
看到一个有关长句分析的视频并对此做的笔记, 侵删

视频链接: 托福想过百,托福阅读必会的50个句子https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Py4y1B7wc/


Regardless of the fact that there are a number of good motion pictures brought out, it is true that there are some which, although photographically good, are poor because the manufacturer, familiar with the picture and the plot, does not take into consideration that the film was not made for him but for the audience.

    1.     形容词 an obvious fact

    2.     介词结构 an obvious fact in the history

    3.     分词结构 an obvious fact happening in the history

    4.     定语从句 an obvious fact which happened in the history(成分不完整)

    5.     同位语从句 an obvious fact that a financial crisis happened in the history(成分完整)



先后顺序: (一般观点 + 具体观点) + (大小   +   形状 + 新旧 + 颜色 + 国籍  +  材质)

                         bad            dirty        little       round    old     black  American tree

                        观点形容词                                          事实形容词


常见介词: in, on, with, by, for, at, about, under, of, to, into, within, throughout, inside, outside, without

多重介词结构倒装: The detection of molecular oxygen on Earth-sized planets around other stars in the universe would not be an unambiguous sign of life.

初学者写法: We detect molecular oxygen on Earth-sized.

+ They are revolving around other stars in the universe.

+ But this discovery is not a certain sign of life.

    1.     一半介词结构: the star in the universe

    2.     形容词+介词结构:   the time different from past

    3.     连词+介词结构: a nice man because of his kindness


    1.    现在分词: a boy shooting a basketball in the court

    2.     过去分词: a book written by a famous writer

    3.     将来分词(不定式): a duty to take care of the old

多重分词结构倒装: The research leading to short-term forecasting has been focused on precursors(前兆) observed prior to previous earthquakes.

初学者写法: The research leads to short-term forecasting.

+ This forecasting has been focused on precursors.

+ Precursors observe prior to previous earthquakes.

4.介词结构 + 分词结构(主谓分离):


The gradual drying of the soil caused by its diminished ability to absorb water results in the future loss of vegetation.

The sheer scale of the investment (that) it took to begin commercial expansion at sea reflects the immensity of the profits thatsuch East-West trade could create.


常见的关系词有: who, whom, whose, which, that, as (, than)


I’m looking for a job that I’ll enjoy.

非限定性关系从句: 不作为限定信息,与修饰部分关系不近,故用 ‘,’分隔。

All the burglars were arrested, which was a great relief. (句末)

Our new house, which is by the beach, is beautiful. (句中)

I teach many classes, some of which are very difficult. (用量词表述从句所限定的人或物的数量)

可改写为I teach many classes and some of them are very difficult.



     The book you read

    An organization must provide products consumers consider useful or desirable.

    Females probably preferred to mate with winners of these contests because they liked the territory the winners could defend.

    The potential hazards(危害)pollen grainsare subject to are enormous.

定语从句和同位语从句的区分: 定语从句和同位语从句的区别在于从句的成分是否完整

定语从句: This is a fact that I  love.

                                            主  谓(缺宾)

同位语从句: This is the fact that I  love you.

                                                   主  谓  宾

定语从句: Moderate winds may then generate waves that mix deep and shallow water.

                                                                                              谓         宾(缺主)

同位语从句: The usual gravel provided abundant evidence that the Mediterranean was once a desert.

                                                                                                                     主            系            表

This is strong evidence that the planets formed simultaneously from a single disk of material that 

                                                        主        谓                              宾(同位语从句)

rotated the same direction as the modern planets.

   谓                宾(缺主,定语从句)



    1.     宾语后出现修饰成分

    2.    宾语中内嵌宾语(to do结构/宾语从句)


    1.     mistake A for B ➡ mistake for B A

Early critics of Emily Dickinson’poetry mistook for simple mindedness the surface of artlessness.

    2.     make A adj. ➡ make adj. A

These roads made possible a reduction in transportation costs.

These roads made an immeasurable huge reduction possible.

宾语中嵌宾语: to do不定式做宾语

    1.     make it adj. to do sth. (it指代后面的to do)

    Soil conditions in New Guinea made it difficult to grow cereals.

    These roads made  possible a reductionin transportation costs. (如果后面不是不定式就不放it,不定式一定要有指代)

    2.     宾语从句that做宾语

    The manufacturer does not take into consideration that the film was not made for him but for the audience.


