Yanks roar to G1 win behind Cole, 4 homers
Gerrit Cole reached back for his hardest fastball of the year, 100.1 mph of fire sizzling past Manuel Margot to pin the bases loaded in the fifth inning.
[Gerrit Cole] [reached back for] [his hardest fastball [of the year]], [[100.1 mph [of fire sizzling]] [past] [Manuel Margot] [to pin the bases loaded [in the fifth inning]] ] .
reached back for,本义是伸手去拿,可引申为触手可及的距离。进一步可以理解为Cole 轻松的 投出100mph(约160km/h)的快速球。
sizzle,火烧的嘶嘶声, fire sizzling用现在分词放在fire的后面组成短语,一起修饰前面的100mph的快速球,可以理解为冒着熊熊烈火的球,强调this ball实在投得太快啦。
后面的“past Manuel Margot” 和 “to pin the bases loaded”,past仍然是指通过了这个人(放在语境中的意思是,这个人没办法打中如此快的球,只能让这个球通过,从而出局)。pin的意思是大头针;钉住,而“钉住”在垒包上的人(the bases loaded)可以理解为使对方球队没办法得分。
所以这句话应翻译为:Gerrit Cole轻松拿出它今年最快的,时速100.1mph的火球解决了Manuel Margot,从而让对手在第5局没得分。
The Yankees’ ace danced off the mound, unleashing a primal scream that could be heard six stories above the playing field at Petco Park.
[The Yankees’ ace] [danced off] [the mound], [unleashing a primal scream [that [could be] [heard] [six stories] [above the [playing] field [at Petco Park]]]].
danced off,跳起来。同义词有jump up, leap up, spurt, spray?都不如dance这种有画面感。
ace指王牌,The Yankees’ ace -- 洋基队的王牌选手,也就是前一句话的Cole从土堆(棒球术语:投手丘)上跳起来,然后大声尖叫。primal scream,primal是原始的,最原始的叫声大概是大家的婴儿时期吧,所以它的意思引申为尽情叫喊。
这句话有趣在后面的that,“could be heard six stories”,stories不是故事的复数,而是storey(楼层),Cole的叫声连6楼都可以听到,“above the playing field at Petco Park”,在他们比赛的球场,足矣证明其激动程度(肺活量之大)。
These were the types of moments envisioned when Cole was touted as the sport’s most celebrated free-agent pitcher, and thus far, he has delivered.
[These] [were] [[the types of moments] [envisioned when [[Cole] [was touted] [as the sport’s most celebrated free-agent pitcher]]]], [and thus far], [he has delivered].
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