#1 Haw found himself being more fit and owned a better shape. At the same time, he finally reached the Cheese Station N, where Sniff and Scurry had already been. But there were mountains of cheese here and it was really a reward to Haw. Then Haw realized something. He realized the relationship between big changes and small changes and he envisaged his fears. After a long contemplation, Haw felt happy and lucky. He gave up asking Hem to come out and face the change again because he had left many clues along his adventurous way on the wall. Whether to change is Hem’s own choice and he needed to walk his first step on his own.
#2 This is the end of the story. Although the end is so normal with no surprise because I can guess it at the first sight, there are still some words leaving me deep impression.
“So what was it that made him change? Was it the fear of starving to death?”
Most of people will refuse changing at the first time because changing means unpredictable things. But changes are everywhere. Many motivations come from the fear, too. In the other words, they has to change or the situation will be worse.
“They kept life simple. They didn’t overanalyze or overcomplicate things.”
I feel the same way. My life is simple but I used to make it complicated. I was sensitive and worried about many things. I would overdo things or do nothing, just like the failure of the speaking competition I mentioned in the past blog or the agony I experienced during my high school. But I am changing, in my point of view and I find I become better and I believe I will be better in the future. I love simple life which allows me concentrate on those more important things.
“Hem had to find his own way, beyond his comforts and past his fears.”
We are all Hems. We all have times when it is very difficult for us to change. People caring us will teach us or persuade us to change bravely. However, it still depends on us. My parents always asked me to be more active and make more friends but I was unwilling to do it. I started to change because I found I was lonely and the feeling was so bad.
Above are my conclusions of the end of the story. Maybe there are some parts below. I will be glad to finish all the book. (smile)