Pathway dependency
**A little help from your friends **
Such experiments use training to take people into specific jobs. In the past, an initial shove might have been all the help they needed. But as middle-skilled roles disappear, some rungs on the job ladder have gone missing. And in a world of continuous reskilling and greater self-employment, people may need help with repeatedly moving from one type of job to another. Vocational education is good at getting school-leavers into work, but does nothing to help people adapt to changes in the world of work. Indeed, a cross-country study in 2015 by researchers at the Hoover Institution suggests that people with a vocational education are more likely than those with a general education to withdraw from the labourforce as they age. The pattern is particularly marked in countries that rely heavily on apprenticeships, such as Denmark, Germany and Switzerland.
**来自朋友的帮助 **
这些实验通过训练来帮助人们获得特定的工作。在过去一个最初的推动力量可能就是他们所需的全部。但是当中级技能者开始减少的时候,职业阶梯的某些横档就消失了。在一个需要不断重新学习技能以及更多的自主创业的世界中,人们在不断变换工作的时候可能需要某些帮助。假期教育能有效帮助毕业人员进入工作岗位,但不能帮助人们适应工作世界的变化。确实,在 2015 年 Hoover Institution 研究人员的一个跨国研究报告指出参与假期教育的人群更加不容易因年龄的原因而被劳动市场所淘汰。这个模式在诸如丹麦、德国、瑞士等严重依赖学徒制度的国家显得更加明显。