Day120 | 遇见EOS(三) - 谁按下了EOS主网启动按钮?

2018-06-15 01:30 投票进度11.11%
2018-06-15 01:42 投票进度16.9337% 主网启动!!!



# 时间戳 Pending 生产者 交易 Confirmations
739472 Jun 15, 2018, 1:41:24 AM false argentinaeos 0 0
739471 Jun 15, 2018, 1:41:23 AM false eosyskoreabp 0 0
739470 Jun 15, 2018, 1:41:23 AM false eosyskoreabp 0 0
739469 Jun 15, 2018, 1:41:22 AM false eosyskoreabp 0 0
739468 Jun 15, 2018, 1:41:22 AM false eosyskoreabp 0 0
739467 Jun 15, 2018, 1:41:21 AM false eosyskoreabp 0 0
739466 Jun 15, 2018, 1:41:21 AM false eosyskoreabp 0 0
739465 Jun 15, 2018, 1:41:20 AM false eosyskoreabp 0 0
739464 Jun 15, 2018, 1:41:20 AM false eosyskoreabp 0 0
739463 Jun 15, 2018, 1:41:19 AM false eosyskoreabp 0 0
739462 Jun 15, 2018, 1:41:19 AM false eosyskoreabp 0 0
739461 Jun 15, 2018, 1:41:18 AM false eosyskoreabp 0 0
739460 Jun 15, 2018, 1:41:18 AM false eosyskoreabp 0 0
739459 Jun 15, 2018, 1:41:17 AM false eosswedenorg 0 0
739458 Jun 15, 2018, 1:41:17 AM false eosswedenorg 0 0
739457 Jun 15, 2018, 1:41:16 AM false eosswedenorg 0 0
739456 Jun 15, 2018, 1:41:16 AM false eosswedenorg 0 0
739455 Jun 15, 2018, 1:41:15 AM false eosswedenorg 0 0
739454 Jun 15, 2018, 1:41:15 AM false eosswedenorg 0 0
739453 Jun 15, 2018, 1:41:14 AM false eosswedenorg 0 0
739452 Jun 15, 2018, 1:41:14 AM false eosswedenorg 0 0
739451 Jun 15, 2018, 1:41:13 AM false genesisblock 0 0
739450 Jun 15, 2018, 1:41:13 AM false genesisblock 2 0
739449 Jun 15, 2018, 1:41:12 AM false genesisblock 0 0
739448 Jun 15, 2018, 1:41:12 AM false genesisblock 1 0
739447 Jun 15, 2018, 1:41:11 AM false genesisblock 0 0
739446 Jun 15, 2018, 1:41:11 AM false genesisblock 1 0
739445 Jun 15, 2018, 1:41:10 AM false genesisblock 0 0
739444 Jun 15, 2018, 1:41:10 AM false genesisblock 0 0
739443 Jun 15, 2018, 1:41:09 AM false genesisblock 0 0

可以到看,从区块739452开始,就开始由BP开始出块了,第一个块是瑞典节点eosswedenorg出的。时间是2018-06-15 01:41:14。


区块 账户 操作 余额
739450 hezdqobxgmge voteproducer 50
739448 gm3tombuguge voteproducer 32,400,000
739446 ge3dkmbwgyge voteproducer 25,339,101
739378 g43tamrzgege voteproducer 36
739306 ge4dgnrzgmge voteproducer 3,000
739292 ge4dgnrzgmge voteproducer 3,000
739275 ge4dgnrzgmge voteproducer 3,000
739255 ge4dgnrzgmge voteproducer 3,000
739230 ge4dgnrzgmge voteproducer 3,000
739219 hezdomrwgqge voteproducer 2
739209 ge4dgnrzgmge voteproducer 3,000
739193 ha2tsmbyguge voteproducer 300

很容易定位出投票大户:gm3tombuguge,ge3dkmbwgyge ,分别投了32,400,000 EOS和25,339,101 EOS。





2017-06-26 21:00:00 第一阶段众筹开始,持续5天,分发2亿代币,收到651902.18ETH
2017-07-01 21:00:00 第二阶段众筹开始,一共350期,每期23小时,持续时间350*23小时=335天零10小时,2017-06-02 07:00结束,分发7亿代币,收到6553200.75ETH
2017-07-01 第一阶段众筹结束后,便在二级市场开始交易,开盘价格约1美元
2017-07-03 价格达到高点5.4美元
2017-09-15 EOSIO Dawn v1.0
2017-10-23 价格达到低点0.48美元
2017-12-05 EOSIO Dawn v2.0
2017-01-20 价格达到高点15.76美元
2017-03-18 价格达到低点3.95美元
2018-04-06 EOSIO Dawn v3.0
2018-04-29 价格达到高点22.89美元
2018-05-12 EOSIO Dawn v4.0
2018-05-19 EOSIO Dawn v4.1
2018-05-24 价格达到低点10.53美元
2018-05-26 EOSIO Dawn v4.2
2018-06-02 07:01 EOSIO v1.0 ( 价格12.031美元
2018-06-02 开发者网站发布(
2018-06-03 04:46 EOSIO v1.0.1



6月2日 “一条EOS主链共识”事件亲历记(

6月3日 06:00,冻结。价格14.568美元

6月3日 19:34,已经有5个BP和1个个人完成快照验证(

6月5日 Guido Vranken提交8个EOS的bug获得8万美元奖励(

6月5日 EOS Canada发布了最新动态,已经有86个BP参与到主网启动了(

6月5日 关于EOS Ghostbusters/Core核心体系的一些随想(

6月5日 EOS Core/Ghostbusters团队发表致EOS候选节点的公开信(

6月7日 投票结果NOT-GO(

6月8日 投票结果NOT-GO,等1.0.2

6月9日 投票结果GO

19:56:30 区块2
22:14:29 区块12151

6月10日 21点上线(

21:04:37 区块15117

6月11日 投票进度2.8%

6月12日 投票进度5.14%

6月13日 投票进度7.2% Bitfinex 刚发布了启动15%的方案
gate也紧跟着发布了公告 gate.io将为EOS主网启动贡献投票份额
火币跟上 火币全球站将启动对当前EOS候选主链投票的公告
Chaince跟上 关于 EOS 主网投票公告

