

英文 中文
Malcolm. 马尔科姆
Morning, James. 早上好吉米
- There you are. - Thanks. -给-谢谢
- Morning, James. - Morning. -早上好吉米-早上好
Hen, I'm home. 亲爱的我回来了
All that money on veterinary college. 上兽医大学花了那么多钱
It's all these trucks and motorcars now. 现在都开的是货车和小汽车
No-one's got need of vets any more. 这年头没人需要兽医了
Thanks, Mother. 谢谢妈
Och, something'll come along. 肯定会有就业机会的
And what if it doesn't? 如果没有呢
- I'll go, Dad. - No, son. You sit and eat your breakfast. -我去吧爸-不儿子你坐着吃早餐吧
Your father's had a word. 你爸替你找人说过了
I don't want to work on the docks. 我不想去码头工作
You should be thanking your lucky stars. 你真该庆幸你命好
Men are queuing on the streets, begging for work. 好多人在大街上排着长队乞求能有份工作
I know it can't go on forever. 我知道不能一直这样下去
It's good to dream. 有梦想是好事
But it's also good to wake up again, 但也要懂得什么时候该醒来
and see the world as it truly is. 看清世界真实的样子
Postman missed one. 邮差刚刚漏给你一封
You know your father wanted to be a professional musician? 你知道你父亲当年想成为音乐人吗
His bread and butter was the cinema. 他曾经靠给电影配乐挣钱养家
And then the talkies come along, 后来有声电影取代了无声电影
and then it's all up the swanny. 然后一切就毁了
I don't mean to be cruel. 我也不想对你残忍
We just worry, love. 我们只是很担心儿子
I got an interview. 我获得面试机会了
- You did? - You didn't! -真的吗-不会吧
Darrowby? Yorkshire? 达罗比在约克郡吗
What if it's like the others? 如果这次又跟以前一样怎么办
No job at the end of it? 最后根本没有工作机会
They're not going to have me go all the way 他们不会无缘无故让我大老远地
to Yorkshire for no reason. 跑去约克郡的
There was no mention of a wage in that letter either. 那封信里也没提到工资给多少
He is better off at the docks, 他还是去码头工作比较好
and that's all I'll say about it. 反正我就是这个想法
Best get a move on, if you're going to catch it. 最好快点不然恐怕要错过火车了
Train for Yorkshire's about to depart. 开往约克郡的火车即将发车
Just don't be disappointed 千万别失望
if there's not a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. 就算彩虹尽头没有你期待的美好也没关系
Bye, Don, you be good. 再见小唐你要乖乖的
I'll probably be home tomorrow anyway. 不过可能我明天就回来了
Hold up. You're wonky. 打起精神你都有点站不稳了
You know I only took that job on the docks 你知道我去码头工作的唯一原因
to see us through the lean times. 只是为了维持家里的生计
You've got a dream. 你有梦想
You've got to chase it. 你一定要追寻梦想
Thanks, Dad. 谢谢你爸
Cheese and pickle. 奶酪酸菜三明治
Here's your ticket. 这是你的票
Now, get on before you miss it. 快上车吧不然车就要开走啦
Bye, Mother. 再见妈妈
Good luck, son. 祝好运儿子
You got a bit of grit in your eye? 你的眼睛里是进沙子了吗
Oh, I hope to God he gets it. 上天保佑他能得到那份工作
Waste of bloody time. 真他妈是浪费时间啊
You won't learn owt in there you can't learn out there. 你从书里是学不到任何东西的
- For Darrowby. - What was that? -去达罗比的-你说什么
Did he say Darrowby? 他刚刚是说达罗比吗
Aye, Darrowby. 没错达罗比
Jenny. Sit yourself down, don't push past. Sorry. 珍妮坐下别急着挤过去抱歉
Little terror always wants to go at the back. 这个不听话的孩子总想坐到后面去
Oh, Meccano. I think you dropped this. 麦卡诺玩具模型这应该是你掉的
- Thanks. - I like building bridges the best. -谢谢-我最喜欢用这个搭建桥梁
Thank you. 谢谢
- On or off? - Er, I'm getting off. Thanks. -到底下不下去-我这就下去谢谢
Excuse me. This is Darrowby, isn't it? 打扰一下这里是达罗比对吧
Darrowby? Nay. 达罗比不是
You want t'bus for Darrowby. 你得坐公车去达罗比
The bus For Darrowby. 原来司机是说"去达罗比的"
You don't half talk funny. 你说话真奇怪
When's the next one? I need to be in Darrowby before four. 下一趟车是什么时候我要在4点前赶去达罗比
No more buses till tonight. 要等到晚上才有车
西格弗德·法南 兽医
- Oh, hello. - Mr. Herriot? -你好-哈利先生吗
Yes, sorry I'm late. 对抱歉迟到了
I'd almost given up on you. 我差点放弃等你了
I'm Mrs. Hall, I keep house for Mr. Farnon. 我是霍尔太太我是法南先生的管家
Oh, do take care of my Saint Nick. 可别碰坏我的我的圣尼克
