LabVIEW 2011安装完成之后打不开如何解决
LabVIEW 2011 will fail to launch on computers equipped with AMD FX "Bulldozer" CPU's
Early in the LabVIEW load process, LabVIEW calls a DLL (niCPUlib.dll) that queries the CPU for low level information (e.g. # of cores and cache size). This DLL call causes an infinite loop when executed on a computer that contains these processors. For more information, please see KB 5U2H8PYJ.
Archived: LabVIEW 2011 and 2011 SP1 Known Issues - NI
Archived: LabVIEW 2011 Platform Known Issues - NI
LabVIEW 2015 SP1 Run-Time min 无法在XP上安装
打开安装文件夹中的 setup.ini
找到:VersionNTMin=6,1,7601,1,0 line.
NI Installer Fails on Windows XP/Vista and Windows Server 2003 - National Instruments
兼容Windows XP(SP3)的最后一个LabVIEW版本是什么版本?
Windows 8.1 及 Windows 7:LabVIEW 2020 SP1
Vista 及 XP(X86)(SP3):LabVIEW 2015 SP1 f7
LabVIEW与Microsoft Windows的兼容性 - NI
LabVIEW 2015 SP1 f9补丁不再支持Microsoft Windows 7 RTM(无service pack)、Windows Vista、Windows XP和Windows Server 2003
LabVIEW Run-Time Engine 2015 SP1 (32-bit) f7 Patch 绿色版打包过程:
- 安装LVRTE2015SP1_f7Patchmin/std.exe(f7以上版本在WindowsXP上安装时需要修改setup.ini中VersionNTMin=5,1,2600,3,0)
- 复制c:\Program Files\National Instruments\Shared\LabVIEW Run-Time\2015\
- 复制c:\WINDOWS\system32\nierInterface.dll
- 删除多语言
LabVIEW 使窗口置顶
- VI.FP.Title // 获取窗口标题
- user32.dll: int32_t FindWindowA(int32_t lpClassName, CStr lpWindowName); // 根据窗口标题获取窗口句柄
- user32.dll: int32_t SetWindowPos(int32_t hWnd, int32_t hWndInsertAfter, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t cx, int32_t cy, uint32_t uFlags); // 根据窗口句柄置顶窗口
- 失去焦点时AttachThreadInput其他顶层窗口后,再SetForegroundWindow自己
- 修改图片控件缩放因子
- 图片空间数组无法单独修改各个数组元素的缩放因子,可采用.Net先进性图片缩放后显示
在 GDI+ 中裁切和缩放图像 - Windows Forms .NET Framework | Microsoft Docs