6月14日 投票进度10.2%

6月15日 启动

6月16日 主网出现暂停

13:53:53 区块1027597
13:56:38 区块1027926
















BM:Why, why, why?:














Daniel Larimer, [28.06.18 10:36]
You all should make commitment to increase ram by at most 5% per week.
Daniel Larimer, [28.06.18 10:37]
We can update system contract
Daniel Larimer, [28.06.18 10:37]
So producer set rate of growth rather than absolute supply
Daniel Larimer, [28.06.18 10:38]
Minimize supply induced swings




EOS Nation卖出部分,并做了解释。

EOS超级矿工, 交易笔数3万+ 注册用户2千+

Luke Stokes, [29.06.18 10:18]
[In reply to jem]
I’m a bit confused myself. I asked a few questions about how the RAM market is supposed to function and what BPs are expected to do with regards to allocation, but got no response. Kind of disappointed at the moment. I’d like to help people launch cool stuff on EOS. Not sure what to tell them about RAM right now.

Daniel Larimer, [29.06.18 11:28]
[In reply to Luke Stokes]
All we did is create a free market for a scarce resource. Anything we do to force prices lower will only end up distorting the market.

Daniel Larimer, [29.06.18 21:27]
[In reply to Roland]
Ram speculation only profit if dapps buy

Daniel Larimer, [29.06.18 21:30]
Then we should implement capital gains fee on ram trading

Daniel Larimer, [29.06.18 21:32]
[In reply to t78]
Speculation will buy

Daniel Larimer, [29.06.18 21:33]
[In reply to Yhim]
No. Fee proportional to profit made

Daniel Larimer, [29.06.18 21:33]
Not sell price.

Daniel Larimer, [29.06.18 21:33]
Buy high sell at same price. No fee

Daniel Larimer, [29.06.18 21:33]
Buy low sell high. High fee

Daniel Larimer, [29.06.18 21:34]
Buy high sell low. No fee

Daniel Larimer, [29.06.18 21:45]
A minimum hold period would reduce volume and speculation. Combined with capital gains could make sense.

Daniel Larimer, [29.06.18 21:47]
30 days.

Daniel Larimer, [29.06.18 21:47]
I think capital gains is necessary with min hold or people will just rehypothicate it

Daniel Larimer, [29.06.18 21:52]
[In reply to Roland]
Min hold will just create a middle man

Daniel Larimer, [29.06.18 21:52]
Capital gain makes middle man more complex

Daniel Larimer, [29.06.18 21:54]
Yes which is why combo is good

Daniel Larimer, [29.06.18 21:55]
Existing holders would have to be grandfathered

Daniel Larimer, [29.06.18 21:56]
[In reply to Jesse]
Yes. We can automate a smooth release

Daniel Larimer, [29.06.18 21:56]
[In reply to Jesse]
Continuous release

Daniel Larimer, [29.06.18 21:57]
[In reply to Bluejays - EOS Go /]
If you assume some are already taxed 50% by their government

Daniel Larimer, [29.06.18 21:58]
I think 10% is enough

Daniel Larimer, [29.06.18 22:04]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
Meaning their cost basis is current price

Daniel Larimer, [29.06.18 22:05]
We cannot retroactively change terms on existing holders.

Daniel Larimer, [29.06.18 22:11]
[In reply to Jesse]
They could sell once. Holding period enforce after 30 days

Daniel Larimer, [29.06.18 22:33]
[In reply to SilverCrypto80]
What do you think happens when eos is taken out of circulation by ram buyers

Daniel Larimer, [29.06.18 22:33]
[In reply to Zed]
That ties ram to eos price.

Daniel Larimer, [29.06.18 23:15]
[In reply to Sengoku]
And when eos moons like everyone wants. What then.

Daniel Larimer, [29.06.18 23:25]
Ram volume is offsetting all inflation

Daniel Larimer, [29.06.18 23:28]
Throw in capital gains and all eos holders benefit from ram growth.

Daniel Larimer, [29.06.18 23:32]
[In reply to Dreambaked]
Burning it is for greater good



Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:25]
After doing more thinking on capital gains + 30 day hold I have concluded that the market would quickly bypass the hold and likely postpone the gains fee almost indefinitely. Attempts to artificially restrict the market are almost futile.

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:26]
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:26]
every risk can be offset by another conract

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:28]
also, I think changing things is dangerous in such a young market. We probably need to watch and learn vs draw conclusions in the first inning

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:29]
[In reply to Urius - EOSTalks - EOS Phoenix]
you keep saying that... that is like saying iPhones are not a free market because only apple makes them.

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:29]
and so is the blockchain and side chain market

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:30]
it is a VOLUNTARY market... one side is the community the other side the RAM buyers

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:31]
the community uses a market maker to always buy and sell at a price the market is willing to pay

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:31]
so the options are for the community to increasing pricing on the initial sale (tweak Bancor parameters) or let the market do it.

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:32]
either way you end up with the same result... RAM selling at market set prices

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:32]
EOS and RAM are not the only blockchains

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:33]
all blockchains will suffer from speculators bidding up resources

Crouching Lambo, [30.06.18 00:33]
besides let's be honests here, significant RAM price means more quality dapps

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:33]

vint, [30.06.18 00:33]
let market solve it

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:33]
highest use

Roland, [30.06.18 00:33]
Developers will be driven to other blockchains that is economically viable to develop DAPPs on

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:33]
it means incentive to increase RAM, incentive to create side chains, incentive to use RAM more effeciently

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:34]
[In reply to Roland]
and what will make them economically viable? How do those chains get more RAM? How do they get more bandwidth?

Noble-117, [30.06.18 00:34]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
Hey! We speculators are part of the community, too. 😜

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:34]
everyone is doing their part

Roland, [30.06.18 00:34]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
What about incentives to keep them RAM scarce.. like DeBeers does with diamonds?