    1.    主语太长,将其后置,用it做形式主语

    It is ... that ...

    After centuries, it is evident that these pests can not be eradicated(根除).

    2.     It is ... to do ...

    It become possible to move foods to needy regions within Western Europe quickly.

主语倒装: It is known that cities are generally warmer than surrounding rural areas. (that后面成分完整)

                                            主    系       表

强调句: It was the railroad boom of the 1850S that helped make Wall Street in New York City the nation’s greatest capital market.(that后面成分不完整)

                                                                                    谓                      宾




not only ... but also ...

either ... or ...

neither ... nor ...

both ... and ...

Even the stalks of cereals are useful as animal food, as bedding in stables and barns, and as a building material.

These phenomena include changes in the velocity of seismic waves (地震波), the electrical resistance of rocks, the frequency of the usually minor preliminary (初步的) earthquakes, the deformation of the land surface, and the water level of wells in the area.

Some current analyses conclude that solar activities explain a considerable amount of the observed variability from the 17thto the early 20thcentury, but that they cannot be evoked to explain the rapid warming in recent decades.


Convinced that railroads burdened them with high taxes, voters turned against state aid.

可改为Turned against state aid, voters convinced that railroads burdened them with high taxes.因为 ’,’前后不能连接两套完整主谓宾。如果省略掉的主语和保留的主语不一样会造成句子二义性,所以无头句的主语在‘,’后面。

Because they are convince that railroads burdened them with high taxes, voters turned against state aid. 但连词可以连接两套完整主谓宾。

They are convinced that railroads burdened them with high taxesvoters turned against aid. ‘;’也可以

The jaw joint of carnivores has the mechanical advantage, _ allowing the jaw to close with tremendous speed. 无头句后置,‘,’后面没有主语,缺的主语是‘,’前的主语

Furnished with stabilizing devices, some of which impair its aesthetics, the bridge has been reopened.  ‘some of which’无法作为主语,此前也没有主语,故主语是后面的‘the bridge’

While cold and dry, these must have been broad areas of dense vegetation to support those animals. ‘while’是连词,理论上后面应该有完整的主谓。‘there be’句型的主语不是‘there’而是‘be’的名词‘broad areas’。


    1.     倒装: 介词结构+分词结构(主谓分离)、宾语、主语

    2.     省略: 定语从句、平行结构、无头句

    1.     平行结构

    2.     多重连词because, while, despite, even if, even though也可以当连词


... and ..., since ... .

... and ..., but ... .

..., so ..., causing that ... . (A➡B➡C)


主干: 介词: 并列: 宾/同位语: 分词: 连词: 无头句:        

1.Continuous alternation of the crust by erosion and also by volcanic and metamorphic process makes unlikely any discovery of rocks nearly as old as Earth.

主谓分离: continuous alternation ... makes ...

宾语倒装: makes unlikely any discovery

make   adj.     A

平行结构: and

介词结构: of the crust, by erosion, by volcanic, of rocks nearly as old as Earth

3s版本: 持续改变使发现岩石不可能

2.The absence of an oxygen atmosphere on Mars and other planets in our solar system means that these planets also lack an ozone shield that would protect surface-dwelling life from UV radiation.

ultraviolet 紫外线, infrared 红外线, protect A from B 保护A免受B的影响

主谓分离: the absence ... means ...

定语从句: ozone shield that ...

句式总结: sth. means that 主谓宾 that 谓宾

3s版本: 氧气层缺失意味着行星缺少臭氧防护层

3.Historian Frederic Lane observes that after the loss of ships in battle in the late sixteenth century, the shipbuilding industry no longer had capacity to recover that it had displayed at the start of the century.

定语从句及省略:recover that it当中的that指代前文的capacity, that和it之间省略一个that, 省略的这个that作为定语从句的引导词修饰前文

3s版本: 造船业无法展现出世纪初的能力

4.The dramatic expansion of the railroad network in 1850s strained the financing capacity of local governments and required a turn toward private investment, which had never been absent from the picture.

