1. 认识这个词(基础篇)
英英释义:a thing that ensures admission to or the achievement of something
例句:Excellent English is a passport to many dream jobs in China.
2. 体会这个词 (进阶篇)
“passport”是名词,基本意思是“护照”,常被引申表示“通往…的保障”“获得…的手段”,是个生动形象,让读者会心一笑的表达。作这层意思时,我们可以用“passport”替换常见的“key”和“ticket”。 来看几个例子: 在很多非洲国家,要想摆脱贫穷过上更好的生活,一些年轻人会选择足球,就可以说:
For some African young people, football is a passport/ticket/the key to a better life.(注意:一般用“a passport to”,“a ticket to”和“the key to”。) 在中国,很多家长和高中生将高考视作是成功人生的保障,
Many parents and high school students regard China’s college entrance examination as a passport to a successful life.
A decreasing number of young people consider an urban hukou to be a passport to a decent life.
Chinese have long seen education as a passport to success, and it is not just the super-rich who have the aspiration or means to send their offspring abroad to attend university.
3. 从认识到会用(作业) 1)翻译下面的句子: 人才是任何城市通往繁荣的必备手段。
(参考翻译:For any city, talent is a passport to prosperity.)
例子: 场景 : Physical and psychological wellbeing is a passport to a successful life.