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:35]
[In reply to Roland]
that will hurt EOS price by reducing demand for actual transactions which require staked EOS... this will cause EOS voters to vote for producers that increase supply

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:38]
everyone wants to control the price to their favor... everyone wants to begrudge other people's profits

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:38]
everyone had a chance to unstake and buy

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:38]
the tools were there

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:38]
it didn't go up instantly

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:39]
it took days of gradual growth before big spikes started

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:39]
there were weeks of time to learn about th emarket

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:40]
yeah... coal is expensive and represents friction for my new business.

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:41]
the market is pricing in future demand

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:45]
Most apps don't need much RAM

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:46]
if you APP requires a lot of RAM-per-user you are doing it wrong

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:46]
EOS will have many side chains

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:46]
that will bring down the cost of RAM

Roland, [30.06.18 00:46]
how are you going to build the future decent FB if u dont have enough RAM?

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:47]
[In reply to Roland]
I'll show you with our steem 2.0

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:47]
demand for RAM creates demand for EOS to buy RAM

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:48]
so all EOS holders benefit from RAM

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:48]
Look at the contract, it doesn't even have to store anything in RAM

Samupaha, [30.06.18 00:49]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
What's the reason why we can't rent RAM?

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:49]
Most apps need at most a couple KB of RAM per user.

M Legacy, [30.06.18 00:49]
If ram becomes a massive market and token holders weren’t given their allocated share there will be contention for giving the farm away.

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:49]
[In reply to Samupaha]
because ram cannot be freed on demand

Roland, [30.06.18 00:50]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
how much RAM does a DAPP need if it wants to issue an ERC20 type of token?

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:50]
[In reply to M Legacy]
if it does, then the RAM fees from trading will pay huge dividends to EOS holders

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:50]
it is already paying to offset all inflation

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:50]
[In reply to Roland]
256 bytes per user

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:51]
won't people be surprised to see that EOS supply is deflationary rather than inflationary due to RAM, Name, Symbol auctions

Samupaha, [30.06.18 00:51]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
It doesn't need to. The rent can become debt if the account doesn't have tokens to pay for it. When the account gets tokens again, debt will be paid from those tokens.

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:52]
[In reply to Samupaha]
then I rent all your ram, consume it, and abandon account...

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:52]
the cost to rent RAM is to buy it when you start to need it and sell it when done... perhaps negative cost to rent

Gavin, [30.06.18 00:53]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
very valid point... i would like to see BPs actively voting to use those funds though. I don't want us to be like Apple and just sit on a mountain of cash. I'd rather be like Amazon and focus all resources on exponential growth

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:54]
[In reply to Gavin]
then full node operators will bitch and moan... producers are still shifting as votes come in. There are many factors in play here and everyone will need to give the market time to work it out

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:55]
not just BP... but every DAPP dev that needs to operate a full node

Roland, [30.06.18 00:57]
Dan, I seriously urge u to reconsider at least implementing a min hold period to deter speculators. Just as a deterrence

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:57]
We will provide an update to the system contract that allows producers to ease RAM supply growth over time

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 00:58]
[In reply to Roland]
that will backfire, move market away from default market and cause EOS token holders to lose their modest fee

Gavin, [30.06.18 00:59]
you know what's cool... these discussions will be looked back at for years. Political Scientists and Psychologist will be pulling data from these discussions for a long long time. Case studies galore

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 01:00]
it will allow producers to set a new target supply and have the current supply grow at 1% per day until the new target is hit.

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 01:02]
I would argue that changing the RAM increase algorithm does not require referendum since the producers are entirely in control of setting it now

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 01:02]
it just automates what they could do manually

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 01:03]

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 01:03]
it takes up dev cycles to implement things

BXB Chain, [30.06.18 01:04]
@daniellarimer - any time line on the quantitive easing of RAM 🙂

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 01:04]
every change, will create a new problem and will demand a new change.

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 01:04]
[In reply to BXB Chain]
ask Alan Greenspan

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 01:11]

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 01:11]
I could use a few side dans as well

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 01:13]
A well designed DAPP will be able to cover the cost of new users

BXB Chain, [30.06.18 01:14]
@daniellarimer - you mean a well designed dApp that asks people to claim their dApp tokens and puts the RAM burden on the user?

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 01:15]
[In reply to BXB Chain]
I mean that B1's DAPP will give each user an account with sufficient RAM for our APP.

Ram Vish, [30.06.18 01:15]
RAM trading is genius

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 01:15]
Says Ram Vish

Ram Vish, [30.06.18 01:15]

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 01:15]
[In reply to Josep - JR - eosBarcelona]
everything in REAL RAM that is how it gets the performance it has

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 01:16]
I wouldn't increase RAM for 30 days

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 01:16]
I'd let everyone figure out the impact of everything, get settled in

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 01:16]
a well designed dApp is self-funding

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 01:17]
apps that have tokens should be able to use said tokens to buy RAM

Daniel Larimer, [30.06.18 01:18]
B1 plans to eat our own dog food


Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:12]
[In reply to Green77]
they are saving RAM for future DEVS

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:13]
other wise the geedy early-adopter devs would consume all the ram, likely wastefully

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:14]
when ever one calls someone else greedy, they are really revealing their own greedyness when they demand someone be selfless

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:14]
who benefits from the demand that others be selfless? The greedy person demanding the selfless behavior of others

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:18]
The speculators are doing early-adopter devs a favor, imagine you built your app expecting cheap RAM along with 1000 other devs... eventually real ram usage will increase price to the point that your DAPP is no longer profitable. Excapt without speculators you couldn't know that your DAPP was not viable before you started and then you lose money.

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:19]
free markets tend to allocate scarce resources to the highest purpose

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:19]
including factoring in saving for the future

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:20]
rather than complain about the price, think about what the price is telling you about expected future demand

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:21]
is your dapp still viable after 32 GB of RAM have been consumed by other real dapps?

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:21]
if not, it may not have the staying power it needs

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:21]
of course the RAM supply will grow over time, but speculators are pricing that in

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:22]
Their bet is that real usage + speculation demand will grow faster than increasing supply

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:23]
the only reason some people got 5x is because the initial pricing estimate was too low. Because we tried to make RAM available cheaper than market price.