What happened to you? You're drenched. 你怎么了都湿透了
I missed the bus... I got off the bus. 我错过了公车是下错站了
Hello. 你好
Oh, she likes you, that's a good start. 它喜欢你这是个好开始
Jess is suspicious of most men. 杰茜对大多数男人都抱怀疑态度
Rightly so, too. 它也是对的
You can wait in here. 你可以坐这儿等
I'll make some tea and fetch Mr. Farnon. 我去泡点茶把法南先生找来
Mrs. Hall, where is the blasted thing? 霍尔太太那破东西在哪儿
One moment. 等一下
Pencil. Pencil. Quickly now, we haven't got all day. 铅笔铅笔快点我们可没一整天时间
Thank you. 谢谢
One down, God knows how many to go. 一个好了天知道还有多少个
I'm sorry, who are you? 不好意思你是哪位
I see you've met already. 看来你们见过面了
This is Mr. Herriot. 这位是哈利先生
Yes, of course. 对当然
And why are you here exactly? 你来这儿有何贵干
I... You invited me, Mr. Farnon. 我...是你邀请我来的法南先生
- Did I? - Mm-hm. -是吗-是的
For the assistant job. 面试助手工作
Excuse us a moment. 失陪下
We agreed there'd be no more. 我们说好不招人了
He's travelled all the way from Glasgow. 他从格拉斯哥大老远来的
I don't give a damn how far he's come, he can just go back again. 我不在乎他从哪儿来他回去就是了
- Well, you can tell him that, then. - Is he even qualified? -那你自己告诉他-他有资格证吗
- Nine months ago. - What's his name? -九个月前取得的-他叫什么名字
James Herriot. 吉米·哈利
Give the boy a chance. 给这年轻人一个机会
Mr. Herriot, I'm Farnon. Siegfried. 哈利先生我姓法南名西格弗德[出自德国史诗]
- Don't ask. - I'm James. -别问了-我是吉米
Thank you for this opportunity. 谢谢你给我这次机会
Yes, well, let's see how we rub along first, shall we? Jacket? 我们先看看彼此相处得怎么样吧外套呢
- You're wearing it. - Job list? -你穿着呢-工作清单呢
Pocket. 在口袋里
Will you not stop for tea? 你不喝杯茶再走吗
I don't care how he takes his Darjeeling, 我不在乎他喝茶喜欢加什么
I want to know if he's up to the work. 我想知道他能不能胜任工作
Come along, Herriot, don't just stand there. 跟上哈利别傻站在那儿
Are we not...? I thought this would be an interview. 我们不用...我以为这是个面试
I've got my references 我有格拉斯哥
from the Principal of Glasgow Veterinary College. 兽医学院院长给我写的推荐信
No, I'm not interested in a lot of flannel. Let's get cracking. 不用了我对那些场面话没兴趣快走吧
Until this evening, Mrs. Hall. 我晚上才回来霍尔太太
- Good luck. - Grab that. -祝好运-拿上那个
In the box. The box, man! 在箱子里那个箱子
Dispensary. 药房
Oh, emasculator. 对了拿去睾钳
That's the Burdizzo. 那是绝育器
Enough to bring tears to your eyes. Come on. 够让你落泪的了走吧
This is Mrs Hall's domain. 这是霍尔太太的地盘
Cooks a mean black pudding. Makes it herself, you know. 她煮的血肠很好吃是她自制的
Place looks like an abattoir afterwards. 事后这里就像个屠宰场一样
This is the animal shed. 这里是畜棚
You'll take care of feeding them, morning and night. 你以后要负责早晚喂它们
If successful, of course. 当然前提是面试通过
Good. 很好
Shut the door. 把门关上
Our practice covers most of the Northern Dales - 我们出诊范围覆盖北部大部分谷区
Swaledale, Wensleydale - so you'll need your own car. 斯瓦尔谷温斯利谷所以你得有自己的车
- Beauty, isn't she? - Stunning. -很美吧-惊为天人
We keep this spare for the assistant. 我们留着这辆闲置的给助手用
Good little runner. 挺能跑的
Aye, she looks...grand. 嗯看上去...很豪华
Right, let's see what you're made of, shall we? 好了来看看你有什么本事吧
Best foot forward. 积极表现
Walk on. That'll do. 走吧可以了
Farnon. 法南
The majority of our work comes from the smallholdings. 我们接的大部分活都是来自小农场
We do get the occasional small animal, cats, dogs. 偶尔有小动物猫猫狗狗那些
Look at that! 快看
Shorthorn cow, you see? 短角牛看到了吗
Gorgeous beast. 美丽的野兽
Dying out now, of course. 如今都要灭绝了
Friesians give so much more milk. 荷兰牛的产奶量要大得多
As much as eight quarts per day. 每天能产8夸脱
And you think that's a good thing, do you? 你觉得这是好事吗
If a farmer can get more milk 如果农场主花同样的精力
for the same amount of effort, I suppose it is. 能得到更多的牛奶那我觉得是好事
- You suppose? - I mean... -你觉得-我是说...
