

英文 中文
♪ A newlywed couple just moved to town ♪ ♪ 一对新婚夫妇刚搬来小镇 ♪
♪ A regular husband and wife ♪ ♪ 他们就是对寻常的夫妻 ♪
♪ Who left the big city To find a quiet life ♪ ♪ 他们离开了大城市想寻找安宁生活 ♪
♪ WandaVision! ♪ ♪ 旺达幻视 ♪
♪ She's a magical gal In a small town locale ♪ ♪ 她是身处小镇的魔法女孩 ♪
♪ He's a hubby who's part machine ♪ ♪ 他是个半机械的丈夫 ♪
♪ How will this duo fit in and fulfill all? ♪ ♪ 这对二人组将如何融入实现梦想 ♪
主演 旺达·马克西莫夫
♪ By sharing a love like you've never seen ♪ ♪ 他们之间的爱你前所未见 ♪
♪ WandaVision! ♪ ♪ 旺达幻视 ♪
旺达幻视 第一集
My wife and her flying saucers. 我妻子和她的飞碟啊
My husband and his indestructible head. 我丈夫和他坚不可摧的脑袋啊
Aren't we a fine pair? 我们真是绝妙的一对
What do you say to silver dollar pancakes, 你觉得薄松饼
crispy hash browns, bacon, eggs, 脆土豆煎饼培根鸡蛋
freshly squeezed orange juice, and black coffee? 鲜榨橙汁和黑咖啡如何
I say, "Oh, I don't eat food." 我觉得"我不吃食物"
Well, that explains the empty refrigerator. 怪不得冰箱里是空的
Wanda? 旺达
Is there something special about today? 今天有什么特别之处吗
Well, I know the apron is a bit much, dear, 我知道这围裙有点过了亲爱的
but I am doing my best to blend in. 但我在尽力融入嘛
No, no, there on the calendar. 不不是日历
Someone's drawn a little heart right above today's date. 有人在今天的日期上画了颗小心心
Oh, yes, the heart. 是啊小心心
Well, don't tell me you have forgotten, Vis. 别告诉我你忘了小幻
"Forgotten"? "忘了"
Oh, Wanda, I'm incapable of forgetfulness. I remember everything. 旺达我是不会遗忘的我什么都会记住
That's not an exaggeration. 这毫不夸张
In fact, I'm incapable of exaggeration. 事实上我从不夸大其词
Well, then tell me what's so important about today's date. 那告诉我今天有什么重要的
What was the question again? 你问什么来着
Oh, well, perhaps, you've forgotten yourself. 好吧或许是你忘了
Me? Heavens, no. I've been so looking forward to it. 我天啊没有我一直好期待呢
As have I. 我也是
Today, we are celebrating... 今天我们要庆祝...
You bet we are. 当然了
It's the first time we... 是我们第一次...
...have ever celebrated this occasion before. ...庆祝这件事呢
It's a special day! 是个特别的日子
- Perhaps an evening... - Of great significance... -或许这个夜晚-非常重要
- To us both! - Naturally. -对我们都是-当然了
- Obviously. - Exactly. -还用说吗-就是啊
Well done, us. 我们真是好样的
All right. 好吧
Well, that's me off to work, then. 那我去上班了
Oh, don't forget! 别忘了
I haven't. 我没有
Have a good day, dear! 今天愉快亲爱的
Hello, dear. I'm Agnes, 你好亲爱的我是艾格妮丝
your neighbor to the right. 你右边的邻居
My right, not yours. 我右边不是你的
Forgive me for not stopping by sooner 请原谅我没早点来拜访
to welcome you to the block. 欢迎你搬来这里
My mother-in-law was in town, so I wasn't. 我婆婆之前来了所以我走了
So, what's your name? Where are you from? 你叫什么你从哪来
And most importantly, how's your bridge game, hon? 最重要的是你桥牌打得如何亲爱的
I'm Wanda. 我是旺达
Wanda. Charmed. 旺达幸会
Golly, you settled in fast! 天啊你安顿得挺快
Did you use a moving company? 你找了搬家公司吗
I sure did. Those boxes don't move themselves. 是的那些箱子总不会自己动
So what's a single gal like you 你这样一个单身姑娘
doing rattling around this big house? 怎么会住这么一间大房子呢
Oh, no, I'm not single. 不我不是单身
Oh, I don't see a ring. 我没看到戒指啊
Well, I assure you I'm married. 相信我我结婚了
To a man. A human one and tall. 嫁给了个男人人类还很高
As a matter of fact, 事实上
he'll be home later tonight for a special occasion. 他今晚稍后会回家庆祝特别日子
Just the two of us. 就我们俩