SilverCrypto80, [01.07.18 22:27]
The only thing I don't like is bps selling the eos they get for free from being a BP and buying ram. Seems like they are double dipping. Do I see this the wrong way?

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:27]
they didn't get the EOS for-free

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:27]
they had to earn that EOS by campaigning and winning votes

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:27]
did you get your salary for "Free"?

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:27]
many producers invested for months with 0 pay

Green77, [01.07.18 22:29]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
If you have analyzed it and know the root cause then change it!

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:29]
[In reply to Green77]
now that we have market price, it has fixed itself

Green77, [01.07.18 22:32]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
It’s not all about profit- EOS means more like an tech revolution - I thought you have some idealistic views with vitalik

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:33]
[In reply to Green77]
and a sustainable tech revolution requires sound economics. Unsound economics will tank a tech revolution faster than they tank Chile or Argentina or Zimbabee

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:34]
it is called buy and hold

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:34]
or perhaps buying options

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:34]
but options requires someone else to buy and hold

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:34]
naked options can default

moonwalker, [01.07.18 22:34]
not everyone has that much cash now

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:35]
[In reply to moonwalker]
people are not entited to things just because they are in need

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:37]
as a dev builing a real product you have inside info on future demand for real RAM... if you think your product will be a success you should buy RAM now then create the demand for it.. then profit

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:37]
if your idea is good enough, find investors to do the same

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:38]
we will enable producers to introduce continuous RAM supply growth so as to minimze shocks to market and eliminate opportunity for insider trading accusations

SilverCrypto80, [01.07.18 22:40]
On a pre defined schedule. Like when x gets to y ram increases?

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:40]
yes, on a schedule based on time not another gamable metric

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:44]
the producers will control the rate-of-change to track market growth in RAM technologies, but this rate-of-change will be in a very narrow window

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:44]
I don't think RAM should grow for a couple of months

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:45]
There are many factors we must consider

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:45]
it isn't just about producers, it is about devs and 3rd parties as well

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:45]
the entire market needs time to figure out infrastructure and growth plans

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:48]
Here is what I can say, that B1 will work to provide tech solutions that increase the effeciency of RAM and the supply

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:48]
We need time to test the software at larger sizes

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:49]
Slow and steady wins the race

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:52]
For example, devs using iMac Pro's are limited to 128GB machines...

Petr Capek, [01.07.18 22:53]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
dan what you mean with this? I would like to do more gains..but cant if the ram price dont grow..:(

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:53]
@Njeel I don't care abut your gains

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:55]
my goal is to produce tech that make RAM speculators losses because of rapidly growing supply

Michael L, [01.07.18 22:56]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
How does ram rapidly grow if bps use a throttling mechanism to introduce new ram to the ecosystem?

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 22:56]
[In reply to Michael L]
side chains

Doc_Worm, [01.07.18 22:58]
Another posibility may be to introduce some randomness to RAM prices. Pros and cons

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 23:00]
[In reply to Doc_Worm]
no pros... all cons.. just increases market ineffeciency

rektkid, [01.07.18 23:05]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
it seems unfair that devs should have to pay higher ram prices due to speculators?

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 23:06]
[In reply to rektkid]
did you read the discussion above...

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 23:06]
specualtors do devs a favor by showing them the true value of the resources they wish to consume

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 23:07]
prevent devs from building unsustanable apps

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 23:08]
less srous dapps can launch on their own chain and side-chain to EOS

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 23:32]
[In reply to Everett]
as price increases, market demand for additional chains grows

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 23:33]
we can lower RAM costs by increasign CPU costs

rektkid, [01.07.18 23:34]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
that makes more sense.. but is there now no possible way an eos account can be created for zero cost?

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 23:35]
[In reply to rektkid]
think man... if anything were 0 cost... what would happen?

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 23:36]
[In reply to P J]
someone had to pay a fee to send you funds, and you have to pay a fee to send them on

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 23:37]
those 2 fees are the cost of the account

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 23:38]
Average Eth transaction fee in USD is over 1 which means it costs2 for an account to hold funds for 1 transaction

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 23:39]
Do 100 transactions and an ETH account costs you $100

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 23:40]
Do 100 EOS transactions and it costs you $5 for RAM... and you can sell your account when done

P J, [01.07.18 23:40]
and that is for life time

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 23:40]

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 23:41]
I think there will be a big market for selling used accounts for their RAM

rektkid, [01.07.18 23:41]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
I just cant get my head around expecting your average Joe to spend $5 on an EOS account, and the having to top up his ram to use more and more dapps.

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 23:42]
The average Joe user won't spend $5, busiensses will give them an account to use and make money some other way

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 23:42]
it is even possible to "rent-to-own" an account

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 23:45]
The apps B1 producers aim to target average Joe

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 23:45]
we just need to make sure the value to Joe is high

Rob Finch - (Block Producer), [01.07.18 23:46]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
Does B1 have a plan to give free accounts to new users of their dApps?

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 23:46]
We are hoping to do that, or at least keep fee low. We will not be taking a loss on our activities.

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 23:47]
Only one APP needs to justify Joe getting an account, then he can use that account across many DAPPs

rektkid, [01.07.18 23:47]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
Surely Joe needs to keep topping up ram in order to use more dapps?

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 23:48]
depends on the dapp

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 23:49]
Joe is a big boy, the market will mature, the price will stabilize

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 23:49]
Joe might even enjoy making money on his RAM growing

Xjoe Chibuike, [01.07.18 23:49]
Joe has suffered

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 23:50]
Joe has benefited

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 23:50]
Joe won't even know about RAM if DAPP is designed right

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 23:50]
B1 certaintly won't be putting RAM in his face

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 23:51]
No need to RAM it down users throats ... .;)

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 23:52]
I for one am happy to see RAM trading offsetting all producer pay+some

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 23:52]
for example, the steem app would easily self-fund the RAM

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 23:53]
you think new users signing up to Reddit don't cost them RAM + STORAGE for YEARS?

