粗鲁不酷 Rudeness is not cool.
彬彬有礼酷 Polite is cool.
击败小公司不酷 Defeating tiny guys is not cool.
打赢大家伙,打赢没有同情心的家伙酷 Defeating bigger, unsympathetic guys is cool.
发明创新酷 Inventing is cool.
紧跟在后面不酷 Close-following is not cool.
年轻酷 Young is cool.
承担风险酷 Risk taking is cool.
打赢酷 Winning is cool.
征服不酷 Conquerors are not cool.
探索新事物酷 Explorers are cool.
纠缠竞争对手不酷 Obsessing over competitors is not cool.
赋能别人酷 Empowering others is cool.
为公司榨取所有价值不酷 Capturing all the values for the company is not cool.
领导力酷 Leadership is cool.
信念酷 Conviction is cool.
坦率真诚酷 Straightforwardness is cool.
迎合大众不酷 Pandering to the crowd is not cool.
伪善不酷 Hypocrisy is not cool.
真实酷 Authenticity is cool.
想大一点酷 Thinking big is cool.
超乎预期酷 The unexpected is cool.
使命感酷 Missionaries are cool.
雇佣军不酷 Mercenaries are not cool.