Have you ever wondered what the start of the zodiac signs was? How about how the name came to be? The star signs have a very interesting history and originate from long ago. They have a captivating story and there is much to talk about, so sit down and make yourself comfortable.
The study of astrology first began in the early civilization of Mesopotamia, where the initial great astronomers were the Babylonian people. These Babylonians examined the constellations and star patterns outside of Earth and their movements, in which this began the study of astrology. The analyzation on the stars began in other areas, and the zodiac was eventually created.
Astrology is said to be the study of finding the true meaning of humans by examining the sky. People who study it want to know and understand certain human behaviours by studying the planets and other objects in the sky. Early confirmation of practices like these have been seen as markings on cave walls and bones which declare the fact that lunar cycles were already being used as early as 25,000 years ago. Scattered evidence that suggests the earliest known references to astrology are copies made during this period, most likely in Mesopotamia.
The term zodiac comes from the word zodiacus, which is the Latinized form of the Ancient Greek word zōidiakòs kýklos, which means cycle or circle of little animals. The name was granted to represent the animals among the 12 signs.
The 12 zodiac signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces were decided by which pattern of stars, or constellation, the Sun was “inside” on your day and month of birth.
The zodiac signs began at around 3000 BC in the area of Egypt and Mesopotamia. The Babylonians from Mesopotamia had already split the zodiac into 12 different signs before 1500 BC. The constellation names given to the signs were close to the ones today, some of the names being The Scales, The Lion, and The Great Twins.
Nobody really knows just who invented the idea of the zodiac signs and who thought of examining nature to divine influences on humans, although in ancient times, many cultures contributed to this idea.
Nobles in Ancient China would study eclipses or sunspots to determine good and bad times for their emperors. Ancient Egyptians contributed the idea that certain markings of stars made constellations and the fact that the sun seems to shift at certain times of the year.
NASA says that the logic that resulted in the establishment of the 12 star signs was that an imaginary line that went from Earth through the Sun and into the stars of the galaxy. When Earth makes its orbit around the Sun, this imaginary line spins, making it point towards different constellations during that trip around the Sun. The patterns of stars in the zodiac are just the constellations the “line” passes through. Although there is a 13th constellation named Ophiuchus in the Earth’s path around the Sun, it is not counted as a sign as most will not stop using the current zodiac calendar as well as it not being a formal sign.
This cycle of the zodiacs was divided into 12 equal parts of 30° with imaginary lines separating them, using the same principle for lines of latitude and longitude. Each orbit Earth makes around the Sun causes the Earth’s axis moves slightly, changing the times of the solstices by a bit.
"This whole idea that there were 12 signs along the zodiac that were 30° wide, and that the sun moved through these signs regularly during the year, that was codified by Ptolemy,” an astrologist named Sten Odenwald said.
You may wonder, why 30° wide for each part of the zodiac only? Well, the cycle of rotation between the Sun and Earth encloses the constellations in the continuous circle around the Sun that the Earth moves in. This 360° angle of a circle that was “split” into 12 pieces allows 30° of width per sign.
Some believe that the existence of the star signs have a purpose, this being to understand well the movement of the Sun, the Earth, and to track the orbit of Earth or to predict love, fortune, or wealth. This can help humanity study and have more information on orbit and the hopeful knowledge of fortunes, love, and wealth in the future.
There are a countless amount of things you could wonder about the astrological signs. The mission to discover the true meaning of humans on Earth is on. What about you? What other questions do you have about the invention of the astrological signs? Do you think there is a purpose of the zodiac signs? If so, what do you think it is?
Special thanks to my English Instructor:
Winnie F