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 23:55]
I for one welcome our new RAM owning overlords...

Daniel Larimer, [01.07.18 23:56]
[ Photo ]


A3 FTM, [02.07.18 18:35]
Hey Dan, thanks for creating the golden goose!

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 18:36]
[In reply to A3 FTM]
That’s what I do

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 18:38]
When. Meeting

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 18:38]
Where meeting

Kevin Rose - EOS New York, [02.07.18 18:39]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
We will give you the zoom link, if you’d like.

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 18:39]

A3 FTM, [02.07.18 18:41]
Adding RAM should be because the network NEEDS more RAM, not because BP's or devs want cheaper RAM

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 18:43]
[In reply to A3 FTM]
Yep. Speculators are already pricing in future ram.

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 18:44]
The effective ram supply for market cap is 2tb.

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 18:44]
The producers are merely keeping it off the market waiting for higher price

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 18:46]
Producers should trickle it in

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 18:48]
Look. I don’t recommend and trading advice for individuals. I’m merely saying producers shouldn’t attempt to flood market

rektkid, [02.07.18 18:50]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
Are there technical limits that stop them doing so?

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 18:51]
[In reply to rektkid]
Yes at some point

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 18:52]
My advice is only to let market determine price. To consider market is pricing in future supply

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 18:54]
2.5m eos has been spent on ram

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 18:55]
One way to reduce ram price is to introduce derivatives which soak up demand

Petr Capek, [02.07.18 18:57]
Ram price can not decrease- just going up for us!!!!

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 18:57]
Eos token holders are getting profits from selling ram.

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 18:59]
[In reply to Petr Capek]
It can decrease.

Blue, [02.07.18 19:00]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
yet to my understanding, you think long term it has got to go up, right?

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 19:00]
[In reply to Blue]
Long term it’s a commodity

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 19:02]
Who do you think receives proceeds from selling and trading ram ?

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 19:04]
Eos has cornered ram trading market and is earning all exchange fees

Lucas, [02.07.18 19:05]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
This earning is planned to be use for what ?

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 19:05]
[In reply to Lucas]
I’d take it out of circulation

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 19:06]
We can enable leverage trading of ram.

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 19:10]
How much does eth collect in fees per day

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 19:13]
Eth generates 1.5 million per day in fees.

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 19:14]
I predict that eos will generate more from ram trading

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 19:16]
Producer pay is independent

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 19:17]
An account owned by eosio

Bit Cutie, [02.07.18 19:17]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
thanks ... does that mean ram fees are eos thats taken out of circulaion forever? so that means it will offsef the inflation?

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 19:18]
[In reply to Bit Cutie]

rektkid, [02.07.18 19:18]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
So the fees collected are burned?

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 19:18]

Andrey Durakov -, [02.07.18 19:22]
In what case BPs are going to add additional RAM? Is there any critical amount of RAM sold when will it happen?

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 19:23]
[In reply to Andrey Durakov -]
Once all systems are tested for more ram.

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 19:24]
Ram speculation is betting against tech

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 19:24]
Moore’s law

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 19:25]
And software will increase ram supply over time

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 19:25]
Side chains.

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 19:25]
There is huge incentive to create ram scaling solutions

ac, [02.07.18 19:25]
can dapps shop around for ram on sidechains in the future?

W, [02.07.18 19:26]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
How much do you think the RAM usage rate will be considered

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 19:26]
[In reply to ac]
If they don’t mind running there

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 19:26]
[In reply to W]
It should be ignored as it’s easily faked

Warren Buffetti, [02.07.18 19:27]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
Dan, I still think RAM is very cheap. Will you consider lowering the supply if the price does not go up?

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 19:27]
[In reply to Warren Buffetti]
Supply cannot be lowered

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 19:29]
Eth avg fee per trx is $4

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 19:29]

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 19:31]
Cheaper than airdrop on eth.

Daniel Larimer, [02.07.18 19:33]
I knew speculators would speculate

heztanrqgene 13392773.465000002

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 10:59]
How many addresses

Maximilian Greenfield, [03.07.18 11:02]
dan, how much to airdrop too 1billion adress's with a ram cost of 0.5?

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:03]
[In reply to Maximilian Greenfield]
On eth that’s 4 billion and years.

Ferdous Bhai, [03.07.18 11:03]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:04]
5kb per account

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:05]
How many crypto users world wide

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:06]
If we have 1 million real accounts we are likely bigger than bitcoin real users.

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:06]
Or 15 million

Sam J, [03.07.18 11:08]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
Dan please keep reiterating the difference between a one time cost and the repeated gas costs on ETH. People are not as smart as you think. You heard how it silenced the Zoom call. More people need to hear

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:08]

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:08]
The amortization of cost

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:09]
And you can sell when done

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:09]
What is resell value of eth account

Gavin, [03.07.18 11:10]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
can you explain this in a bit more detail please? i was trying to explain earlier in other ram group and couldn't do it or find the reference of where it had been explained before

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:11]
[In reply to Gavin]
Sell account

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:11]
Not ram in account

Ajroc whm, [03.07.18 11:11]
eth account fee because of the FCOIN deposit

Ajroc whm, [03.07.18 11:11]
users are free

Ajroc whm, [03.07.18 11:12]
EOS account won’t help poor people

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:12]
[In reply to Ajroc whm]
No. It costs money to create new account in gas.

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:12]
[In reply to Ajroc whm]
Tesla’s don’t help poor people either

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:13]
Oh wait. They fund tech which enable model 3

Gavin, [03.07.18 11:14]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
the question that got brought up was in regards to like a failed dapp.. so if a developer failed they would still be able to basically salvage dapp by selling account and the ram could then be re-used and not wasted?

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:14]

Sam J, [03.07.18 11:15]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
But Dan, please don’t let them try to give away the Ram.fees account. I can see them coming for it. That needs to be burned

Ferdous Bhai, [03.07.18 11:30]
[In reply to Sam J]

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:33]
[In reply to Ferdous Bhai]

ac, [03.07.18 11:36]
volatility is great for fees

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:36]
[In reply to ac]

Red giant, [03.07.18 11:38]
Dan what you think the actual price of ram should be?

