在受苦中结实-Garrett Mann

Passage:Philippians 1:(15)18-26


Title:“Bearing Fruit in Suffering”在受苦中结实


in John 16, Jesuswarnedhis disciples, “In the World they would have tribulation.” I expect that this is not too surprising for most of you. Thispromisematches quite well with your experience.


We can experience that suffering indifferent ways:


Maybe some of you are experiencing the suffering oflimited resourcesin your life and ministry. You don’t have enoughtime. You don’t have enoughmoney. You don’t have enoughtraining. There arenot enough peoplewilling and able to do all the work in your congregation.


Or maybe some of you are experiencingsuffering from people. Peopleoutsideyour church aretrying to destroyyour church. Perhaps, people arecriticalof you and of your ministry.Your Euodias and Syntychesseem to be doing everythingbutagreeing in the Lord.


Or perhaps some of you are experiencing thesuffering of loss. Perhaps you’ve lost someonetodeath, lost someoneto sin. Or maybe you’ve lost your health.


Of course this is not anexhaustivelist. These are only afewof the ways that we experience sufferings in this life.


Our suffering is real, and painful, and we don’t need to ignore it in any way, but a question that we should ask is What is it thatflows out of youin suffering? What kind of fruitdoes suffering producein your life?


Very often, it seems that what suffering produces isdiscouragement, doubt, and confusion.


In our passage this morning, we willhear from a man who was suffering in his life and ministry. Paul was writing fromprison. He potentially faced his ownexecution. And many of his fellow believers,instead ofcomforting and encouraging him, were seeking toundermine his character. Todestroy his credibility, out of envy and rivalry.


Yet despite these things, Paul,instead ofbeing discouraged or doubtful or confused, Paulwasbearing fruit in suffering.


This wasnotbecause Paul was anelite Christian, or because the Spirit had workeduniquelyin his heart. In fact, what God had produced in Paul’s heart is the same work that God is doing in you. Sono matter whatyou are facing in your ministry or life today, our passage this morning is encouraging you thatbecause of Christ, because of your union with Christ, you can bear fruit in suffering.不是因为保罗是超级基督徒,或圣灵在保罗心中特别做工。实际上,上帝在保罗心中的工作今天也一样临到了你身上。所以,无论你在侍奉或生活中遭遇何种处境,今天的经文都将来鼓励你,因着基督,因着你与基督的联合,你可以在受苦中结实累累。

[Read Phil. 1:(15)18-26][读腓立比书1:(15)18-26]

[This is the Word of God.这是神的话语!]


So howwas Paul able to bear fruit in suffering and How is it that you and Icanbear fruit in suffering? As we consider this passage we can see threemeansthat will enable you to bear fruit in suffering.


[First of all, if you are to bear fruit in suffering you must首先,如果你要在受苦中结果子就必须]

1) Recognize your true identityx2.认清自己真实的身份x2

In verse 21, Paul makes a radical statement. This statement isthe basisfor how weunderstandeverything else in this passage. [Read]x2.


This statement is in the form of twodefinitions. These definitions define Paul’sinterpretationof reality. It is by these definitions that Paulevaluateseverything in his life.

这份声明采用两种定义的形式。 这两种定义诠释了保罗对现实的解释。 正是通过这些定义,保罗评估了他的生命。

We can understand this. We do this too. All of us have, somewhere in our soul, a box with a label that says:“What I believe about reality.”In that box arehundreds and hundredsofdefinitions. It is by these definitions that weevaluate our experiences. By these we determine if the things that happen to us aregoodor bad,excitingor boring,hopefulor discouraging.

我们可以很快理解这点,因为我们也这样。我们都在灵魂的某处,我们所有人都有一个带有标签的盒子,上面写着:“我对现实的看法。”在那个盒子里有成百上千的定义。 正是基于这些定义,我们评估了我们的经验。 通过这些评估,我们确定发生在我们身上的事情是好是坏,令人兴奋或无聊,充满希望或令人沮丧。

In ourdefinitions box, all of us have a definition thatbegins likev. 21: “For me to live is . . . “ For you, what completes this sentence?

在我们的定义中,我们所有人都有一个定义,从第21节开始:“因我活着…. “对你来说,接下来这句话是怎么结束的呢?

For me to live is making itto the weekend. For me, to live is a church withmore members. For me to live is to berecognized for my work. For me to live isfreedom from pain. For me to live isfreedom from conflictwith people.


Brothers, if any ofthese thingshave become theultimate definitionof what it means for youto live, if any of these things have become youridentity,you will not bear fruit in suffering. These are simplynot bigenough,not gloriousenough,not grandenough to define your life.


For Paul, there could beonly one thing grandenough to complete this definition. Hisidentity, hispurpose, hispower, hismeaning, was caught up in only one thing. For Paul, to live is Christ.