The dramatic expansion ofthe railroad network in1850s strained the financing capacity oflocal governments and(the dramatic expansion) required a turn toward private investment, whichhad never been absent fromthe picture.

strain=burden 使...负担过重

平行结构: and required之间省略主语

定语从句: which ...修饰前面的private investment

3s版本: 铁路网络急剧扩张使财政负担过重, 同时向私人投资求助

5.Beyond the costs that can be associated with such measurable characteristics as age and residential location are those that are psychic in nature.

be associated with=be link to=have ... to do with ... 和...相关


句式总结: Beyond ... that A are those that B

本句语法是状语提前的倒装,如Here comes the bus

3s版本: 除了可以被量化的成本之外还有一些心理因素相关的成本

6.Although discharges follow one another almost continuously throughout the life of the fish, their power level is much too low to be detected by human handlers but potent enough to create a stable electric field around the body of fish.

too ... to 太 ... 而不能 ...


句式总结: Although 主谓宾, 主谓宾 but 主谓宾

3s版本: 虽然他们放电少,但是可以形成稳定电场

7.Grown for their seeds or kernels, cereals are excellent sources of energy: although they lack some amino acids, as well as calcium, vitamin A, and vitamin C, they provide starch and oil, and in some cases, considerable amounts of protein.

无头句:grown ...前面缺主语

as well as=and但是as well as后面只能加名词

句式总结: 谓宾, 主谓宾: although 主谓宾, 主谓宾

3s版本: 谷类是极好的能量来源

8.Gills were undoubtedly the main source of oxygen for these fish, but the lungs served as an auxiliary breathing device for gulping air when the water became oxygen depleted, such as during extended periods of drought.

gulp 吞咽

3s版本: 肺充当辅助呼吸器官

9.Paper-making spread quickly to Egypt - and eventually to Sicily and Spain - but it was several centuries before paper supplanted parchment for copies of the Koran, probably because of the conservative nature of religious art and its practitioners.

supplant=replace 取代

句式总结: 主谓宾, but主谓宾 before主谓宾

   ‘表of 主’是名词性结构,可用于because of后,其表示的内容等价于主系表

3s版本: 纸张取代羊皮纸花了很久

10.Once Chinese immigrants began to establish nuclear families and produce a second generation, instituting household production similar to that established by Japanese immigrants, their socioeconomic attainment soon paralleled that of Japanese immigrants and their descendants.

once 一旦


平行结构: families and produce省略Chinese immigrants

无头句: instituting前面缺少主语

介词结构: similar to that和...相似

代词: their socioeconomic的their指的是Chinese immigrants

that of Japanese的that指的是Japanese immigrants

同义替换: institute=build=set up=establish=building-up建立

   second generation=descendants

句式总结: Once 主谓宾, 谓宾, 主谓宾

3s版本: 中国移民和后代获得的东西跟日本移民和后代获得的东西差不多

11.Although in most professional productions the changes that occur in performance from one night to another are so subtle that only an expert would notice, the fact is that each night’s presentation is unique, and everyone including the audience, the cast, and those behind the scenes knows it.

so subtle that... 太小以至于被忽视

句式总结: Although ..., the fact is that

3s版本: 每天晚上表演不一样,所有人都能看到改变

12.Ecologistswho work in different regions of the world observe tremendous local variation in tree height, canopy structure, and abundance of vines, depending on the site conditions of soil, climate, slope elevation, and local disturbance.

无头句: ..., depending on ...

3s版本: 生态学家观察到巨大本地差异

13.The amount of air exchanged is even lower in REM(the phase of sleep in which there is rapid eye movement) than in NREM(the phase of sleep in which there is no rapid eye movement) because, although breathing is more rapid in REM, it is also more irregular, with brief episodes of shallow breathing or absence of breathing.

because用于句首,后面主句需要用 ’,’,  放在句中 主句后的because前面不加

句式总结: The amount of 比较对象 is even lower in A than in B because, although ..., ... .