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:38]
[In reply to Red giant]
Exactly what market says

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:40]
Eos currently running at -2% inflation

Rex Ignis, [03.07.18 11:40]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
I’m afraid in the near future when the market needs to go down to look for an equilibrium, ppl would come and bitch about it too

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:41]
[In reply to Rex Ignis]
Only two things are certain in life. Bitching and death.

JEE, [03.07.18 11:42]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
Yo Dan i was looking for you the whole time. I have a question about ICO based on EOS ecosystem. Is it possibe ?

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:43]
When someone launches one

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:43]
[In reply to JEE]

Henry Ekerendu, [03.07.18 11:44]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
what if we get to 100% RAM utilization? what happens

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:44]

Red giant, [03.07.18 11:44]
I think every member in this group are enjoying ram trading.
But dan i have one question if we sell ram then from where we are getting eos?

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:45]
[In reply to Red giant]
From previous buyer

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:45]
Eosio.ram account

Red giant, [03.07.18 11:46]
Oh then ram trading generates some fees for whom?

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:46]
[In reply to Red giant]
For net work

Red giant, [03.07.18 11:47]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
Who is the owner of that? Bps?

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:47]
No one. Eosio account

Henry Ekerendu, [03.07.18 11:47]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
Dan I fear it's only the likes of Facebook that will be building on EOS due to cost imperative

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:48]
Still cheapest chain around

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:48]
And it will only get cheaper in long run

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:48]
Ram is great demo app

Rex Ignis, [03.07.18 11:48]
[In reply to Henry Ekerendu]
Giants like FB would definitely start a sidechain first of all

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:49]
[In reply to Rex Ignis]
Probably several

斌, [03.07.18 11:52]
the real market is more complex, there are many factors that make influences on price, bancor can not combine all of the factors.

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:53]
[In reply to 斌]
Bancor doesn’t speculate. It lets traders arb info

Red giant, [03.07.18 11:54]
I think sudden huge selling by a single person has no effect on bancor algo?

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:54]
[In reply to Red giant]

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:54]
More fees for us

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:55]
Eos generated about 1million dollars in profit in last 24 hrs

Justin - EOS Silicon Valley, [03.07.18 11:55]
@daniellarimer do you still think ram is cheap at this price?

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:56]
[In reply to Justin - EOS Silicon Valley]
I don’t speculate

Red giant, [03.07.18 11:57]
Dan can we built dex exchange on bancor algo?

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:57]
After using this market the speed and performance and liquidity are better than centralized exchanges

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:57]
[In reply to Red giant]
The best ever

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:58]
See example with trustless margin trading

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:58]
Working to perfect it with tests

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:59]
Also have pegged assets

Justin - EOS Silicon Valley, [03.07.18 11:59]
@daniellarimer the 20% suggested ram inflation per year. Is this based on some math? How did you come to this number :-)

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 11:59]
And predict markets

Red giant, [03.07.18 11:59]
Is it like a future trial of bancor algo. I have seen their whitepaper. What will happen if 100 % ram is bought? 100%cw?

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 12:00]
[In reply to Justin - EOS Silicon Valley]
Annual increase in real ram computers can hold

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 12:00]
[In reply to Red giant]
Not possible

Wiliam wong, [03.07.18 12:00]
now .5eos per kb ram, is that expensive?

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 12:01]
[In reply to Wiliam wong]
Is 10 angels on the head of a pin crowded.

wsdfz z, [03.07.18 12:13]
I just want to know how to expand ram smoothly. If put 5% ram directly into pool, ram price will change a lot. Is there any plan to expand ram without changing the price ?

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 12:15]
[In reply to wsdfz z]
Yes. Smooth growth minute by minute.

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 12:17]
Eos cornered exchange market in ram with most liquidity

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 12:18]
Will generate more income for network than eth does

ZhiWang, [03.07.18 12:24]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
It is suggested that the holders of RAM be allocated proportionately when they are expanded.

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 12:24]

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 12:25]
[In reply to ZhiWang]
Eos holders get benefit of new ram

Nic, [03.07.18 12:25]
Dan if I'm not mistaken. If ram is added by the bps to the network? How comes it takes months to do so? Isn't it just upgrade ram size on the bps server?

Henry Ekerendu, [03.07.18 12:25]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
Dan if you are so sure of everything you are saying...then take it from me, you are the smartest computer scientist alive

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 12:26]
[In reply to Nic]
Every full node

Sam J, [03.07.18 12:26]
Dan, I came up with an analogy: it’s like why Hotdogs inside Madison Square Garden cost $10 but they only cost .50c outside on the street...agree? Lol

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 12:27]
[In reply to Henry Ekerendu]
Not really. Many are far better at computer Science. I’m interdisciplinary

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 12:27]
[In reply to Sam J]
Good one

CTurns, [03.07.18 12:27]
Will the increase in RAM price not deter DApps from doing Airdrops?

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 12:27]
[In reply to CTurns]
It will change market dynamics

BXB Chain, [03.07.18 12:28]
@daniellarimer - when I query the rammarket contract I get a weight of 0.5 it seems like that weight is not being used to calculate price. I am using ram_price = connector_balance / (ram_outstanding_supply * onnector_weight)

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 12:29]
[In reply to BXB Chain]
Weight hard coded to .001 I think. Check code

Nic, [03.07.18 12:29]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
So all 21 bps currently have at least 64Gb of ram? Sorry just want to learn how ram works.

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 12:30]
[In reply to Nic]

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 12:30]
All 1000 full nodes should as well or performance degrades for them

Franco, [03.07.18 12:30]
The commissions due to ram trading will be almost enough to counter inflation right? I see the volume is over a billion dollars!

Roland, [03.07.18 12:31]
[In reply to Digital Credit]
Feels more like EOS Plutonium 😂

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 12:31]
[In reply to Franco]
-2% annual inflation if volume holds

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 12:32]
[In reply to Roland]
Soon to be available in every corner drug store. But in 2018 it’s a little hard to come by.