Now Paul’s definition here wasmore thanjust aself-preferred,self-identification. Paul hadnot just decidedto equatehis life with Christ. Rather, Paul’s central definition was based on anobjective reality: Paul was united with Christ.这里保罗的定义不仅仅是自爱,自我认同。保罗不只是决定将自己的生命与基督等同起来。 相反,保罗的中心定义是基于一个客观的现实:保罗与基督联合。

Remember what Paul says in Gal 2:20, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me...” Paul wasno longer just Paul. He no longer justlived for Paul. Hisidentity, hisspiritual status, hisaffectionshad been transformed by Jesus. Because of this, nothing was more natural than for him to adopt this definition, “For me to live is Christ.”


Paul’s identitynot only affectedhis view of life, but also his view of death. Not only could he say: “For me to live is Christ” but also “to die is gain.” Because Christ died and rose again, Paul’sconnection with Christmeant that for Paul, death was not loss, or sorrow, or failure, but death meant close, intimate, glorious fellowship with Jesus forever.


Brothers and sisters, If you are trulytrustingin Jesus this morning,you are unitedto the very same Christ thatenabledPaul to make these grand definitions. Will you recognize this true identity! It is this identity, this abiding in Christ thatwill enable youto bear fruit in suffering.


[So if you are to bear fruit in suffering you must recognize your true identity. But we also see that Paul’s identity deeply affected his greatest desire. So secondly, if you are to bear fruit in suffering you must]

2. Set your ultimate desire on Christ’s gloryx2



Betweenvs. 17 and 18, Paul’s words almost seem like acontradiction. In verse 17 he says [Read]. But then the end of verse 18 says “Yes and I will rejoice.” How could Paul possibly rejoice in this situation? Of course the answer is in what comes at the beginning of verse 18. Aboveeverythingelse. Above hiscomfort. Above hissuccessful ministry,Above his personalhonor, Paul wanted Christ to beproclaimed, he wantedChrist’s glory.


And weseethat desireappearingagain and again throughout this passage.In verse 20,Paul’s eager expectationand hope is that Christ would be glorified in him. In verse 23,Paul’s desireis to depart and taste the glory of Christ. But then in 24-26, because of his desire for Christ’s glory, Paul was willing to live, so that the Philippians would have ample cause toglory in Christ Jesus.


Paul’sultimate desirewas for the glory of Christ.保罗的终极愿望就是为着“基督的荣耀”。

How about you?What is your greatest desire? Is it tomake it through, to besuccessful, to befree from pain? Just as these things are poor definitions for living, these things arenot bigenough,not gloriousenough, and not certain enough, to serve as your ultimate desire. If you are to bear fruit in suffering your ultimate desire must be Christ’s glory.


Paul’s desire is not astoic, mechanical desire here. Paul is not saying, “Oh, I know that I am supposed to want Christ’s glory above everything else, and by mental discipline and self-denial, I have managed to make it so.”Not at all. Paul’s ultimatedesirewas the glory of Christ because he had tasted Christ’s glory and it was ultimately desirable.


Think aboutitlike this. Why do people lovethe mountains? Do people love the mountains because theyshouldlove the mountains? It is not through mental discipline and self-denial that people cultivate a love for the mountains. People love the mountains because they havebeen there, becausethey have seenthe mountains, andmountains are desirable.


Brothers and sisters,through your unionwith Christ, you have tasted of thebeautyandgloryand majestyof Christ. You know his love, you know hispower, you know hisfriendship. You have beheld hisglory. What else could be worthy of your ultimate desire? If you make that glory your ultimate desire, you will bear fruit in suffering.


[So if you are to bear fruit in suffering, you mustrecognizeyour true identity andsetyour ultimate desire on Christ glory. If you do these things, then perhaps, the remainder of what you need is vision, some expectation of the kind of fruit God may work in you. So, thirdly, if you are to bear fruit in suffering, you must

2. Expect the right fruitx2



As we look at Paul’s description of his life in this passage, wesee him bearingat least four kinds of fruit, four fruits flowing from his union with Christ. And these are the fruit that you can expect, even in suffering.


 [First, in verse 18, we see that Paul had]


1) The fruit of joyx2


Wheredoes joy come from? We experience joy whenour desiresare fulfilledorwhen weexpectour greatest desire to be fulfilled. For those of you who have children, you know they are overflowing with joy on their birthday. It’s because that is what they want. Theywant it tobe their birthday. But if your children are like my children, don’t they alsooverflow with joypretty much any time of the year when they realize and believe that their birthday iscoming?


Paul’s greatest desire was Christ’s glory. And that greatest desire was bothbeing fulfilledand wassomething he expectedto be fulfilled.


On the one hand, Christwasbeing glorified. Look at the first part of v. 18 “Christ is proclaimed and this I rejoice.”