3s版本: 对于空气交换量,REM比NREM少

14.The multiplication of standardized texts altered the thinking habits of Europeans by freeing individuals from having to memorize everything that they learned; it certainly made possible the speedy and inexpensive dissemination of knowledge.


free sb. from doing 不用再做

dissemination 传播

speedy 迅速的

看到it, 往后找to do sth. 或者that引导的从句,如果有主语在后面,如果没有则代之前一句的主语,本句是multiplication

宾语倒装: make possible sth. = make sth. possible sth.长用前者,短用后者

3s版本: 文本增加改变思考习惯

15.In a species-rich ecosystem, diseases may spread more slowly, because most species will be relatively less abundant, thus increasing the average distance between individuals of the same species and hampering disease transmission among individuals.

thus 所以

无头句: increasing和hampering两个分词结构在句首引导无头句

3s版本: 疾病可能传播的缓慢

16.The first type is long-term forecasting, in which the probability of an earthquake along a particular segment of a certain time interval is calculated by studying seismic gaps and historical records of earthquakes that have occurred along that fault segment.

fault 断层

介词结构: of an earthquake, along a particular segment, of a certain time interval这三个介词结构导致主谓分离

in which是介词结构但是用法等于that

of a certain time interval 一个特定的时间段

by studying seismic gaps 地震空白带, of earthquakes

3s版本: 第一类是长期预测,根据地震记录计算概率

17.Additionally, the villages and towns of Egypt, all of which were situated near the Nile on the river’s narrow flood plain, had approximately equal access to the river and the villages and towns did not have to compete among themselves for water as their contemporaries in Mesopotamia were forced to do.

have access to + n./do 有能力去...

compete for 争夺

contemporaries 同时期的东西,本句中作为the villages and town的同意替代

介词结构: of which, in which, on which, upon which都是介词结构倒装修饰前面的名词

连词结构: as可以做连词也可以做介词

as + 句子做连词表示依照You ought to do as he tells you.

as + ...做连词表示当...时候She was cooking as I arrived home.

as + ... ...做连词表示随着As the sun rose the fog dispersed.

as + ..., ... 做连词表示因为As rain has fallen, the air is cooler.

adj. + as + 从句做连词表示虽然/尽管Happy as they were, there was something missing.

as+n.当介词表示作为I really value him as a friend.

as+n.当介词表示如同/像 The old woman was dressed as a young lady

as+n.当副词表示例如There are lots of famous building as the Eiffel Tower and the Arch of Triumph

as做副词表示和...一样固定搭配as adj. as ... 和...在adj.一样 He runs as fast as me.

3s版本: 村庄有平等使用河流的权力,他们不需要竞争水源

18.From a plant’s evolutionary viewpoint, it was also a land of opportunity, free of competitors and predators and full of carbon dioxide and sunlight, the raw materials for photosynthesis, which are present in far higher concentrations in air than in water.

free of A, full of B

无头句: it是指代没有实际含义, 放在句首引导无头句, 本句中指代land

, free 也是无头句的一种形式

同位语: the raw materials指代了前面的carbon dioxide and sunlight

定语从句: which引导的定语从句修饰前面的the raw materials

3s版本: 这是充满机会的一片土地

19.Coins also provide a valuable source of written records: they can reveal information about the location where they are found, which can provide evidence about trade practices there, and their inscriptions can be informative about the issuing authority, whether they were city-states or sole rulers.

Coins also provide a valuable source ofwritten records: they can reveal information aboutthe location wherethey are found, whichcan provide evidence abouttrade practices there, andtheir inscriptions can be informative aboutthe issuing authority, whether they were city-states or sole rulers.

inscriptions 铭文/刻纹

issue 发行

whether ... or ... 无论是...还是...

3s版本: 硬币提供书面记录的有价值来源

20.It means that photosynthesis, the process by which plants use the energy of sunlight to produce the organic carbon compounds necessary for life, can only occur in surface waters where the light intensity is sufficiently high.

use用法: use n. to do 用n.做Plants use the energy of sunlight to produce the organic carbon compounds.

used to do sth. 过去常常做某事 I used to play basketball when I was young.

be used to sth./doing sth. 习惯于做某事, 其中to是介词 They are used to swimming in the river nearby.

be used for 被当作 They are used for writing.

be of use 有用的 The dictionary is of great use to the students

make use of sth. 利用/使用 We must make great use of our time to study.

be in use 在使用中 The room is in use until night

out of use 停用 The site has been out of use for many years

in use 使用中 If this is not in use, I’d like to borrow it.

use up 耗尽 I used up my reserves.

be used up The present oil reserves might be used up by the end of the next century.

make full use of 充分利用 In this way, we can make full use of water.

