是驱动变量running variable,可以和结果变量有关也可以无关。
是断点(cutoff )
局部平均处理效应(local average treatment effect,LATE)
设定treat和not treat不同的截距()和斜率
- 断点假设:断点处个体被分配的概率存在跳跃
- 连续性假设:结果变量与驱动变量之间的关系在所有点都连续的
- 局部随机化假设:
- 独立性假设:潜在结果和干预在断点处独立于驱动变量X
- 如果回归函数包含高次项,会导致遗漏变量偏差
- 断点回归是局部的随机实验
- 加入高次项。
2.限定的取值范围 (c-h,c+h);这里的h就是带宽。
- 如果内生会干扰估计
- 如果协变量也出现跳跃,则直接出现偏误,因此通常需要验证协变量的条件密度函数是否在断点跳跃。
- Y和X关系图,Y和X有没有断点(rdplot),一般是每个带宽之间的结果变量取一个平均值。
- 协变量和X关系图,协变量和X有没有断点。
- 驱动变量X的分布图,看其在驱动变量左右有没有明显的跳跃。
- 边界非参数回归(比较少用)
- 局部线性回归
rdplot depvar runvar [if] [in] [, c(cutoff) p(pvalue) kernel(kernelfn)]
rdbwselect depvar runvar [if] [in] [, c(cutoff) p(pvalue) q(qvalue) deriv(dvalue) fuzzy(fuzzyvar [sharpbw]) covs(covars) kernel(kernelfn) weights(weightsvar)
bwselect(bwmethod) scaleregul(scaleregulvalue) vce(vcemethod) all]
c(cutoff) specifies the RD cutoff. The default is c(0).
p(pvalue) specifies the order of the local polynomial used to construct the point estimator. The default is p(1) (local linear regression).
q(qvalue) specifies the order of the local polynomial used to construct the bias correction. The default is q(2) (local quadratic regression).
deriv(dvalue) specifies the order of the derivative of the regression functions to be estimated. The default is deriv(0) (sharp RD, or fuzzy RD if fuzzy() is also
specified). Setting deriv(1) results in estimation of a kink RD design (up to scale) or a fuzzy kink RD if fuzzy() is also specified.
fuzzy(fuzzyvar [sharpbw]) specifies the treatment status variable used to implement fuzzy RD estimation (or fuzzy kink RD if deriv(1) is also specified). The
default is sharp RD design. If the sharpbw option is set, the fuzzy RD estimation is performed using a bandwidth selection procedure for the sharp RD model.
This option is automatically selected if there is perfect compliance at either side of the threshold.
covs(covars) specifies additional covariates to be used for estimation and inference.
kernel(kernelfn) specifies the kernel function used to construct the local polynomial estimators. kernelfn may be triangular, epanechnikov, or uniform. The
default is kernel(triangular).
rdrobust depvar runvar [if] [in] [, c(cutoff) p(pvalue) q(qvalue) deriv(dvalue) fuzzy(fuzzyvar [sharpbw]) covs(covars) kernel(kernelfn) weights(weightsvar)
h(hvalueL hvalueR) b(bvalueL bvalueR) rho(rhovalue) scalepar(scaleparvalue) bwselect(bwmethod) scaleregul(scaleregulvalue) vce(vcemethod) level(level)
c(cutoff) specifies the RD cutoff. The default is c(0).
p(pvalue) specifies the order of the local polynomial used to construct the point estimator. The default is p(1) (local linear regression).
q(qvalue) specifies the order of the local polynomial used to construct the bias correction. The default is q(2) (local quadratic regression).
deriv(dvalue) specifies the order of the derivative of the regression functions to be estimated. The default is deriv(0) (sharp RD, or fuzzy RD if fuzzy() is also
specified). Setting deriv(1) results in estimation of a kink RD design (up to scale), or fuzzy kink RD if fuzzy() is also specified.
fuzzy(fuzzyvar [sharpbw]) specifies the treatment status variable used to implement fuzzy RD estimation (or fuzzy kink RD if deriv(1) is also specified). The
default is sharp RD design. If the sharpbw option is set, the fuzzy RD estimation is performed using a bandwidth selection procedure for the sharp RD model.
This option is automatically selected if there is perfect compliance at either side of the threshold.
covs(covars) specifies additional covariates to be used for estimation and inference.
kernel(kernelfn) specifies the kernel function used to construct the local polynomial estimators. kernelfn may be triangular, epanechnikov, or uniform. The
default is kernel(triangular).
weights(weightsvar) specifies the variable used for optional weighting of the estimation procedure. The unit-specific weights multiply the kernel function.
h(hvalueL hvalueR) specifies the main bandwidth, h, to be used on the left and on the right of the cutoff, respectively. If only one value is specified, then this
value is used on both sides. If not specified, the bandwidth(s) h is computed by the companion command rdbwselect.
b(bvalueL bvalueR) specifies the bias bandwidth, b, to be used on the left and on the right of the cutoff, respectively. If only one value is specified, then this
value is used on both sides. If not specified, bandwidth(s) b is computed by the companion command rdbwselect.
rho(rhovalue) specifies the value of rho so that the bias bandwidth, b, equals b=h/rho. The default is rho(1) if h is specified but b is not.
scalepar(scaleparvalue) specifies the scaling factor for the RD parameter of interest. This option is useful when the population parameter of interest involves a
known multiplicative factor (for example, sharp kink RD). The default is scalepar(1) (no scaling).
bwselect(bwmethod) specifies the bandwidth selection procedure to be used. By default, it computes both h and b, unless rho is specified, in which case it
computes only the h and sets b=h/rho. For details on implementation, see Calonico, Cattaneo, and Titiunik (2014b); Calonico, Cattaneo, and Farrell
(forthcoming); and Calonico et al. (2016), and the companion software articles. bwmethod may be one of the following: