Alamofire 对错误的处理考虑使用枚举,只要结果可能是有限的集合的情况下,其实枚举本身还是数据的一种载体,swift中,枚举有着很丰富的使用方法.
enum Movement {
case Left
case Right
case Top
case Bottom
let aMovement = Movement.Left
switch aMovement {
case .Left:
if case .Left = aMovement {
if .Left == aMovement {
enum Season: Int {
case Spring = 0
case Summer = 1
case Autumn = 2
case Winter = 3
enum House: String {
case ZhangSan = "I am zhangsan"
case LiSi = "I am lisi"
let zs = House.ZhangSan
enum CompassPoint: String {
case North, South, East, West
let n = CompassPoint.North
enum Constants: Double {
case π = 3.14159
case e = 2.71828
case φ = 1.61803398874
case λ = 1.30357
let pai = Constants.π
enum VNodeFlags : UInt32 {
case Delete = 0x00000001
case Write = 0x00000002
case Extended = 0x00000004
case Attrib = 0x00000008
case Link = 0x00000010
case Rename = 0x00000020
case Revoke = 0x00000040
case None = 0x00000080
enum Character {
enum Weapon {
case Bow
case Sword
case Lance
case Dagger
enum Helmet {
case Wooden
case Iron
case Diamond
case Thief
case Warrior
case Knight
struct Scharacter {
enum CharacterType {
case Thief
case Warrior
case Knight
enum Weapon {
case Bow
case Sword
case Lance
case Dagger
let type: CharacterType
let weapon: Weapon
let sc = Scharacter(type: .Thief, weapon: .Bow)
enum Trade {
case Buy(stock: String, amount: Int)
case Sell(stock: String, amount: Int)
let trade = Trade.Buy(stock: "Car", amount: 100)
if case let Trade.Buy(stock, amount) = trade {
print("buy \(amount) of \(stock)")
enum Trade0 {
case Buy(String, Int)
case Sell(String, Int)
let trade0 = Trade0.Buy("Car0", 100)
if case let Trade0.Buy(stock, amount) = trade0 {
print("buy \(amount) of \(stock)")
enum Wearable {
enum Weight: Int {
case Light = 2
enum Armor: Int {
case Light = 2
case Helmet(weight: Weight, armor: Armor)
func attributes() -> (weight: Int, armor: Int) {
switch self {
case .Helmet(let w, let a):
return (weight: w.rawValue * 2, armor: a.rawValue * 4)
let test = Wearable.Helmet(weight: .Light, armor: .Light).attributes()
enum Device {
case iPad, iPhone, AppleTV, AppleWatch
func introduced() -> String {
switch self {
case .AppleTV: return "\(self) was introduced 2006"
case .iPhone: return "\(self) was introduced 2007"
case .iPad: return "\(self) was introduced 2010"
case .AppleWatch: return "\(self) was introduced 2014"
print (Device.iPhone.introduced())
enum Device1 {
case iPad, iPhone
var year: Int {
switch self {
case .iPad:
return 2010
case .iPhone:
return 2007
let iPhone = Device1.iPhone
public enum AFError: Error {
/// The underlying reason the parameter encoding error occurred.
/// - missingURL: The URL request did not have a URL to encode.
/// - jsonEncodingFailed: JSON serialization failed with an underlying system error during the
/// encoding process.
/// - propertyListEncodingFailed: Property list serialization failed with an underlying system error during
/// encoding process.