But at what cost? 但付出了何种代价
This place has a character all of its own. 这地方有它独特的气息
The Shorthorns are a part of that. 短角牛就是其中的一部分
With them gone, 它们一消失
the Dales lose a little more of what makes them so special. 这山谷就会又失去一点独特性
So, where did it all start for you, wanting to be a vet? 你是从什么时候起想成为一名兽医的
There was a-a small city farm at the back of my school. 我读书的地方后面有一座小型城市农场
It was like having part of the country in the city. 那就像是闹市中的田园之地
I developed a real love for the animals there. 我在那里爱上了各种动物
Ah, well, you see, 其实
the animals are the easy part. 动物不难对付
It's the people cause all the bother. 造成麻烦的都是人类
- How do, Mr Farnon? - How do you do, Mr Sharpe? -你好法南先生-你好沙普先生
This is Herriot. New assistant, possibly. 这是哈利可能会成为我的新助手
Oh, aye, another one. 是吗又来一个
He had me worried, I thought t'bank were coming for me. 他还让我担心了一下以为是银行的人来找我
What seems to be the trouble? 出了什么事
I've got a gelding gone wrong in 'oof. 有匹阉马的马蹄不对劲
Well, we certainly don't want that. 这种事谁都不愿意看到
- Is he foreign? - I'm from Glasgow. Scotland. -他是外国人吗-我是苏格兰格拉斯哥人
- It's that dark one over there. - Yes. -就是那边那匹黑马-好
Well? Which foot is it? 是哪只马蹄
Well, I'd need to see him walk. 我得看它走路才知道
Dealt with many horses before? 你之前医治过很多马吗
Yes, lots. At veterinary college. 嗯很多在兽医学院
What about in the real world? 现实生活里呢
This'll be my first. 这是头一回
Hold your coat for you? 要我帮你拿着外套吗
From the way he's holding his head, 从他扶马头的姿势来看
I'd say it was the offside fore. 应该是右前蹄
Good. 很好
Right, let's have a look at this hoof. 好吧来看看这只马蹄
I'm sorry, young man, I ought to have told you, 抱歉年轻人我忘了告诉你
it's a very friendly horse. 这匹马很"友善"
He always likes to shake hands. 它可喜欢和人握手了
No, no, I'd like to continue. 不用请让我继续
Easy, boy. Easy. 悠着点小家伙
Steady down, boy. Steady down. 平静下来小家伙平静下来
That's it. You carry on, young man. 好了你继续吧年轻人
Knife, please. 请给我刀
Thanks. 谢谢
Looks like pus in the foot. Ah. Easy! 好像是起脓包了放松
Got it! 好了
Wait. 等下
Now to disinfect the wound. 还要给伤口消毒
A touch of iodine. 几滴碘液
A dash of turpentine. 少许松节油
By God, Mr Farnon! 天啊法南先生
It's wonderful what science can do these days. 如今的科学也太神奇了吧
- What shall we say to that, ten bob? - Aye. Aye. -怎么算钱十先令吗-好吧
Let's go back a different way. 我们回去走另外一条路
Over the Brenkstone Pass and down Sildale. 穿过布伦克斯通山口走希尔谷
I'd like you to see it. 我想带你看看
I've never used iodine in that way before. 我从没那样用过碘液
- Is it a new remedy? - Oh, it has no practical purpose whatsoever, -那是新疗法吗-其实根本没有实际功效
but it never fails to impress. 但是每次都能唬住人
Makes them feel they're getting their money's worth. 让他们觉得钱花得值
Time to earn your wings. 证明自己能力的时候到了
I didn't expect it to be so beautiful. 我没想到这里会这么美
One of the wildest spots in England. 这里是英格兰最荒凉的地区之一
It's a fearsome place in winter, I tell you. 告诉你冬天时这个地方很可怕
It's marvellous. 太惊人了
You won't be saying that when the snow's 8ft deep. 等雪积到两米多厚时你就不会这么说了
I've known this pass to be blocked for weeks on end. 这条路曾经被大雪封了好几周
I'll be sure to keep a shovel with me. 我会记得随身带把铲子
That's Hodden Hill ahead. 前面是霍登山
You need to keep your speed up 你得加点速
or you won't make it up the other side. 否则翻不过去
The brakes don't work! 刹车失灵了
That happens from time to time. 有时候会这样
They're consistently inconsistent. 刹车一直时好时坏
How am I supposed to slow down?! 那我该怎么减速
Why would you want to? 为什么要减速
We want to go faster, Herriot, not slower. 我们要开快点才对哈利而不是减速
Faster! 再快点
Have faith in yourself. Keep your foot on it. 相信自己别松开油门
I can't! 我做不到
Oh, dear. 天呐
Shall I get out and push? 要我下去推车吗
Oh, you're back. 你们回来了
- Good day? - Not over yet. -今天顺利吗-还没过完呢
He was lying on the ground, covered in muck, and I says to him, 他当时躺在地上浑身是泥我对他说
"He always likes to shake hands." "它可喜欢和人握手了"
Farnon. 法南
How do, Mr Farnon? 你好吗法南先生
Evening, Nick. 晚上好尼克
Two ales, please, Joe. 请给我两杯淡啤酒乔
You found your way all right, then, lad? 看来你后来找到路了小伙子
I did, thank you. 是的谢谢
Here, Farnon. 给你法南
Lady of the house wants to know 我老婆问
what's to do with this cat of hers. 她的猫怎么样了
Ask her to come into surgery tomorrow to pick him up. 让她明天来诊所接猫
Oh, and I've got a sow I wanted to talk to you about. 我想跟你咨询一下我家母猪的事
Yes, yes, Henry, just give me a moment to wet my whistle. 好的好的亨利让我先润润嗓子
Your very good health. 身体健康干杯
Now, about this sow of mine, 我家的那头母猪
seven piglets, all good an' healthy 生了7只小猪都很健康
but runt of the litter, he's not getting a look in, poor sod. 但最瘦小的那只吃不上奶真可怜
Ah, well, now, that's a very common problem. 这种问题很常见
And one which will have to wait. 只能耐心等待
If I allow them to think I'm at their beck and call, 如果他们觉得我随叫随到
I'll never stop. 我就闲不下来了
'Ere, Farnon, got Heifer going on three cylinders - 法南我家小母牛有个奶头堵塞了
wants seeing to. 需要你去看看
Yes, Mr Handshaw, I'll be up first thing tomorrow morning. 好的汉肖先生我明天一早就去
No matter, then, I'll go see George Pandhi. 那算了我去找乔治·潘迪吧
He's always happy to come out, see us animals. 他什么时候都愿意出诊
Well, that's certainly your prerogative. 你当然可以找其他人
- He's a perfectly adequate substitute. - Yeah. -他是个很称职的兽医-是啊
- Hold on, Dennis. - Here. -等等丹尼斯-喂
What about my pigs? 我的猪怎么办
perhaps you could direct your questions to my new assistant. 或许你可以问我的新助手
Your assistant? You mean I've got the job? 你的助手你意思是我被录取了吗
How does four quid a week and full board sound? 每周4镑包食宿怎么样
It sounds great. I mean, thank you. 太好了谢谢
- Trial period only, mind you. - Of course. -提醒你一下只是试用期-当然
These gentlemen'll look after you. 他们会关照你的
You all right finding your own way home? 你自己能找到回去的路吧
Good. 很好
Now, let's us have us another, 我们再喝一杯
then we'll get to this pig of mine. 然后就来聊猪的事
They got your brew on tonight, haven't they, Sharpe? 今天有供应你自酿的酒对吧沙普
Oh, aye, puts hairs on your chest, if you're up to it. 是的酒劲很大如果你想喝的话
Not like that gnat's piss. 跟那种没酒味的可不一样
I shouldn't, really, I want a clear head tomorrow. 我真的不能喝我明天想保持头脑清醒
Probably for the best, it's a drink for Yorkshiremen, in't it? 也许这样最好这种酒是给约克人喝的对吧
Aye. Aye. Not for city folk. 没错城里人可喝不了
Where's the harm in one? 喝一杯应该没事吧
Mr Herriot, what on Earth are you doing? 哈利先生你在干什么
Feeding the cats. 喂猫
I got the job. 我被录取了
- How much did you have? - Only two. -你喝了多少-就两杯
Mr. Sharpe was kind enough to let me sample his home brew. 沙普先生好心地让我品尝了他自酿的啤酒
On your feet. 站起来
If Mr. Farnon wakes up 要是法南先生醒来
and catches you in this state, you'll be out on your ear. 瞧见你这幅德行你会被赶出去的
Now, put them back, quickly. 赶紧把它们关回笼子里
No sign of Rip Van Winkle? 我们的睡美人还没醒吗
I expect he's tired from all that travelling yesterday. 昨天旅途劳顿他一定累坏了
Morning, Mrs. Hall, Mr. Farnon. 早上好霍尔太太法南先生
- Morning, James. I hope you slept comfortably. - Very much so. -早上好吉米睡得还好吧-非常好
Thank you. 谢谢
Stay long at the Drovers last night? 昨晚在赶牛酒吧待了很久吗
Only for a couple. Get to know the locals, you know? 只待了一会儿认识一下本地人
- And did you? - Did I what? -那怎么样-什么怎么样
- Get to know them. - Who? -认识他们了吗-认识谁
The locals. 本地人
The locals? 什么本地人
Oh, Yes, yes, I was. But I did, I think. 是的是的我想是的
Sorry, what was the question? 不好意思你问什么来着
Poor boy's barely woken up. 这小可怜还没睡醒呢
Coffee? 喝咖啡吗
I don't usually actually take... 其实我平常不喝...
- Something the matter? - No, er, no. -有什么问题吗-没没有
It looks... There's just so much of it. 看起来...实在是太丰盛了
It's not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves. 我们要战胜的不是高山而是自己
- What's this about Henry's pig? - Henry's...? -亨利的猪怎么了-亨利是...
Mr. Dinsdale. 就是丁斯代尔先生
- You spoke with him last night. - Ah, yes. Yes. -昨晚你跟他聊过-对是的
He...he has a pig that...well, 他有一头猪
it's a...it's a little confusing, actually, 其实情况有点复杂
he had a pig that was... 他之前有一头猪...
Really, James, these people are our valued customers, 说真的吉米这些人是我们重要的客户
- if you can't remember... - Perhaps the inquisition can wait -如果你记不住...-要不等会再问吧
- until after Mr. Herriot's finished his breakfast. - The runt. -让哈利先生吃完早餐-那只最瘦小的幼崽
I advised him to remove the others 我建议他抱走其它幼崽
to give the little one a chance. 给小家伙一个机会
And if that didn't work, 如果没有效果
then bottle feeding would be the only way. 那就只能用奶瓶喂养了
Well, we best be getting on. We've got a full list. 我们最好快点今天排得满满当当的
Got to see the Aldersons, calf trouble. 得去奥德森家小牛出事了
Just try and make it through the day. 努力熬过这一天
What on earth are you doing? You're missing the turning. 你在搞什么你错过路口了
You said you were going to tell me when it was coming up! 你说你会提前告诉我的
- I just did. Weren't you listening? - But... -我刚说了你没听见吗-但是...