Oh, is it somebody's birthday? 是谁的生日吗
Not a birthday. 不是生日
Well, today isn't a holiday, is it? 今天也不是节日吧
No, it's not a holiday. 不不是节日
An anniversary then? 那是纪念日吗
Ye... Yes! 是的
Yes! It's our anniversary! 是的是我们的纪念日
Oh, how marvelous! 太棒了
How many years? 多少年了
Well, it feels like we've always been together. 感觉好像我们一直在一起
Lucky gal. 真幸运
The only way Ralph would remember our anniversary 如果想让拉夫记得我们的纪念日
is if there was a beer named June 2nd. 除非有款啤酒叫6月2日
- So, what do you have planned? - How do you mean? -那你打算做点什么-什么意思
For your special night. 特别之夜啊
A young thing like you doesn't have to do much, 你这样的年轻姑娘不需要太努力
but it's still fun to set the scene. 但布置一下还是很有趣的
Say, I was just reading a crackerjack magazine article 话说我之前还读了篇很有品味的杂志文章
called "How To Treat Your Husband To Keep Your Husband," 叫"如何对待丈夫能留住丈夫"
and let me tell you, what Ralph could really use 告诉你拉夫需要的是
is, "How To Goose Your Wife So You Don't Lose Your Wife." "如何伺候妻子能不失去妻子"
Hang on. I'll go grab it and we can start planning. 等等我去拿来我们开始策划
Oh, this is gonna be a gas! 这肯定很好玩
♪ Or you don't go out Friday night Yakety yak! ♪ ♪ 不然你周五晚上就别去了 ♪
♪ You just put on your coat and hat ♪ ♪ 你只要穿上外套戴上帽子 ♪
Here are those computational forms that you requested, Norm. 这是你要的计算表格诺曼
There you go.
Gee willikers, that was fast! 老天爷太快了吧
The music isn't bothering you, is it, pal? 那音乐你不觉得烦吧伙计
In terms of distraction from work, 你是问干扰我工作吗
or the largely nonsensical nature of the lyrics? 还是问歌词无意义让不让我困扰
- The first one. - Ah, no, thank you, Norm. -第一种-不会谢谢诺曼
Is there somethin' I can help you with, buddy? 需要我帮你什么忙吗伙计
Yes, as a matter of fact, there is. 事实上还真有件事
Would you be so good as to tell me 你能不能告诉我
what it is we do here exactly? 我们究竟在这里做什么
Do we make something? 我们制造什么东西吗
- No. - Right. -不-好吧
Do we buy or sell something? 我们购买或出售什么吗
No and no. 都不是
Then what is the purpose of this company? 那这家公司有什么用
All I know is, since you've gotten here, 我只知道自你来后
productivity has gone up 300%. 生产力增长了300%
Yes, but what is it we're producing? 是啊但我们究竟生产了什么
Computational forms. 计算表格
And no one can process the data quite like you do, pal. 没有人能像你那样处理数据伙计
You're like a walking computer. 你就像台行走的电脑
What? I most certainly am not. 什么我才不是呢
I'm a regular carbon-based employee 我就是个普通的完全由
made entirely of organic matter, 有机物构成的碳基雇员
much like yourself, Norm. 跟你没什么区别诺曼
What's got your feathers all ruffled? 你生什么气
Yes, I'm sorry, I'm a tad on edge. 是啊抱歉我有点紧张
You see, it appears there's something special about today, 今天似乎有什么特别之处
special to Wanda, that's my wife, 今天对旺达我的妻子很特别
and gee, I can't, for the life of me, recall what it is. 天啊我怎么也想不起是什么事
Good to see you. 见到你很高兴
- Vision. - Yes? -幻视-什么
Wife and I are looking forward to this evening. 我和太太很期待今晚
Mr. Hart. Of course! 哈特先生当然
Dinner with Mr. Hart and his dear lady wife, Mrs. Hart. 跟哈特先生和他的好妻子一起吃饭
That's what I said. What's wrong with you, son? 我刚刚不都说了吗你什么毛病
Have you got a screw loose? 你哪里螺丝松了吗
Oh, no, sir. Screws all tightened, sir. 没有先生螺丝都紧着呢
Yes, I should hope so. 那最好了
Employee dinners are a rite of passage 雇员晚餐对于新雇员来说
for the new hires. 算是个成人礼