Nic, [03.07.18 12:34]
Ic thx for the info. Now I know. I think bps candidates could published the amount of ram they could contribute so voters can vote knowing their contribution to the network other than what tools they developed. I think ram will limit new developers to join the EOS community cuz ram cost.

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 12:35]
[In reply to Nic]
Amortization Cory’s is nothing for high value dapps

Nic, [03.07.18 12:46]
[In reply to ac]
Sorry but I do not see ram trading is a killer app...a killer app is when grandma can use it. Ram trading is us small community

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 12:47]
[In reply to Nic]
How many real user of ram market vs crypto kitties

Jacob Davis, [03.07.18 12:48]
Why not allocate RAM in the same way CPU and Network is allocated? What am I missing?

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 12:48]
[In reply to Jacob Davis]
Used ram cannot be freed

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 12:49]
Until contract is done

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 12:49]
Bandwidth is emfremeral

Stefanos Ioannou, [03.07.18 12:49]
In which phase are we? Did we accept there is an issue on RAM yet or are we waiting for more drama and problems?

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 12:50]
[In reply to Stefanos Ioannou]
Did you accept free market

BXB Chain, [03.07.18 12:51]
@daniellarimer - you mentioend that short premium names may be sold more often than once per day, is that going to require a referendum

Daniel Larimer, [03.07.18 12:51]
[In reply to BXB Chain]


Daniel Larimer, [04.07.18 07:46]
We can reduce the volatility of ram market by tweaking a few bancor parameters. We are also doing benchmarks on performance of paging to disk.

Daniel Larimer, [04.07.18 07:47]
I remain committed to bringing down price and increasing supply

Daniel Larimer, [04.07.18 07:47]
While maintaining market based pricing

Falling Water, [04.07.18 07:48]
I like team grey mass solution number 1

Falling Water, [04.07.18 07:49]

Daniel Larimer, [04.07.18 07:49]
[In reply to Falling Water]

John McCoffee, [04.07.18 07:49]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
have you seen greymasses write up? im not smart enough to understand if its a good idea :)

Daniel Larimer, [04.07.18 07:50]
[In reply to John McCoffee]
Bad idea

Daniel Larimer, [04.07.18 08:01]
We tested bancor to 99% today. Did lots of double checking on code

Daniel Larimer, [04.07.18 08:02]
Current code

Daniel Larimer, [04.07.18 08:03]
Main lesson learned only a small percentage can realize gains in a panic sell.

da Lexx, [04.07.18 08:05]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
what about to reduce the fees ?

Daniel Larimer, [04.07.18 08:05]
We can reduce volatility

Ben W, [04.07.18 08:06]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
what are your thoughts on the alternate eosram markets springing up like

Daniel Larimer, [04.07.18 08:06]
[In reply to Ben W]
They will have less liquidity

Ben W, [04.07.18 08:07]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
will they rob liquidity from this market?

Daniel Larimer, [04.07.18 08:07]

Wei, [04.07.18 08:07]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
How to do that?

Daniel Larimer, [04.07.18 08:09]
[In reply to Wei]
We will release a proposal for community to consider. Including plans for scaling beyond physical ram with new high performance ssd.

Micheal Leo, [04.07.18 08:13]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
Hi Daniel, we like the current RAM market, it's a real free maket and perfect, could you help to protect it? And we expect a stable policy, no frequently changes in a short term. You know Chinese stock market? Everyone lose money because the policy is always changing and many fake news. We like current RAM maket.

Daniel Larimer, [04.07.18 08:20]
[In reply to Micheal Leo]
I agree. Stable. Minimum volatility. Sustainable growth.

BXB Chain, [04.07.18 08:22]
There is a fixed supply of RAM -- not a free market

Daniel Larimer, [04.07.18 08:23]
[In reply to BXB Chain]
There is dynamic supply control by community via their elected producers.

Daniel Larimer, [04.07.18 08:23]
Token holders control.

Daniel Larimer, [04.07.18 08:25]
They only control two things. System buyback of ram via market maker and supply of ram.

Evan Huang, [04.07.18 08:25]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
is 20% ram increase per year by system smart contract still a valid plan?

Daniel Larimer, [04.07.18 08:25]
[In reply to Evan Huang]
It will be guided by actual tech viability

Daniel Larimer, [04.07.18 08:26]
If we find ssd paging viable we can have cheaper ram.

Daniel Larimer, [04.07.18 08:26]
Artificial scarcity and protection of ram price is not the goal of policy.

Daniel Larimer, [04.07.18 08:27]
Ram is not a token to speculate on.

Daniel Larimer, [04.07.18 08:28]
Ram price will be driven by supply and demand. Market maker acts for benefit of system not ram holders.

Michael L, [04.07.18 08:29]
@daniellarimer —- If side chains are 3-6 months out because of IBC, and increased RAM won't be introduced for at least weeks because of a large initiative needed from all nodes to increase, how will the price of RAM go down in the short term?

Daniel Larimer, [04.07.18 08:30]
[In reply to Michael L]
Everyone is free to speculate on price, but only obligation to ram holders is storage space in contracts. Not price.

Daniel Larimer, [04.07.18 08:32]
For record I have never bought not sold ram.

Jesse, [04.07.18 08:32]
Dan, you seem to have a slightly different perspective today than the past few days, as someone who is a big fan of EOS and wants to see it gain dominance as something more then a ram market, I sincerely appreciate it

Daniel Larimer, [04.07.18 08:33]
[In reply to Jesse]
I spent all day working on solutions

Daniel Larimer, [04.07.18 08:35]
We can add order book on top

Roland, [04.07.18 09:56]
Virtual RAM is a great solution cos most of the ram reserved are not used anyway

Daniel Larimer, [04.07.18 09:57]
[In reply to Roland]
Big observation is that cpu will get billed to users who cause thrashing

Daniel Larimer, [04.07.18 09:58]
Which will minimize their ability to hurt network

Daniel Larimer, [04.07.18 09:59]
Also many opportunities to optimize memory layout

Roland, [04.07.18 10:00]
I heard SSDs are getting faster too

Daniel Larimer, [04.07.18 10:00]

Daniel Larimer, [04.07.18 10:01]
Today I learned of Intel cpu with 64gb on chip cache.

