? 旺达旺达能收到吗完毕
- Wanda? - Who is that? -旺达-那是谁
Wanda? 旺达
Who are you? 你又是谁
Wanda? 旺达
Wanda. 旺达
Who is doing this to you, Wanda? 是谁把你变成这样了旺达
Wanda? Wanda? Wan... 旺达旺达旺...
Dottie! 多蒂
You... Oh! 你...
Pop quiz, Wanda. 突击测验旺达
How does a housewife get a bloodstain out of white linen? 家庭主妇如何洗掉白亚麻布上的血迹
By doing it herself. 答案是自己洗
They say a man is never fully-dressed 人们说男人有这两样重要配饰
without two important accessories. 才算盛装打扮好了
His special lady... 他的特别女伴
and his Strücker. 和他的"男爵"手表
Strücker. He'll make time for you. 男爵他会为你腾出时间
Glad I don't have to follow this guy. 幸好我不是跟在这男人后面表演
Huh? What? 什么
Oh, but you're gonna be great. 但你会表现出色的
What time is it now? 现在几点了
Mmm, two minutes after the last time you asked. 从你上次问完过了两分钟
I don't know where he could be. 我不知道他在哪里
Oh, is that him? 那是他吗
Well, it looks like he's got a little hitch in his giddy-up. 他看起来有点步履蹒跚
Wanda, my little cabbage, you look smashing! 旺达我的小卷心菜你看起来真美
Vis. 小幻
Where have you been? 你跑哪去了
Uh, well, me and the boys were playing 我和兄弟们玩了个
a rather thrilling game of horses with shoes. 很刺激的穿鞋马游戏
No, that's not it. 不不对
Shoe horses! No. 是鞋马也不对
Ah! Horse's shoes. 是马的鞋
Listen, something strange happened with Dottie. 听着多蒂身上发生了奇怪的事
Well, something strange happened before that, too. 在那之前也发生了奇怪的事
It's hard to explain. 我很难解释
I was just playing with his shoes. 我刚才在玩他的鞋子
What is going on? 到底怎么回事
You are! 该你了
I want to thank you all for coming out 非常感谢大家前来支持
to support Westview Elementary, "For the children." 西景小学"为了孩子们"才艺秀
"For the children." "为了孩子们"
And for our final act... 最后一个节目
I give you, Wanda and Vision. 请欢迎旺达和幻视
Hey! Hey! You're up, Cowboy! 喂该你上了牛仔
What? 什么
Oh! Yeah! I've to go! 对该我上了
Hello, Westview! Good afternoon. 下午好西景的朋友们
It's so lovely to be... 非常高兴来到
I'm so sorry. Excuse me. 对不起不小心的
I am Glamour 我是美艳大师
and this is my delightful assistant, Illusion. 这是我可爱的助手幻术小姐
I am Glamour and he's Illusion. 我才是美艳小姐他是幻术大师
Yeah, what she said. 她说得对
Today, we will lie to you 今天我们会骗你们
and yet you will believe our little deceptions 但你们却会相信我们的小把戏
because human beings are easily fooled 因为人类对宇宙的内部运作
due to their limited 理解有限
understanding of the inner workings of the universe. 所以很容易被骗
Flourish! 瞧好了
You just do it, you don't say it out loud, honey. 别大声说出来了赶紧表演亲爱的
And now my wife and I will delight 现在我和我太太就等着看
in your dumbstruck little faces. 你们的蠢脸上的吃惊表情了
Flourish! 瞧好了
Ha! See there? He's using a rope. 看到了吗他用了绳子
Wanda, what's... Oh, no! Oh! No! Wanda, please! 旺达怎么回事不不不旺达拜托
Darling, let me down! 亲爱的放我下来
I'm feeling pukey! 我要吐了
Uh, what's next? 接下来是什么来着
Oh! Yeah, this is... This is gonna be great! 想起来了是非常精彩的一个节目
A staggering feat of strength. 展现我的超凡实力
Illusion... 幻术大师
Illusion, Master of Enigma, allow me. 充满神秘的幻术大师让我试试
What? 什么
You weren't supposed to see how we did that trick. 我们变戏法的秘密可不该让观众看见啊
That was my grandmother's piano. 那是我祖母的钢琴
Oh, Sherbert! Yeah, this is my old mate, Sherbert. 谢布特这是我的老朋友谢布特
Stand up, Sherbert. Say hello to the crowd. 快起来谢布特跟大家问个好
It's Herbert, Herb. 我是赫布特赫
Pipe down, Sherbie, and pick a card. Any card. 安静点谢布选一张牌随便选
Yeah, put it back in the deck. 现在放回牌堆里
I'm not looking. All right. Watch this. 我没看哦好了看我的
Is this your card? 这是你的牌吗
Uh, no. 不是
I beg to differ. 我可不同意
Really? Is this your card? 真的吗这是你的牌吗
Vision... 幻视
Is this your card? Is this your card? 这是你的牌吗这是你的牌吗
Is this your card? Is this your card? 这是你的牌吗这是你的牌吗
Is this your card? 这是你的牌吗
Argh! Is this your card? Is this your card? 这是你的牌吗这是你的牌吗
- No. No. No. No. - Is this your card? -不是 -这是你的牌吗
Is this your card? Is this your card? 这是你的牌吗这是你的牌吗
Is this your card? 这是你的牌吗
Oh, it is! 这张是
It is what? 是什么
It's my card. 是我的牌
Well, pardon me, Herb. Have it back. 不好意思赫布还给你
Oh, no, you did the trick right. 不是你的魔术成功了
Well, of course I did the trick right! I'm Illusion! 我的魔术当然成功了我可是幻术大师
Flourish! 瞧好了
And now, for my next trick... 现在我的下一个魔术
Oh, goodness me. 我的老天
Who stole my hat? 谁偷走了我的帽子
Oh! Oh, stop that rabbit! 快抓住那只兔子
I gotta need to pull a hat out of it. 我得从兔子里变出一顶帽子
Senor Scratchy's got real star quality, don't you think? 挠挠先生有当大明星的潜质是不是
Maybe we leave the poor bunny out this one, shall we? 我们别折腾可怜的小兔子了好吗
Well then, I will just have to pull this hat... 那好吧那我就把这顶帽子
...out of myself. 从我身体里变出来
Vision, no. 幻视别
I'm doin' it. 我要开始了
If only you all knew our secret. 大家肯定不知道我们怎么变的
Is that how mirrors work? 镜子能起到这个作用吗
Shut up, Bev. 闭嘴贝芙
And now, ladies and gentlemen, for our grand finale. 女士们先生们现在是我们的压轴大戏
I bring you, The Magnet of Crysteries! 我为大家带来神柜秘
The Cabinet of Mysteries! 是神秘柜
Yeah, yeah. What she said. 对对就是她说的这个
I will now make my wife... 现在我要让我的妻子
...disappear. 消失不见
Are you sure you don't want 你确定你不需要观众志愿者吗
an audience volunteer named "My husband Ralph?" 比如我丈夫拉夫
No. Abracadabra! 不要阿布拉卡达布拉
- Uh, sweetheart? - Yeah? -亲爱的-怎么了
Hi. 我在这呢
What's in the box? 柜子里有什么
What's in the box? What's in the box? What's in the box? 柜子里有什么柜子里有什么
Yeah, what's in the box? 对啊柜子里有什么
What's in the box? What's in the box? 柜子里有什么柜子里有什么
What's in the box? What's in the box? 柜子里有什么柜子里有什么
Oh, yes! 太棒了
Flourish. 瞧好了
Let's get outta here. 我们走吧
Sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. 对不起对不起我很抱歉
- I'm so stupid. - Vis? Vis, it's all right. -我太蠢了-小幻没关系
It's all right. It's all right. It's all right. 没事没关系
But what is going on with you? 但是你到底怎么了
I have no idea. I've been feeling weirdy all day. 我不知道我今天一直感觉很奇怪
Okay. Okay. Okay. 好好的没事
Would you look at that? 你看看啊
That really gummed up my works, didn't it? 把我的零件都黏住了对吧
I'm not as funny without it, am I? 没有这个我就没那么好玩了吧
Well, you're back to yourself and that's all I care about. 你恢复正常了这是我唯一在意的事
Now, let's get out of here before Dottie 现在让我们赶在多蒂和规划委员会
and the planning committee string us up for ruining the show. 指责我们破坏了整场表演之前离开
You two, stop right there. 你们两个站住
Nothing like what you two just did up here 我们的才艺秀上从来没有出现过
has ever happened in the history of our talent show. 像你们俩刚才那样的表演
Dottie, we are so... 多蒂我们非常
Hilarious. 太搞笑了
That was the most hilarious act we've ever seen. 这是我们看过的最搞笑的表演了
Wouldn't you all agree? 你们说是不是
Oh, yes. 就是这样
You two, come on up. Come on. 你们两个上台来上来
On behalf of the planning committee, 我代表规划委员会
I would like to award you 向你们颁发首届
with the inaugural Comedy Performance of the Year. 年度最佳喜剧表演奖
Oh, thank you. 谢谢
I have to ask. 我想问一下
One second, I'm backstage and in the next, 上一秒我还在后台下一秒
I'm in a dark cubby hole. 我就出现在一个小暗室里
How'd you do it? 你是怎么做到的
Oh, a magician never reveals his secrets. 一位魔术师从来不会泄露魔术的秘密
He leaves that to his assistant. 他都交给助手来解答
And she's not talking. 助手也不会说的
I had a feeling you'd say that. 我就知道你会这么说
"For the children!" "为了孩子们"
"For the children!" "为了孩子们"
You were tremendous, Glamour. 你真是太棒了美艳助手
As were you, Illusion. 你也是幻术大师
I don't know what I was so worried about. 我都不知道我之前在担心些什么
It wasn't so hard to fit in after all. 搞好邻里关系也不是这么难呀
And all we had to do was be ourselves. 我们只需要做自己就好了
Well, with a few modifications. 但是需要做一点点的改变
- And it was all for the children. - For the children. -都是为了孩子们-为了孩子们
Well, I think the children might need some popcorn. 我想孩子们需要来一点爆米花
Wanda. 旺达
Hmm, what? 怎么了
Vision... Is this really happening? 幻视这一切是真的吗
Yes, my love. 是真的亲爱的
It's really happening. 这一切都是真的
If it's that damn tree again, 如果还是那棵该死的树
I am going to rip it out by the roots! 我一定把它连根拔了
I don't see anything. 我什么都没看到
What is that? 怎么了
Wanda. 旺达
Vision... Is this really happening? 幻视这一切是真的吗
Yes, my love. 是真的亲爱的
It's really happening. 这一切都是真的
Vision... 幻视
Wanda? Who's doing this to you, Wanda? 旺达是谁把你变成这样了旺达
Wanda? 旺达


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