Yes, Mr. Farnon. Sorry. 是的法南先生对不起
There. 那边
Just enjoying the view. 我被风景迷住了
See if you can find Alderson. I'll follow. 你去找奥德森我马上来
Hello? 有人吗
Hello? 有人吗
Mr. Alderson? 奥德森先生
Mr. Alderson? 奥德森先生
Oh, God. 天啊
Good boy. 好孩子
Good lad. 好小伙
Oh, bugger this. 该死的
Go on, get. 快走开
Hold this one for me. 帮我抱一下
Thanks. 谢了
Come here, you. 你给我过来
Come here. 过来
That's it. 这就对了
Thanks. 谢了
Just don't look him in the eye. 别跟它对视就行
That's them sorted. 都处理好了
Sorry about Clive, he's a miserable devil at the best of times. 别在意克莱夫它脾气好的时候都惹人讨厌
Who's Clive? 克莱夫是谁
This one. 就是它
Need a hand down? 要我扶你下来吗
No, I can manage. 不用我能行
- I'm Helen. - Herriot, James Herriot. -我是海伦-我是哈利吉米·哈利
Mr. Farnon's new assistant. 法南先生的新助手
Another one. 又来一个
Calf's in the top field. 小牛在上面的牧场
Jenny. Get yourself up to the house, your homework needs doing. 珍妮回家去你还要做功课呢
I swear she's like a sheep dog, but with half the sense. 她就像只牧羊犬可远没有牧羊犬听话
MY mother used to despair at my mucking about with animals. 我妈妈以前也常嫌弃我爱和动物混在一起
Still does. 现在还是
She's my sister. 她是我妹妹
How old is she now? 她现在多大了
12. I swear I've aged two for every one of hers. 12岁她每长一岁我都操心得像老了两岁
Oh, I'm sure she'll appreciate 我相信她长大一些
everything you've done when she's older. 就会懂得感激你的付出
We can live in hope, can't we, Siegfried? 人总要怀抱希望对吧西格弗德
Your father faring well? 你爸爸还好吗
He never stops. Much as I want him to. 他停不下来虽然我希望他可以歇歇
That's good. Keep hold of her neck, please? 很好麻烦你继续抱住它的脖子
Good girl, there, settle down. 乖啊别紧张
He's here to look after you. 他是来照料你的
Clean fracture of the metacarpal bone, 掌骨骨折了
but there's very little displacement. 但幸好移位不严重
And what do you suggest we do about it? 你建议我们怎么处理
- It should do well with a plaster cast...I think. - You think? -我觉得打石膏应该就可以了-你觉得
- No, I know. - You're not going to use a splint? -不我确定-你不打算用夹板吗
The plaster cast should be sufficient to hold it in alignment. 石膏应该就足以让骨头对齐了
- Should? - It will be. -应该-是一定能
Very good. Carry on. 很好继续吧
Don't worry, we're here now. 别担心我们来了
We're going to look after her. 我们会照料它的
Other leg. 是另一条腿
I'll be back to see you soon... to see the calf. 我回头再来看你...是看牛犊
To remove the cast from its leg. 把石膏取下来
In a couple of months. Weeks. 再过一两个月吧是周
I better go. It was nice meeting you. 我得走了幸会
You too. Wait. James. 幸会等等吉米
Siegfried's bark really is worse than his bite. 西格弗德就是刀子嘴豆腐心
He's been very kind to us. 他对我们都很好
Underneath it all, he's a good man. 其实他很善良
Stand up to him. 该反抗就反抗
He'll love you for it. 他会喜欢你那样的
Chop chop. 快点
Mrs Dinsdale? - Yes. -丁斯代尔太太吗-对
Here for Jaspar? 来领贾斯帕的对吗
If you'd like to wait in here, I'll fetch your cat. 请你到这边等一下我去把猫抱过来
Could you grab Leo for me while you're at it? 你顺便帮我把利奥也带过来吧
Ok, Leo. 好的利奥
And... Jaspar. 还有贾斯帕
Ah, Herriot. Thank you. 哈利谢谢
- What's the operation? - Oh, a simple castration. Nothing major. -要做什么手术-就是绝个育小意思
What's that, then? 这是什么
Jaspar. Your cat. 贾斯帕你的猫啊
No, it isn't. 不它不是
Are you sure? 你确定吗
You think I wouldn't know me own cat? 你觉得我会认错自己的猫吗
Sorry, Mrs Hall, would you mind? 不好意思霍尔太太你能过来一下吗
- James? - It's the wrong cat. I don't understand, -吉米-猫不对我不明白
it said "Jaspar" on the cage. I know it did, so how can it be? 笼子上写着"贾斯帕"我肯定怎么回事
Maybe because you came home soused last night. 也许是因为你昨晚醉醺醺地回家
I put them back in the wrong cages. 我把它们放错笼子了
Please don't say anything. 请别声张
Darrowby 2-2-9-7? 达罗比2297
I'll have someone call you later today. 等下我会叫人联系你