Jones over there failed miserably. 琼斯就一败涂地
Isn't that right, Jones? 是吧琼斯
The wife thought five courses would be sufficient. 我妻子以为五道菜就足够了
And there was that paltry excuse for entertainment. 还有那可怜巴巴的娱乐项目
A string quartet? 弦乐四重奏
And then you had that embarrassing display of beatnik enthusiasm. 然后你还丢人地展现了对垮掉一代的热忱
I wore a turtleneck. 我穿了件翻领毛衣
Yes. Best of luck out there in the unemployment line, Jones. 是啊祝失业的你好运了琼斯
You know, I owe my success to being a keen judge of character. 我的成功多亏了会看人
No skeletons in your closet, eh, Vision? 你的柜子里没有骷髅吧幻视
I don't have a skeleton, sir. 我没有骨骼先生
Glad to hear it. Your future in this company depends on it. 太好了你在本公司的未来就在此一举了
And you don't have a song? 你们没有什么歌吗
Nothing special you played at your wedding? 在婚礼上演奏过的特别的曲子
No, nothing special. 没有什么特别的
I'll just loan you some records then. 那我借你些唱片吧
So, we've got music covered, decor, wardrobe. 我们说了音乐装饰衣服
What about seduction techniques? 那诱惑技巧呢
Oh, I have those. 那个我会
Of course, you do. 你当然会了
Just out of curiosity, what does it say? 就想问问上面都说了什么
That you should stumble 你走进房间时
when you walk into a room so he can catch you. 该被绊倒好让他接住你
It's romantic. 多浪漫
Any other tricks? 还有别的招数吗
You could point out that the death rate of single men 你可以告诉他单身男子的死亡率
is twice that of married men. 是已婚男的两倍
Now, that's romantic. 那才叫浪漫呢
Vision residence. 幻视家
- Wanda, darling. - Vision, sweetheart. -旺达亲爱的-幻视亲爱的
Listen, about tonight... 今晚的事
Don't worry, dear. I have everything under control. 别担心亲爱的我有数
Oh, well, that is a relief. 那太好了
I must confess, I'm really rather nervous. 我得承认我好紧张
"Nervous"? Whatever for? "紧张"为什么
Well, you know, darling, I still get a little tongue-tied. 亲爱的你知道我有时还会张口结舌
Vis, after all this time... 小幻都这么久了...
There's an awful lot riding on this one, Wanda. 此事事关重大旺达
If tonight doesn't go just so, I think this could be the end. 如果今晚不顺利那可能要完了
Well, it's just one night. There's no need to get dramatic. 也就一晚嘛没必要那么夸张
Look, I think the best course of action is to impress the wife. 我觉得最好的办法就是取悦妻子
And I think the best course of action is to impress the husband. 我觉得最好的办法是取悦丈夫
Well, wonderful! 太棒了
Glad to know we're both on the same page. 很高兴我们的意见一致
Until tonight, then, my, darling. 那今晚见了亲爱的
Until tonight. 今晚见
Is your husband tired of you burning his toast? 你丈夫是不是厌倦了你烤糊他的吐司
Try our new and improved ToastMate 2000. 试试我们新改进的吐司伙伴2000吧
It's the go-to for clever housewives. 这是聪明主妇的首选
Say, this machine has some shine. 哇这台机器真亮眼
You said it. 可不是
Set the dial and get the taste back into your toast. 调好调谐钮让你的吐司美味如初
Top and bottom heating elements can handle anything 上下加热元件能应对一切
from meatloaf, to cherry pie, to open-faced cheese sandwiches. 从肉卷到樱桃派到露面奶酪三明治
The all new ToastMate 2000 by Stark Industries. 斯塔克工业的新吐司伙伴2000
Forget the past. This is your future. 遗忘过去这是你的未来
Here we are! 我们来了
How very atmospheric! 真有气氛
What's going on here, Vision? You blow a fuse? 怎么回事幻视烧断了保险丝吗
Pardon me while I just go and fetch the lady of the house. 请原谅我去找找我太太
Guess who? 猜猜是谁
Wanda! 旺达
Vision. 幻视
What is the meaning of this? 这怎么回事
Well, what is... 怎么...