public enum ParameterEncodingFailureReason {
case missingURL
case jsonEncodingFailed(error: Error)
case propertyListEncodingFailed(error: Error)
let parameterErrorReason = AFError.ParameterEncodingFailureReason.missingURL
枚举的访问是一级一级进行的。我们再看这行代码:case jsonEncodingFailed(error: Error)。jsonEncodingFailed(error: Error)并不是函数,就是枚举的一个普通的子选项。(error: Error)是它的一个关联值,相对于任何一个子选项,我们都可以关联任何值,它的意义就在于,把这些值与子选项进行绑定,方便在需要的时候调用。我们会在下边讲解如何获取关联值。
missingURL 给定的urlRequest.url为nil的情况抛出错误
jsonEncodingFailed(error: Error) 当选择把参数编码成JSON格式的情况下,参数JSON化抛出的错误
propertyListEncodingFailed(error: Error) 这个同上
public enum MultipartEncodingFailureReason {
case bodyPartURLInvalid(url: URL)
case bodyPartFilenameInvalid(in: URL)
case bodyPartFileNotReachable(at: URL)
case bodyPartFileNotReachableWithError(atURL: URL, error: Error)
case bodyPartFileIsDirectory(at: URL)
case bodyPartFileSizeNotAvailable(at: URL)
case bodyPartFileSizeQueryFailedWithError(forURL: URL, error: Error)
case bodyPartInputStreamCreationFailed(for: URL)
case outputStreamCreationFailed(for: URL)
case outputStreamFileAlreadyExists(at: URL)
case outputStreamURLInvalid(url: URL)
case outputStreamWriteFailed(error: Error)
case inputStreamReadFailed(error: Error)
bodyPartURLInvalid(url: URL) 上传数据时,可以通过fileURL的方式,读取本地文件数据,如果fileURL不可用,就会抛出这个错误
bodyPartFilenameInvalid(in: URL) 如果使用fileURL的lastPathComponent或者pathExtension获取filename为空抛出的错误
bodyPartFileNotReachable(at: URL) 通过fileURL不能访问数据,也就是不可达的
bodyPartFileNotReachableWithError(atURL: URL, error: Error) 这个不同于bodyPartFileNotReachable(at: URL),当尝试检测fileURL是不是可达的情况下抛出的错误
bodyPartFileIsDirectory(at: URL) 当fileURL是一个文件夹时抛出错误
bodyPartFileSizeNotAvailable(at: URL) 当使用系统Api获取fileURL指定文件的size出现错误
bodyPartFileSizeQueryFailedWithError(forURL: URL, error: Error) 查询fileURL指定文件size出现错误
bodyPartInputStreamCreationFailed(for: URL) 通过fileURL创建inputStream出现错误
outputStreamCreationFailed(for: URL) 当尝试把编码后的数据写入到硬盘时,创建outputStream出现错误
outputStreamFileAlreadyExists(at: URL) 数据不能被写入,因为指定的fileURL已经存在
outputStreamURLInvalid(url: URL) fileURL不是一个file URL
outputStreamWriteFailed(error: Error) 数据流写入错误
inputStreamReadFailed(error: Error) 数据流读入错误
public enum ResponseValidationFailureReason {
case dataFileNil
case dataFileReadFailed(at: URL)
case missingContentType(acceptableContentTypes: [String])
case unacceptableContentType(acceptableContentTypes: [String], responseContentType: String)
case unacceptableStatusCode(code: Int)
dataFileNil 保存数据的URL不存在,这种情况一般出现在下载任务中,指的是下载代理中的fileURL缺失
dataFileReadFailed(at: URL) 保存数据的URL无法读取数据,同上
missingContentType(acceptableContentTypes: [String]) 服务器返回的response不包含ContentType且提供的acceptableContentTypes不包含通配符(通配符表示可以接受任何类型)
unacceptableContentType(acceptableContentTypes: [String], responseContentType: String) ContentTypes不匹配
unacceptableStatusCode(code: Int) StatusCode不匹配
public enum ResponseSerializationFailureReason {
case inputDataNil
case inputDataNilOrZeroLength
case inputFileNil
case inputFileReadFailed(at: URL)
case stringSerializationFailed(encoding: String.Encoding)
case jsonSerializationFailed(error: Error)
case propertyListSerializationFailed(error: Error)
response 直接返回HTTPResponse,未序列化
responseData 序列化为Data
responseJSON 序列化为Json
responseString 序列化为字符串
responsePropertyList 序列化为Any
inputDataNil 服务器返回的response没有数据
inputDataNilOrZeroLength 服务器返回的response没有数据或者数据的长度是0
inputFileNil 指向数据的URL不存在
inputFileReadFailed(at: URL) 指向数据的URL无法读取数据
上边内容中介绍的ParameterEncodingFailureReason MultipartEncodingFailureReason ResponseValidationFailureReason和 ResponseSerializationFailureReason,他们是定义在AFError中独立的枚举,他们之间是包含和被包含的关系,理解这一点很重要,因为有了这种包含的管理,在使用中就需要通过AFError.ParameterEncodingFailureReason这种方式进行操作。
case invalidURL(url: URLConvertible)
case parameterEncodingFailed(reason: ParameterEncodingFailureReason)
case multipartEncodingFailed(reason: MultipartEncodingFailureReason)
case responseValidationFailed(reason: ResponseValidationFailureReason)
case responseSerializationFailed(reason: ResponseSerializationFailureReason)
func findErrorType(error: AFError) {
extension AFError {
/// Returns whether the AFError is an invalid URL error.