Apologies for the delay, Mrs Dinsdale. 让你久等了丁斯代尔太太
Now, the good news, Jaspar's mange has cleared up, 好消息是贾斯帕的疥癣都治好了
and you can take him home today. 你今天就可以带它回家
Bad news, it'll be a half a crown. 坏消息是要收半克朗
That's not my cat neither. 这只也不是我的猫
- You're sure? - Am I sure?! -你确定吗-我确定吗
It's the wrong colour, for starters. 首先颜色就不对
And what would be the right colour? 那应该是什么颜色的
- He's a ginger. - Oh, God. -它是橘猫-我的天
- Sorry. - James, slow down, take a deep breath. -真抱歉-吉米别急深呼吸
Stop, that's the wrong cat. 停猫搞错了
- What you talking about? This is the cat you gave me. - It's Jaspar. -你什么意思猫是你给我的-这是贾斯帕
- I asked for Leo. - I thought he was. -我要的是利奥-我以为它就是
My cat! 我的猫
You've killed him. 你杀死了它
- He's not dead. - Merely chloroformed. -它没死-只是被氯仿迷晕了
Mrs Dinsdale, perhaps you could wait in the hall. 丁斯代尔太太你可以在大厅等着
You've drugged him. My baby. You've drugged my cat! 你给它下了药我的宝贝你给我的猫下了药
For the love of God, 老天啊
would someone tell me what the hell is going on?! 有谁能告诉我这到底是怎么回事
- It was my fault. - It's was more than likely, I should say. -是我的错-很有可能
It was just a simple administrative error. 只不过是一个管理错误
I put them back in the wrong cages. 我把它们放回去的时候放错笼子了
Really, Herriot? 认真的吗哈利
How could you make such a fundamental mistake? 你怎么能犯这么低级的错误
Because he was bloody pie-eyed, I shouldn't imagine. 大概是因为他当时喝得烂醉
Well, that's how my Henry tells it. 我家亨利是这么说的
What? You were drunk? 什么你喝醉了
Looks like it's me and you in the doghouse, Jess. 看来我和你一样丢人了[睡狗屋]杰茜
What's wrong? Why can't I have that? 怎么了为什么不行
Because it's not one word and it's spelt differently. 因为那不是一个词拼写也不一样
Yes, yes, apart from that. 对除此以外没问题啊
You know, he were only feeding the cats 他当时去喂猫
because he wanted to do a good job. 是因为他想好好干
It was a silly mistake. 他只是犯了个愚蠢的错误
These people trust us with their animals. 那些人把动物托付给我们
For the farmers, it's their livelihood. 动物就是农民的生计
I can't afford a repeat of what happened today. 不能再出今天这种事了
So you propose to keep running this place by yourself? 你是想一个人经营这里吗
I've managed perfectly well on my own so far. 靠我自己到目前为止都很顺利
You weren't always on your own. 你并非一直都是靠自己
Even if that's what you've got used to. 就算现在你习惯了一个人
Are you going to take your turn? 轮到你了你拼不拼
It's wearing you down. 诊所消磨着你
Well, that's my business, isn't it? 那也不关别人的事
And what about the people who care about you? 那关心你的人怎么办
Are we playing this blasted game or not? 我们还玩不玩了
You never stop. You're always on the go. 你永远不停歇你永远在奔波
You'll run yourself into an early grave. 你会因过度劳累而早逝的
I think I've got a few good years 我觉得离我退休养老
before they put me out to pasture. 还有好几年呢
One mistake. 就一个错误而已
He's a good boy, 他是个好孩子
taking his first steps in the working world. 刚刚迈出参加工作的第一步
You must remember what that were like, how hard it was? 你肯定记得你刚工作时的情景吧当时有多难
It's just someone else for me to worry about. 只会又多了个让我操心的人
You can't say I haven't tried. 我又不是没努力过
What is he - the fifth? The sixth? 他是第五个还是第六个来着
You never gave any of them a fair crack of the whip. 你从来没给过他们公平的机会
In fact, I might even go 我甚至可以说
so far as to suggest you spiked his guns. 你是故意给他使绊子
I have no idea what you're talking about. 我不知道你在说什么
You led a horse to water, 你把马牵去水边
knowing full well Sharpe and Dinsdale 心里很清楚沙普和丁斯代尔
would see he drank it. 一定会逼它喝水
That's an absurd suggestion. 太荒唐了
I know you're the patron saint of lost causes but, really... 我知道你总是护着失败的人帮他们说话但是...
And what exactly is that supposed to mean? 你这话是什么意思
That you care about people who... 你关心的人
who sometimes don't deserve it. 有时候不值得你的关心
Oh, on that we must agree. 你说得没错
- He's a good lad. - I don't doubt it. -他是个好孩子-这点我不怀疑
But I'm afraid he still has to go. 但他依然得离开
I'm having trouble with t'calf, 我家母牛生牛犊时难产了
can someone come and help us? 能来帮帮我们吗
We'll get someone up to your farm right away. 我们马上派人去你的农场
Thanks so much. 太感谢了
Dick Rudd's having trouble with the calf. 迪克·拉德的母牛难产了
I better wake Mr Farnon. 我得叫醒法南先生
Don't. I'll go. 别我去吧
I can do it. 我能行
Mrs Hall, please. 霍尔太太求你了
All right. 好吧
I put it up for luck when Mr Farnon goes out. 法南先生出诊时我就把它摆到上面祈求好运
Thank you. 谢谢
She's in here. 母牛在这儿
Don't worry. 别担心
He'll soon be here. 他马上就到
You let me know if I can get you some more light. 如果需要再亮一点你跟我说
This will do just fine, thank you, Mr Rudd. 这样就够了谢谢拉德先生
I don't suppose she has a name? 它有名字吗
- Not as such. - He calls them all Missus. -不算有-他管它们都叫老婆
Spends more time talking with them than he does with me. 他对着它们说话的时间比对我还多
A better quality of conversation. 这种交谈质量更高
- They don't say owt. - Aye. -因为动物不会说话-是啊
All right, there, Missus? 好了老婆
It's all right, we're here to look after you. 没事的有我们照顾你
We're going to get that baby of yours out. 我们会帮你接生
How long has she been pushing? 它用力生产多久了
Five hour, thereabouts. 差不多五小时
Easy. Take it easy. You're all right. 放松放松点你没事的
The head's caught in the pelvis, 头部卡在骨盆了
I can't bring it around to get it out. 我没法把它拉出来
Are you all right there? 你还好吗
She's having a contraction. 她正在宫缩
It's no good. It's no good. 没用这样没用
It's not coming around. 牛犊转不过来
Is that it, then? 没办法了吗
Are they...are they both done for? 是不是...母子都没希望了
No, no, we keep trying. 不不我们继续尝试
Good morning, good morning. 早上好早上好
Mrs Hall? 霍尔太太
This is going on too long. 分娩时间太长了
I could fetch Farnon. 我可以找法南过来
He wouldn't make it in time. 他会赶不及
Look, I don't want her to suffer. 听着我不希望它受苦
If it comes to it, you do what you've got to do. 如果真到了那一步你就做你必须做的
Oh. Oh, my goodness, is James back? 天呐是吉米回来了吗
How do you mean? Back from where? 什么意思他去哪儿了
There's one last thing we can try. 还有一个办法可以试试
I'll try to hook it around the jaw 我用这个套住牛犊嘴部
and pull it around that way. 把它转个方向拉出来
I can't quite... 我够不...
Nearly. I can't get it. 就差一点我够不到
We'll try one more time. 再试一次
Got it! I hooked the jaw. 成功了我套住它嘴部了
Take the rope. 你拿着绳子
Keep a gentle tension. 稍用力拉紧
That's it. 就是这样
Gently now. 轻点
Gently. 轻点
It's coming! 要出来了
I think I've got it! 我应该能拉出来
I think I've got it. 我应该可以
Must've seen it a thousand times. Never gets old. 这种画面我看过无数次了永远不会腻
Herriot. What the devil do you think you're playing at? 哈利你在胡闹什么
He's done good, Mr Farnon. 他做得很好法南先生
One healthy girl in there. 里面有一头健康的小母牛
I never gave you permission to go out on your own. 我没允许你单独出诊
I'm sorry. 很抱歉
But it turned out well. 但结果还算圆满
You were lucky. 你只是走运罢了
There was nothing lucky about it. 这跟运气一点关系都没有
I worked damned hard getting that calf out. 我拼了命才把那头小牛接生出来
Yes, you seemed to have made quite the meal of it? 没错你效率是挺低的
How long were you in there? Five hours? 你在里面待了多久五小时吗
Has anyone told you how insufferable you are? 有人告诉过你你很讨厌吗
Not to my face, no. 没当着我的面说
Thank you, Mrs Rudd. 谢谢你拉德太太
How much sleep did you get, James? Hour? Hour and a half? 你昨晚睡了多久吉米一小时一个半小时
None. 没合过眼
Better get used to it. 最好快点习惯
Thank you, Mr Farnon. You won't regret it. 谢谢你法南先生你不会后悔的
Siegfried, please. 叫我西格弗德吧
Mr Farnon was my father. 我父亲才叫法南先生
Don't brake, don't...brake. 别刹车别刹车


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