1、Find a picture book that you think your learners would
like and would help their English. List the Sight Words you want them before
you start the lesson.找一本你的学生/孩子会喜欢并对他们英文学习有帮助的故事绘本。把你要他们在这个课程中要学习的Sight Word列出來。
答:《Who took the cookies from the cookie jar?》
要学习的Sight Words:the, be,who, me, you
2、Think about how you can use this book to teach Sight
Words in class. You need to provide your own activities for your class. 想想看,如何使用这本绘本來规划你的课程安排与Sight Word学习的活动设计。
1)这本绘本有相关的一首儿歌《who took the cookie from the cookie jar》,开始我会用这个儿歌和孩子互动,实际家人做动作游戏的方式进行练习。
3)故事结束,引出这本绘本中的Sight Words:the, be, who, me, you。配合游戏的方式进行练习。
4) 最后再以儿歌中游戏的方式,角色扮演,重温绘本,结束整个内容。
3、Answer these questions when you have found the picture book and decided on how to use it in class.决定好你要教学的绘本后,并决定如何在教室里、家里使用时,请回答以下问题:
Which age-group is it for? 适合的年龄?
What are the Sight Words?你所挑选出的高频词有哪些?
高频词Sight Words:the, be, who, me, you。
What are the benefits of using this lesson plan? 这个课程设计的优点是什么?
1) 绘本和儿歌可以联系,让孩子感觉简单易操作,愿意尝试。
2) 故事中画面感强,有动物的画面感呈现,代入感比较强。
3) 重复性强,节奏感强,朗朗上口,容易互动。