Yeah, what is the meaning of... 是啊这怎么回事
Oh, the meaning of it! 怎么回事
You want to know the meaning of it 你想问这是怎么回事
and the meaning of it is that 是这么回事
this is the traditional Sokovian greeting of hospitality. 这是索科威亚传统的待客礼节
- Guess who? - Is that my host behind me? -猜猜是谁-我身后是主人吗
It certainly is. 是的
- Lovely to make your acquaintance. - Yes! -认识你很高兴-是啊
See, I forgot to tell you my wife is from Europe. 我忘记告诉你我妻子是欧洲人
Oh, how exotic! 真有异域风情
We don't break bread with Bolsheviks. 我们可不跟布尔什维克分子一起吃饭
Oh, hush, Arthur! 得了亚瑟
Have you no culture at all? 怎么这么没文化
And that dress! 那裙子
Yes! It's... It's so... Sokovian, is what it is! Yes! 是啊真是...索科威亚的风格是的
Can I just see you in the kitchen for a moment, sweetheart? 可以到厨房来一下吗亲爱的
Oh, yes! 好的
- Who are those people? - What are you wearing? -他们是谁-你穿的是什么啊
- Why are they here? - What are you wearing? -他们为什么会来-你穿的是什么啊
Well, it's our anniversary! 这不是我们的纪念日吗
Our anniversary of what? 我们的什么纪念日
Well, if you don't know, I'm not going to tell you! 如果你不知道我才不告诉你呢
That... That man through there is my boss, Mr. Hart! 外面那人是我老板哈特先生
And his dear lady wife, Mrs. Hart! 还有他的妻子哈特太太
The heart on the calendar was an abbreviation! 日历上的心心是个缩写
You move at the speed of sound 你能以音速移动
and I can make a pen float through the air. 而我能让笔在空中飞
Who needs to abbreviate? 谁需要缩写了
Darling, listen, it's all romantic to do 亲爱的听着虽然这很浪漫
the candles, the music, 蜡烛音乐
- that stunning outfit... - Well... -还有这件美艳的衣服-嗯
I don't wanna be unappreciative, but right now... 我不想不知好歹但现在
Your boss and his wife are expecting a home-cooked meal. 你老板和妻子在等一顿家常晚宴
Exactly. 是的
Any chance they'd settle for 他们会不会满足于
a single chocolate-covered strawberry split three ways? 三人分一颗涂了巧克力的草莓
I might have a better idea. 我可能有更好的主意了
So I said, "If we orient the forms 于是我说"如果我们把表格
horizontally rather than vertically, 横向排而不是纵向排
"We can use twice the paper, we can bill twice the cost." 我们可以用两倍的纸要两倍的成本价"
You truly are a pioneer! 您真是个先锋
But the larger purpose of the forms is... 但表格更大层面上的意义是
Was to analyze our input and our output. 是为了分析我们的输入和产出
You're awfully dense, aren't you, Vision? 你还真蠢啊是吧幻视
Oh, Agnes! You're a life-saver! 艾格妮丝你救我命了
What kind of housewife would I be 作为家庭主妇
if I didn't have a gourmet meal for four 我怎么可能没法随时拿出
just lying about the place? 一顿四人份的大餐
Well... 嗯...
Not that Ralph ever wants to eat anything but baked beans 不过拉夫从来也就只想吃烤豆子
which explains a lot about his personal appeal, mind you. 也怪不得他是那副样子呢
Oh, my! 天啊
Do you think Wanda needs help in the kitchen? 旺达需不需要我去厨房帮忙
We haven't any tidbits or tartlets out here, 我们连菠萝块或水果馅饼都没看到
nary a pig in a blanket. 甚至没有猪包毯
No, that... 不...
No, that's so kind of you, Mrs. Hart. 您太客气了哈特太太
But I'm sure she's absolutely fine in there! 但我相信她没问题的
Oh, thank you, Agnes. I think I've got it covered from here. 谢谢艾格妮丝我想接下来我自己就行
Oh, are you sure, dear? 你确定吗亲爱的
Many hands make light work. And many mouths make good gossip. 人多力量大多张嘴才是好八卦
You're so naughty! 你好坏啊
Oh, shall I just pre-heat the oven then, dear? 那我给你预热下烤箱吧亲爱的
- That won't be necessary. - Oh, All right, then. -不用了-那好吧
Well, I know you're in a pinch 我知道你着急
so this menu can be done in a snap. 这份食谱很好完成
Lobster Thermidor with mini-minced meat turnovers to start. 先上热月龙虾配碎肉馅饼
Chicken à la King with 第二道菜做
twice-cooked new potatoes for your second course, 奶油鸡块配回锅新土豆
and Steak Diane and mint jellies for your main. 主菜是戴安娜牛柳和薄荷果冻
Do you set your own jellies, dear? 你自己做果冻吗亲爱的
- Yes. - Good girl. -是的-好样的
Recipe cards are on the counter there. 食谱卡就在柜台上
Bon appétit! 好胃口
You men stay put. 你们男人别动
I sense a domestic emergency, 我看是家务告急了
Mrs. Hart, please don't. You can't. 哈特太太别不行
You... Please...