public var isInvalidURLError: Bool {
if case .invalidURL = self { return true }
return false
/// Returns whether the AFError is a parameter encoding error. When `true`, the `underlyingError` property will
/// contain the associated value.
public var isParameterEncodingError: Bool {
if case .parameterEncodingFailed = self { return true }
return false
/// Returns whether the AFError is a multipart encoding error. When `true`, the `url` and `underlyingError` properties
/// will contain the associated values.
public var isMultipartEncodingError: Bool {
if case .multipartEncodingFailed = self { return true }
return false
/// Returns whether the `AFError` is a response validation error. When `true`, the `acceptableContentTypes`,
/// `responseContentType`, and `responseCode` properties will contain the associated values.
public var isResponseValidationError: Bool {
if case .responseValidationFailed = self { return true }
return false
/// Returns whether the `AFError` is a response serialization error. When `true`, the `failedStringEncoding` and
/// `underlyingError` properties will contain the associated values.
public var isResponseSerializationError: Bool {
if case .responseSerializationFailed = self { return true }
return false
urlConvertible: URLConvertible? 获取某个属性,这个属性实现了URLConvertible协议,在AFError中只有case invalidURL(url: URLConvertible)这个选项符合要求
/// The `URLConvertible` associated with the error.
public var urlConvertible: URLConvertible? {
switch self {
case .invalidURL(let url):
return url
return nil
url: URL? 获取AFError中的URL,当然这个URL只跟MultipartEncodingFailureReason这个子选项有关
/// The `URL` associated with the error.
public var url: URL? {
switch self {
case .multipartEncodingFailed(let reason):
return reason.url
return nil
underlyingError: Error? AFError中封装的所有的可能出现的错误中,并不是每种可能都会返回Error这个错误信息,因此这个属性是可选的
/// The `Error` returned by a system framework associated with a `.parameterEncodingFailed`,
/// `.multipartEncodingFailed` or `.responseSerializationFailed` error.
public var underlyingError: Error? {
switch self {
case .parameterEncodingFailed(let reason):
return reason.underlyingError
case .multipartEncodingFailed(let reason):
return reason.underlyingError
case .responseSerializationFailed(let reason):
return reason.underlyingError
return nil
acceptableContentTypes: [String]? 可接受的ContentType
/// The response `Content-Type` of a `.responseValidationFailed` error.
public var responseContentType: String? {
switch self {
case .responseValidationFailed(let reason):
return reason.responseContentType
return nil
responseCode: Int? 响应码
/// The response code of a `.responseValidationFailed` error.
public var responseCode: Int? {
switch self {
case .responseValidationFailed(let reason):
return reason.responseCode
return nil
failedStringEncoding: String.Encoding? 错误的字符串编码
/// The `String.Encoding` associated with a failed `.stringResponse()` call.
public var failedStringEncoding: String.Encoding? {
switch self {
case .responseSerializationFailed(let reason):
return reason.failedStringEncoding
return nil
extension AFError.ParameterEncodingFailureReason {
var underlyingError: Error? {
switch self {
case .jsonEncodingFailed(let error), .propertyListEncodingFailed(let error):
return error
return nil
extension AFError.MultipartEncodingFailureReason {
var url: URL? {
switch self {
case .bodyPartURLInvalid(let url), .bodyPartFilenameInvalid(let url), .bodyPartFileNotReachable(let url),
.bodyPartFileIsDirectory(let url), .bodyPartFileSizeNotAvailable(let url),
.bodyPartInputStreamCreationFailed(let url), .outputStreamCreationFailed(let url),
.outputStreamFileAlreadyExists(let url), .outputStreamURLInvalid(let url),
.bodyPartFileNotReachableWithError(let url, _), .bodyPartFileSizeQueryFailedWithError(let url, _):
return url
return nil
var underlyingError: Error? {
switch self {
case .bodyPartFileNotReachableWithError(_, let error), .bodyPartFileSizeQueryFailedWithError(_, let error),
.outputStreamWriteFailed(let error), .inputStreamReadFailed(let error):
return error
return nil
extension AFError.ResponseValidationFailureReason {
var acceptableContentTypes: [String]? {
switch self {
case .missingContentType(let types), .unacceptableContentType(let types, _):
return types
return nil
var responseContentType: String? {
switch self {
case .unacceptableContentType(_, let responseType):
return responseType
return nil
var responseCode: Int? {
switch self {
case .unacceptableStatusCode(let code):
return code
return nil
