Hello, 谢谢大家今天又打开我们的小知识页面学习英文了。
不知道同学们在平时阅读的时候, 会不会有"这篇文章里很多词都眼熟, 它的语法也不难, 可我还是读不懂"的感觉?
或者在运用英文的时候, 会有诸如"我的语法明明不差, 我的词汇量也基本够用, 可一到下笔或讲话时就感觉自己英文不好"此类的想法?
有时是因为, 英文世界里时常有一词多义的现象; 很多词长得很像; 词和词之间有不一样的搭配关系 等等现象。
简单来说, 大家看到interest这个词, 能想到什么?
第 1 层: 它有兴趣的意思, 可以作名词或动词。
有一个搭配是 be interested in。interesting 是很多人的口头禅~
"I'm not interested in you."听上去好残忍- -
第 2 层: 它也有利益的意思。interest rates就是指利率。
谈判时说"What interests do I get if I agree to help you."感觉好cool~
第 3 层: 表示兴趣的时候, 它可以与一些动词搭配, 举几个例子:
The newly released "Conan" movie has attracted/caught great interest from the fans. (搭配: attract/catch one's interest)
I am starting to take an interest in Lee Hom Wang's music. (搭配: take/have/hold an interest in.)
很少有人会说 "take an interest to", "have an interest on", 或"make an interest", 这些搭配在英文里会显得很奇怪哦。
第 4 层: interest也可以表示吸引别人兴趣的能力, 简称吸引力,例如:
What he thinks is of no interest to me/is of great interest to me. (搭配: be of interest to someone/be of no interest to someone.)
他想什么我一点兴趣也没有/ 有很多兴趣。
第 5 层: interest 表示金钱上的利益; 利息, 可以与earn, pay, receive, split搭配。分别表示挣得利益, 付利息, 获得利益, 瓜分利益
比如: He used the money he earned from washing dishes to pay the interest on his loan.
You will earn a great amount of interest if you make the right investment.
第 6 层: interest 引申为任何形式的好处或利益, 举个例子:
I have your interests at heart.
I want you to believe that whenever I act, I act in your best interests/with your interests at heart.
我想让你知道, 每次我做事, 都是为了你好。
那类似"to your interests", "at your interests", 甚至"for your interests"都会很奇怪哦。
希望大家在学习英语的道路上, 不再囫囵吞枣或是一知半解。一起加油吧~
Arts are ______ to me. I am more into sports.
A. to no interest
B. of no interest
C. in no interest
Anne used to _____ an interest _____ outdoor activities. She only wants to stay at home and read nowadays.
A. make; to
B. take; to
C. take; in
The advertisement has ________ a lot of people's interest.
A. killed
B. caught
C. paid
It will try to lower the interest rate.(CET-6 2016年6月)
Suppose a foreign friend of yours is coming to visit your hometown. what is the most interesting place you would like to take her to see and why? (CET-4 2014年)