* Yeah, take out the papers and the trash * * 拿报纸丢垃圾 *
* Or you won't get no spending cash * * 不然没你的零花钱 *
* If you don't scrub the kitchen floor * * 如果你不把厨房擦干净 *
* You ain't gonna rock and roll no more * * 就再别想玩摇滚 *
* Yakety yak! Don't talk back * * 絮絮叨叨别顶嘴 *
Well, why don't we have a nice sing-a-long, 我们大家一起
all together then, shall we? 跟着唱吧
Oh, no, too much! 不太过了
Oh, no, not enough! 不太嫩了
* Old MacDonald had a farm * * 老麦当劳有座农场 *
* Ee-I-Ee-I-O * * 咿呀咿呀呦 *
* And on that farm he had a... * * 他的农场里有... *
* had a... * * 头... *
* Pig. * * 头猪 *
* Ee-I-Ee-I-O * * 咿呀咿呀呦 *
-* With a... * -* Oink, oink... * -* 这里 - 哼哼 *
-* Here and a... * -* Oink, oink... * -* 一声那里 - 哼哼 *
- * There * -* Here an oink, there an oink * -* 一声 - 这里哼哼那里哼哼 *
* Everywhere an oink, oink * * 到处都是哼哼声 *
* Old MacDonald had a farm * * 老麦当劳有座农场 *
* Ee-I-Ee-I-O * * 咿呀咿呀呦 *
Oh, what was I supposed to do next? 我接下来该怎么办
Oh, what was the main course again? 主菜是什么来着
It was... Steak... 是...牛排...
No. Steak... 不牛排
Steak... Diane! 牛排戴安娜
Yes? 什么
Oh, I think that must be my wife summoning me. 肯定是我妻子在喊我了
She calls you "Diane?" 她喊你"戴安娜"吗
Yes, it's her pet name for me. 是的是她给我起的昵称
I'm just coming, Fred. 我就来弗莱德
Excuse me a moment. 失陪一下
Oh, no.
How can I be of assistance? 要我怎么帮你
Well, the chicken is no longer a chicken 鸡已经不成鸡样了
and the lobsters just flew the coop 龙虾也飞出去了
so the steak is the last man standing. 所以只剩牛排了
It says here I can cut down the prep time with a meat tenderizer. 这里说我可以用嫩肉剂缩减准备时间
Excellent plan. Where's the tenderizer? 好计划嫩肉剂在哪
I'm looking at him. 你就是
Hoo-hoo in there! 喂喂
Hoo-hoo back to you! 你也喂喂
Okay. 好了
Finish the meat, find the lobsters. I'll be right back. 把肉打好找到龙虾我就回来
I hope you're hungry. 希望你们饿了
Starved, is more like it. 饿死了差不多
My head is starting to feel woozy. 我脑袋都开始晕了
Were either of you aware 你们知道吗
that married men are killing single men at an alarming rate? 已婚男人在以令人担忧的速度杀死单身男人
What are you going on about? 你说什么呢
And what's going on in there? 那里面又怎么回事
Who could that be? 那会是谁
Coming! 来了
Oh, you didn't answer the back door. 我敲后门你没开
For your upside-down cake. 给你做倒置水果蛋糕的
I... 我...