extension AFError.ResponseSerializationFailureReason {
var failedStringEncoding: String.Encoding? {
switch self {
case .stringSerializationFailed(let encoding):
return encoding
return nil
var underlyingError: Error? {
switch self {
case .jsonSerializationFailed(let error), .propertyListSerializationFailed(let error):
return error
return nil
extension AFError: LocalizedError {
public var errorDescription: String? {
switch self {
case .invalidURL(let url):
return "URL is not valid: \(url)"
case .parameterEncodingFailed(let reason):
return reason.localizedDescription
case .multipartEncodingFailed(let reason):
return reason.localizedDescription
case .responseValidationFailed(let reason):
return reason.localizedDescription
case .responseSerializationFailed(let reason):
return reason.localizedDescription
extension AFError.ParameterEncodingFailureReason {
var localizedDescription: String {
switch self {
case .missingURL:
return "URL request to encode was missing a URL"
case .jsonEncodingFailed(let error):
return "JSON could not be encoded because of error:\n\(error.localizedDescription)"
case .propertyListEncodingFailed(let error):
return "PropertyList could not be encoded because of error:\n\(error.localizedDescription)"
extension AFError.MultipartEncodingFailureReason {
var localizedDescription: String {
switch self {
case .bodyPartURLInvalid(let url):
return "The URL provided is not a file URL: \(url)"
case .bodyPartFilenameInvalid(let url):
return "The URL provided does not have a valid filename: \(url)"
case .bodyPartFileNotReachable(let url):
return "The URL provided is not reachable: \(url)"
case .bodyPartFileNotReachableWithError(let url, let error):
return (
"The system returned an error while checking the provided URL for " +
"reachability.\nURL: \(url)\nError: \(error)"
case .bodyPartFileIsDirectory(let url):
return "The URL provided is a directory: \(url)"
case .bodyPartFileSizeNotAvailable(let url):
return "Could not fetch the file size from the provided URL: \(url)"
case .bodyPartFileSizeQueryFailedWithError(let url, let error):
return (
"The system returned an error while attempting to fetch the file size from the " +
"provided URL.\nURL: \(url)\nError: \(error)"
case .bodyPartInputStreamCreationFailed(let url):
return "Failed to create an InputStream for the provided URL: \(url)"
case .outputStreamCreationFailed(let url):
return "Failed to create an OutputStream for URL: \(url)"
case .outputStreamFileAlreadyExists(let url):
return "A file already exists at the provided URL: \(url)"
case .outputStreamURLInvalid(let url):
return "The provided OutputStream URL is invalid: \(url)"
case .outputStreamWriteFailed(let error):
return "OutputStream write failed with error: \(error)"
case .inputStreamReadFailed(let error):
return "InputStream read failed with error: \(error)"
extension AFError.ResponseSerializationFailureReason {
var localizedDescription: String {
switch self {
case .inputDataNil:
return "Response could not be serialized, input data was nil."
case .inputDataNilOrZeroLength:
return "Response could not be serialized, input data was nil or zero length."
case .inputFileNil:
return "Response could not be serialized, input file was nil."
case .inputFileReadFailed(let url):
return "Response could not be serialized, input file could not be read: \(url)."
case .stringSerializationFailed(let encoding):
return "String could not be serialized with encoding: \(encoding)."
case .jsonSerializationFailed(let error):
return "JSON could not be serialized because of error:\n\(error.localizedDescription)"
case .propertyListSerializationFailed(let error):
return "PropertyList could not be serialized because of error:\n\(error.localizedDescription)"
extension AFError.ResponseValidationFailureReason {
var localizedDescription: String {
switch self {
case .dataFileNil:
return "Response could not be validated, data file was nil."
case .dataFileReadFailed(let url):
return "Response could not be validated, data file could not be read: \(url)."
case .missingContentType(let types):
return (
"Response Content-Type was missing and acceptable content types " +
"(\(types.joined(separator: ","))) do not match \"*/*\"."
case .unacceptableContentType(let acceptableTypes, let responseType):
return (
"Response Content-Type \"\(responseType)\" does not match any acceptable types: " +
"\(acceptableTypes.joined(separator: ","))."
case .unacceptableStatusCode(let code):
return "Response status code was unacceptable: \(code)."