3s版本: 光合作用只能发生在地表水

21.They possess drought-resisting adaptations: loss of water through the leaves is reduced by means of dense hairs covering waxy leaf surfaces, by the closure of pores during the hottest times to reduce water loss, and by the rolling up or shedding of leaves at the beginning of dry season.

3s版本: 他们有一些抵抗干旱适应性的方法

22.The presence of mammal species that require grassland vegetation has led Arctic biologist Dale Guthrie to argue that, while(the Beringian landscape) cold and dry, there must have been broad areas of dense vegetation to support herds of mammoth, horse, and bison.

must have been 情态动词对过去的推测


从句做连词:while这里做了无头句的省略, there be的主语不是there, 是be后面的broad areas。这里的while还可以换成though,最终表达的意思相同

3s版本: 草食动物的存在导致A认为这的植物多

23.The implication is that the forest that did remain was changing to relatively more junipers, a tree that is more fire resistant, better able to reproduce in open settings, and less desirable for construction than pinon.

implication 含义

less desirable for 不适合

The implication is that = It implies that

同位语从句:a tree前面省略一个that, 整体作为同位语, 进一步解释junipers

定语从句: forest后面一个定语从句修饰

a tree后面一个定语从句修饰

平行结构: a tree that is more fire resistant, better able to reproduce in open settings, and less desirable for construction than pinon这三个是平行结构共同修饰a tree  

3s版本: 森林变成更多的junipers

24.In the second case, pollinators(insects, birds) obtain food from the flowering plant, and the plant has its pollen distributed and seeds dispersed much more efficiently than they would be if they were carried by the wind only.

平行结构: and the plant has its pollen distributed and seeds dispersed much more efficiently than they would be 第一个and连接前后两套主谓, 第二个and后面进行了平行结构的省略, 省略了the plant has its, than是一个比较级连接两套同类型不同程度的句子

虚拟语气: if they were carried by the wind only 虚拟语气表示说话人的主观愿望、猜疑、建议, 一定与事实相反

与现在相反 动词过去式be动词用were

与过去相反 过去完成式have been done

与将来相反 过去式should/were to+v.

同义替换: distribute, disperse, carry表示扩散传递

3s版本: 授粉者从开花植物获得食物, 而且开花植物的种子传递更有效

25.Industries with high concentrations of employment in urban areas, where a worker’s change of employer dose not necessarily require investing in a change of residence, appear to have higher rates of job turnover than industries concentrated in non-metropolitan areas do.

同义替换: metropolitan意为大都市, urban areas和non-metropolitan areas取反

turnover表示周转,  job turnover表示离职和a worker’s change of employer是同义替换,  句末的do也代之离职

定语从句: 主语和谓语之间加入了定语从句where a worker’s change of employer dose not necessarily require investing in a change of residence从而产生主谓分离

3s版本: 城市的离职率更高

26.The transition to gardens, fields, and pastures was probably gradual, the natural outgrowth of a long familiarity with the environmental requirements, growth cycles, and reproductive mechanisms of whatever plants and animals humans liked to eat, ride, or wear.

outgrowth=result 结果

同位语从句:the natural outgrowth进一步修饰前面的transition

3s版本: 转移是逐渐的

27.The explanation is that the Maya excavated depressions, or modified natural depressions, and then plugged up leaks in the karst by plastering the bottoms of the depressions in order to create reservoirs, which collected rain from large plastered catchment basins and stored it for use in the dry season.

介词结构: in order to+v.=so as to+v.≈for+n. 为了...

平行结构: excavated depressions, modified natural depressions, plugged up leaks plugged up=blocked堵住

定语从句: which collected rain...修饰reservoirs

3s版本: Maya做...为了创建蓄水池

28.As more and more accumulations of strata were cataloged in more and more places, it became clear that the sequences of rocks sometimes differed from region to region and no rock type was ever going to become a reliable time marker throughout the world.

catalogue=record=document 记录

strata(复数) stratum(单数) 地层

bacteria bacterium 细菌

media medium 媒体

data datum 数据


句式总结: As/Because ..., it become clear that ...(因) and/thus ...(果)

3s版本: 石头不靠谱

29.The second hypothesis emphasizes the food-web aspect, suggesting that strong freshwater runoff brings additional nutrients to the coastal waters, stimulating the production of microscopic marine plants and permitting more rapid development and better survival of starfish larvae.

runoff 径流

coastal 沿海的

无头句: suggesting 引导无头句, 当作认为翻译, 主语是hypothesis

stimulating permitting是由and并列的两个无头句, 主语是freshwater

3s版本: 猜想二强调了食物网络情报

30.Over a period of decades, dark-colored forms became an increasingly large fraction of some populations and dark-colored forms eventually came to dominate peppered moth populations in certain areas - especially those of extreme industrialization such as the Ruhr Valley of Germany and the Midlands of England.