Who was that? 那是谁
- A salesman! - Telegram! -推销员-电报员
A man selling telegrams. 卖电报的人
Wouldn't you know it. Good news is more expensive. 能想象吗好消息要更贵
I couldn't find the lobsters 我找不到龙虾
and did you want the meat tender or pulverized? 肉是要打到嫩还是打成泥
Oh, dear. 天啊
Well. I think tonight's going swimmingly. 今晚进行得还真顺利呢
Anyone for Parcheesi? 有人想玩飞行棋吗
- My head is spinning. - Oh, Mrs. Hart... -我的头好晕-哈特太太
Did you hear that? My wife's head is spinning. 听到了吗我太太都头晕了
Generally speaking, I don't like her head to do that. 一般来说我不喜欢她的头那样
Time to improvise. 得随机应变了
You know, I'm beginning to think 我开始觉得
you're not management material, Vision. 你不是做管理的料幻视
You know, I had high hopes for you. 我原本对你期望很高
But from what I've seen here tonight, 但就今晚看到的情况来说
you can barely keep it together. 你简直乱七八糟
I mean, look around. 到处看看吧
There's all this chaos going on in your household. 你家里乱成一团
Now, when are we gonna eat? 我们要吃什么
Dinner is served. 晚餐好了
Breakfast for dinner? 晚饭吃早餐吗
How very... 真是...
European. 欧洲风情
Let's have a toast! 我们敬一杯吧
To my lovely and talented wife. 敬我美丽多才的妻子
To our esteemed guests. 敬我们尊敬的客人
Yes. Cin cin. 是啊干杯
Cheers. 干杯
Well, please eat before it gets cold. 快吃吧别让菜凉了
Oh, Mrs. Hart, allow me. 哈特太太请坐
So, where did you two move from? 你们俩从哪里搬来的
What brought you here? 你们为什么会来这里
How long have you been married? 你们结婚多久了
And why don't you have children yet? 你们为什么还没要孩子
I think what my wife means to say is that we moved from... 我想我妻子是想说我们来自...
Yes, we moved from... 是的我们来自...
And we were married... 我们结婚有...
Yes, yes, we were married in... 对我们结婚有...
Well? Moved from where? Married when? 说啊来自哪里结婚多久了
Now, patience, Arthur. 耐心点亚瑟
They're setting up their story. Let them tell it. 他们在为故事营造气氛让他们讲嘛
We... 我们...
Our story... 我们的故事
Yes, what exactly is your story? 是啊你们的故事究竟是什么
Oh, just leave the poor kids alone. 别纠缠这俩可怜孩子了
No, really, I mean, I think it's a perfectly simple question. 说真的这个问题很简单吧
Honestly. 说真的
Why did you come here? 你们为什么搬来这里
Why? 为什么
Damn it, why? Why did you... 该死为什么你们为什么...
Oh, Arthur, stop it. 亚瑟别闹了
Stop it. 行了
Stop it. 停下吧
Stop it. 停下
Stop it. 停下
Stop it. 停下
Stop it. 停下
Stop it. 停下
Stop it. 停下
Stop it. 停下
Stop it. 停下
Stop it. 停下
Stop it. 停下
Vision, help him. 幻视帮帮他
Let me help you up. 我扶你起来
Give me your hand. 把你的手给我
All right, steady on, sir. 好了稳住先生
Well, would you look at the time? 看看都几点了
Yes. We'd better be going. 是啊我们该走了
Are you both all right? 你们都没事吧
We had such a lovely time. 我们真的好开心
This guest is leaving your home. 本客人要离开你家了
Yes, thank you for coming. 谢谢你们来
You made me proud tonight, son. 你今晚让我很骄傲孩子
First thing Monday morning, 周一一早
you and me are gonna have a little chat. 你我要谈谈了
We'll see about that promotion. 说说升职的事
Yes, sir! Thank you, sir! 太好了先生谢谢
Thank you. 谢谢
What a charming door knocker. 这门环真好看
Good night! 晚安
We are an unusual couple, ya know? 我们是不寻常的一对知道吧
Oh, I don't think that was ever in question. 这从来都没人质疑
Well, what I mean is... We don't have an anniversary. 我是说我们没有纪念日
Or a song. 或是歌曲
Or even wedding rings. 甚至是婚戒
Well, we could remedy that. 这可以弥补
Today could be our anniversary. 今天就可以做我们的纪念日
Of what? Surviving our first dinner party? 纪念什么在第一场晚宴中坚持下来吗
Precisely. And our song could be? 没错那我们的歌呢
Yakety Yak, naturally. 当然是《絮絮叨叨》
Naturally. 是啊
And the rings? 戒指呢
Well, couldn't you make some for us? 你不能为我们做一对吗
I do. 我愿意
Do you? 你呢
Yes. I do. 是我愿意
And they lived happily ever after. 他们从此幸福地生活在了一起
旺达 马克西莫夫


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