In this case, the glory of Christ wasn’t spreadingthrough Paul, it wasn’t spreadingthe way Paul wantedit to spread, it wasn’t spreading in a way thatbrought honoror glory to Paul, butbecausePaul’s desire fornot for himself, but was for Christ, these frustrationsdid not stealhis joy. Christ was proclaimed andPaul rejoiced.


But Paul also rejoiced becausehe expectedChristto be glorifiedin the future. Look at the end of v. 18-20 [Read]. Paul was able to rejoice because he was confident that hewould be enabledto conduct himself in such a way that Christ would be honored.


Why was thissomething Paul could expect? Was it not because Paul’s desire was aligned with Christ’s desire? Can anything frustrate the will of Jesus? So Paul wascertainthat theprayersof the Philippians wouldbe answered, that the Spirit of Christwould empower him toglorify Christwhether by life or death.


If you are struggling to have joy in your suffering, while I don’t want to minimize that suffering, it may be that you need to evaluate your desires. Do you want what Jesus wants? Are you willing for Christ to be glorified even if it is not your way, not according to your plan, not comfortable for you?If that is what you want, you will rejoice.


[So we see that Paul had the fruit of joy, but connected with this joy, we also see, in verse 19-20, the]


2) The fruit of confidencex2 


Verse 19 says [Read].


We have to ask what this means.What does it meanthat Paulknewthat his situation would turn out for his deliverance?


Well it is unlikely that Paul was certain ofhis release from prison, that he was certain that he wouldescape execution. Otherwise, in 20, he would not say, “by life or by death.”


Rather, because of his union with Christ, becausehe knew Christ’scharacter and power, Paul had confidence that Christwould support and help himso that he would neitherbring shameto Christ norbe put to shamein his hope in Christ.


Satan loves to attack our confidence in God’s help when we are suffering. Perhaps some of you are doubting God’s love, doubting his help, or his support, because of what you are suffering.


If this is the case, then know this:


You areunited to this very same Jesus who strengthened Paul.Know of his power and of his love, and be confident of his help.


[So we have joy, confidence, and then in vs. 22, 24, and 26 we see]


3) The fruit of love x2


Because Paul desiredChrist’s glory above everything else, he was moved to love others by seeking to spread Christ’s glory in them. So, almostequivalentwith his definition inv. 21“For me to live is Christ”, was his concern that Christ would be magnified in others. Inv. 22, Paul says to live means “fruitful labor” for him. Inv. 24, he says to remain in the flesh is more necessary for the Philippians than for him to go to heaven. And thenv. 26, he again says that for him to live means that “in me you may have ample cause to glory in Christ Jesus.”


Suffering tempts us to beself-focusedandself-centeredinsteadofloving. We get caught up and focused on our own pains and troubles. But because Paul recognized his identity in Christ and had set his desire on the glory of Christ, he waswilling even to forgo heavenso thathe could bless other people.


Has your love for otherserodedin the midst of your suffering? Have you forgotten the great blessing of magnifying Christ in the lives of other people? Drawing from Christ’s strength, will you be willing to love others, to keep on parenting your children, preaching the word, exhorting God’s people so that you mightspread Christ’s gloryin them? Because of Christ, you can expect the fruit of love for others even in suffering.


[Then fourthly and finally, in verse 25, we see]


4) The fruit of visionx2 


As Paul wrestles with whether he wants life or death, it seems that his vision becomes clear. So that he can say in v. 25 [I know that I will remain...]


While some speculate that Paul’s confidence came from somedirect revelation from God, even as soon as Chapter 2:17, we see Paul referring again tohis possible death. It seems that Paul’s confidencewasn’t a divinely inspired certaintyof the future, but was vision. He knew what it was that he should do while he was alive: pour his life into God’s people to the glory of Christ.


Our vision is oftenattackedwhen we face suffering, isn’t it? Have youlost sight of what God wants you to do? It is as you remember your identity in Christ as you set his glory as your ultimate desire, that you will regain your vision and have clarity for your service of him to his glory.



Fathers and brothers of the Midwest presbytery,I know that you are suffering in your service of the Lord. In different ways, each of youare sufferingin your life and service of Christ. If in your suffering you are feeling discouraged, doubting, confused, would you be willingto hope again, to expect that because of Christ, you can bear fruit: you can be joyful, confidant, loving, and full of vision as you serve Christ.



These fruitsdo not depend on circumstances. They do not require that things change in yourchurch, or yourjob, orfamily, or even in your health. These fruits are from Christ, from your union with Christ.


Know that you are united to him, to the one who spoke the world into being, to the one who raises the dead. Delight in Him,setting your ultimate desire on his glory,expecting to bear fruit. And as you do this,you will bear fruit even in suffering.


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