3s版本: 黑色类型变得越来越多占比越来越大

31.For example, in traditional architecture, stone or brick walls served a structural role, but in a steel-beam building the walls were essentially hung from the internal skeleton of steel beams, which meant that walls and corners no longer needed to be solid but could be opened up in unexpected ways.

hung from 挂在...上面

平行结构: but前后取反, but后面更重要

定语从句: which meant修饰前面整句话的内容

3s版本: 石砖墙不再当结构了

32.The West had plenty of attractions: the alluvial river bottoms, the fecund soils of the rolling forest lands, and the black loams of the prairies were tempting to New England farmers working their rocky, sterile land and southeastern farmers plagued with soil depletion and erosion.

fecund soils和black loams是同义改写

be tempting to 很对...有吸引力

plagued with=trouble with=suffer from 受到...困扰

sterile land 不毛之地

3s版本: 西部有很多魅力

33.Since birds and crocodiles share a common ancestor, the simplest explanation for the characteristics they share, such as nest building and some form of parental care, is that they evolved only once - that these attributes were present in their common ancestor and passed on to its descendants.


3s版本: 最简单的解释是它们只进化了一次

34.As soon as the hunter or hunters seize their prey, they lose interest in all other grazers, since then they, too, must concentrate on eating, at which point the herd stops running, those who were left behind rejoin the group, and they all resume grazing.

as soon as=as long as=when 当



seize 抓住

since then=after that 从那时起

句式总结: As soon as ..., ..., since then ...

3s版本: 捕食者丧失兴趣

35.The growth of mutual trust among merchants facilitated the growth of sales on credit and led to new developments in finance, such as the bill of exchange, a device that made the long, slow, and very dangerous shipment of coins unnecessary.

facilitate=led to 原文句型还可变化为led to A and to B


句式总结: The growth of A facilitated B and C, such D, E

3s版本: 商人间的互相信任促进信用销售的增长

36.Therefore, when observational assessment is used as a technique for studying infant perceptual abilities, care must be taken not to overgeneralize from the data or to rely on one or two studies as conclusive evidence of a particular perceptual ability of the infant.

assessment 评估

perceptual 感性的

3s版本: 既不能过度概括又不只依赖一两个研究

37.Although literacy appeared independently in several parts of the prehistoric world, the earliest evidence of writing is the cuneiform Sumerian script on the clay tables of ancient Mesopotamia, which, that archaeological detective work has revealed, had its origins in the accounting practices of commercial activity.


3s版本: 最早的证据源于S的记录

38.The merchants were also indicated by markings on some vases, whereby a signature sign or abbreviation indicated to which exporter or importer in the receiving city the pottery was destined.

vase 花瓶

whereby=by which

indicate to do/sth./that

be destined to 被运送往to which exporter or importer in the receiving city被前置了, 正常语序是destined to which exporter or importer in the receiving city

句式总结: ..., whereby ...

3s版本: 商人也用标记表示

39. Among them were a large number of nonconformists whose religious principles encouraged thrift and industry rather than luxurious living and who tented to pour their profits back into their business, thus providing the basis for continued expansion.

nonconformists 不遵守传统的人

句式总结: Among them were a large number of A whose ... and which ...

3s版本: 他们之中有一些好人

40.On January 9th , urged on by Brazilian advisers who perceived a golden opportunity to make an orderly transition to independence without the intervention of the masses, Pedro refused an order from the parliament to return to Portugal, saying famously, ‘I remain’.