Daniel Larimer, [04.07.18 10:01]
Built for miners

Daniel Larimer, [04.07.18 23:51]
Sudden increases in RAM supply represent inefficient distribution of new supply by the system contract and will extract less tokens from the market than could be extracted over time. The impact of less efficient extraction is a loss of revenue to the market maker and an increase in long-term volatility caused by a less-well-funded market maker.

Daniel Larimer, [04.07.18 23:51]
based upon this, the interests of the block producers, the community, and RAM speculators are aligned

Daniel Larimer, [04.07.18 23:52]
I am not "fooling" anyone, I am communicating information as I process it

Daniel Larimer, [04.07.18 23:56]
I'm preparing a blog with complete analysis

Daniel Larimer, [04.07.18 23:56]
increasing RAM prior to complete analysis would be a mistake

Daniel Larimer, [04.07.18 23:57]
Blockchains have been struggling to scale since the introduction of Bitcoin. The recent price spikes in the EOS RAM market indicate that the market believes RAM is worth $4 per KB given current supply. This is a STRONG market signal that providing more RAM would be very valuable.

Dapp developers face two costs when building their system.

The cost of interacting with the blockchain
The cost of hosting a full node

Keeping RAM scarce (64 GB) lowers the cost of hosting a full node, but increases the cost of interacting with the blockchain. So much so that deploying a typical smart contract (which uses 10MB of RAM) costs about 40,000 at today’s RAM prices. A developer attempting to build a social media platform will likely want to host at least one full node of their own. For them, spending39K on high-end hardware with sufficient RAM and $1K on for storing their contract in RAM is “break even”.

Micheal Leo, [04.07.18 23:59]
@daniellarimer The RAM market is not just a EOS dapp demo now, the most important is, it introduces a new market method which I think has great significance for us.

Roland, [04.07.18 23:59]
RAM trading dapp is bringing alot of users to EOS

Roland, [05.07.18 00:00]
perhaps more products can be traded using this tech?

Daniel Larimer, [05.07.18 00:00]

wang qang, [05.07.18 00:01]

Daniel Larimer, [05.07.18 00:03]
[In reply to wang qang]
Removing EOS from the market maker will only increase volatility as the market maker doesn't set the price of RAM, it responds to the market price of RAM.

Daniel Larimer, [05.07.18 00:09]
RAM is not about artificial scarcity.

Daniel Larimer, [05.07.18 00:23]

Daniel Larimer, [05.07.18 00:26]
it was in reference to the hardware market

SID, [05.07.18 00:34]
ram will not be increased for a long duration as dan said

Daniel Larimer, [05.07.18 00:35]
[In reply to SID]
I don't decide and always reserve right to change opinion

Daniel Larimer, [05.07.18 00:35]

Daniel Larimer, [05.07.18 00:39]
the 50% parameter is far more tested than the .05% parameter

Michael L, [05.07.18 00:57]
[In reply to Thanatos]
Agreed, but FUNDAMENTAL changes are being randomly suggested and then discarded every 2 days.... I expect more stability from such an influential member of the community, not simply flip-flopping drastically at his will.

Daniel Larimer, [05.07.18 00:57]
[In reply to Michael L]
Did you ever consider that this is a conversation where I learn by my interactions

Mostafa Nazar, [05.07.18 00:58]
dan what is your sugestion for the rate of new ram supply per block?

Daniel Larimer, [05.07.18 00:59]
[In reply to Mostafa Nazar]
I think 1 tb per year until ram price falls below server costs for typical dapp

Daniel Larimer, [05.07.18 00:59]
Subject to technical analysis

Alpha Seeker, [05.07.18 01:00]
whoa 1TB per year now?

Alpha Seeker, [05.07.18 01:00]
RIP ram holders

Daniel Larimer, [05.07.18 01:01]
Community will have to decide

Roland, [05.07.18 01:01]
[In reply to Daniel Larimer]
1TB includes Virtual memory right?

Daniel Larimer, [05.07.18 01:01]

Daniel Larimer, [05.07.18 01:02]
If we run into tech problems producers can reset ram rate until resolved.

Daniel Larimer, [05.07.18 07:51]
I think BTS 2.0 will come first... building blocks and all

Daniel Larimer, [05.07.18 08:00]
no, not related to old BTS... will use EOS as collateral and should pay fees to EOS staked token holders (if the community likes the idea)

Daniel Larimer, [05.07.18 08:01]
it would be .1% trading fee

Daniel Larimer, [05.07.18 08:05]
Steem 2.0 needs BTS 2.0 for its token(s)...

Daniel Larimer, [05.07.18 08:08]
FYI... the exchange + margin trading has been in plain sight for months

Daniel Larimer, [05.07.18 08:09]

Daniel Larimer, [05.07.18 08:09]
it isn't quite ready, but is 90% there

Daniel Larimer, [05.07.18 08:10]
going to polish it up this week

Daniel Larimer, [05.07.18 08:16]
Oh, I think I have finally solved the pegged token problem. Bancor is magic :)

Daniel Larimer, [05.07.18 08:17]
I have working proof-of-concept code for pegged token (BitUSD 2.0)

Daniel Larimer, [05.07.18 08:18]
no forced settlement, high liquidity, self-recollateralizing, shorts earn income from trading fees

Daniel Larimer, [05.07.18 08:18]
market maker automatically follows the 24 hr avg price feed

Daniel Larimer, [05.07.18 08:40]
see guys, I fixed the RAM market without writing a line of code... ;)




Daniel Larimer, [07.07.18 01:34]
if you had a derivitvive that followed the 24hr median price of RAM but had 50% lower trading fees and could be transfered, lent, borrowed, etc... and had to choose to buy real RAM or DRAM 🙂

Daniel Larimer, [07.07.18 01:34]
which would you chose

Daniel Larimer, [07.07.18 01:35]
yes, market will still set price of RAM



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