无头句: urged, saying的主语是P

3s版本: P拒绝命令

41.Harkins and Jackson found that social loafing disappeared when participants in a group believed that each person’s performance could be monitored and evaluated; indeed, even the idea that the group performance may be evaluated against some standard can be sufficient to eliminate the loafing effect.

loafing effect 游手好闲

3s版本: 监督能消除游手好闲

42.These include conducting vessels that transport water and minerals upward from the roots and that move the photosynthetic products from the leaves to the rest of the plant body and the stiffening substance lignin which support the plant body, helping it expose maximum surface area to sunlight.

平行结构: 第一个and平行transport和move, 第二个and平行vessels和lignin省略了相同的主语these include

无头句: helping引导一个无头句, 其主语是前面的lignin

指代: it指代plant body

3s版本: 这些包括导管

43.Early predatory animals were probably not very sophisticated, so some evolving animals that later might have been eliminated by predation were given a chance to survive, making the beginning of the Cambrian period a window of opportunity for many different adaptations to establish themselves in the environment.

there be的主语是be后面的内容

3s版本: 一些动物幸存了

44.Hierarchies that did not exist in earlier foraging groups but that were helpful in structuring cooperative labor and in organizing more-complex technologies probably became established, even before domestication and agriculture, as pre-Neolithic societies(before the tenth millennium BCE) reacted to the population increase.

as有连词介词两种用法, 连词后跟句子, 介词后面跟名词, 此处后面是句子所以当连词理解表示当什么时候

3s版本: H已经建立起来了

45.Though it may be difficult to imagine from a later perspective, a strain of critical opinion in the 1920s predicted that sound film would be a technical novelty that would soon fade from sight, just as had many previous attempts, dating well back before the First World War, to link images with recorded sound.

a stain of=a kind of一种

just as had many previous attempts的完整表达是many previous attempts had fade from sight, as had n. -省略+倒装

连词: though=although尽管, 看到这个词就开始腰斩, 后半部分是重点, though前面的内容是主语倒装, 其正常语序是imagine may be difficult

无头句: dating的主语是前面many previous attempts

3s版本: 一些观点认为有声电影会消失

46.Although the failure of agriculture to keep up with the growing population did not become a crisis until the fourteenth century, clear signs of the problem had already emerged by the middle of the thirteenth century, when occasionally low yields due to bad weather or social disruption revealed how perilous the balance between Europe’s population and its food supply had become.

the balance between A and B had become perilous

perilous =dangerous

连词: although句内取反, 让句子腰斩

介词结构: although后面的句子由于of to with这些介词结构倒装导致主谓分离, until=before, not until=after

3s版本: 人口农业问题的明显迹象已经出现

47.No group or species can maintain its dominance indefinitely, and when the age of dinosaurs came to a dramatic end about 65 million years age, mammals began to flourish, evolving from relatively few types of small terrestrial animals into the myriad of diverse species, including bats and whales that we know today.

indefinitely 永恒的

3s版本: 没有任何物种永垂不朽

48.The principality has also been considered fortunate because its early rulers, descending from the youngest son of Alexander Nevskii and thus representing a junior princely branch, found it expedient to devote themselves to their small holdings instead of neglecting them for more ambitious undertakings elsewhere.

expedient 权宜之计

found it expedient to devote themselves中it是形式宾语, 真正的宾语是后面的to devote

3s版本: 公国被认为很幸运

49.In the multiplicity of small-scale local egalitarian or quasi-egalitarian organizations for fellowship, worship, and production that flourished in this laissez-faire environment, individuals could interact with one another within a community of harmony and ideological equality, following their own popularly elected leaders and governing themselves by shared consensus while minimizing distinctions of wealth and power.

the myriad of=the multiplicity of

laissez-faire 政府不管, 放任自由

3s版本: 大家都特别公平

50.Regardless of the fact that there are a number of good motion pictures brought out, it is true that there are some which, although photographically good, are poor because the manufacturer, being familiar with the picture and the plot, does not take into consideration that the film was not made for him but for the audience.

motion pictures=films


bring out 提出

同位语从句:fact后面加了一个同位语从句进一步说明, idea motion后面有that引导的从句也类似

主语倒装fact不上重点, 重点是that后面的从句

宾语从句: take into consideration that这里出现了宾语倒装, 正常语序是take sth. into consideration, 由于sth.太长所以倒装后置

句式总结: Regardless of the fact that ..., it is true that ..., because ... .

3s版本: 一些片挺烂

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