keep an eye on sb in case ... 盯着... 以防...
sb swell up 肿起来..
the latter half of the 19th century 19世纪后半期 the former 前者的
fork 叉子 use it to put the food on the spoon which then goes into to their mouth
napkin 餐巾
i dare you 我谅你不敢(我还怕你不成)
puffy 肿的
you have company 你有客人
they are not going anywher 阴魂不散的
you are coming home from work 下班了
you kind of act like ... 你就有点像
i am wondering if you could do.... 我想问下你可以,,,
help sb out of something
have some furniture delivered 我的一些家具会被送过来
get used to it
dont take it personally 不是故意针对某个人的
its his pathology 老毛病了
sign for.. 签收.. have them put it in... have(把..)
spare key 备用的钥匙 be spared 独善其身
a spuerman movie marathon 相当于连续看多场Superman movie
do like the one where(修饰抽象名词时.where引导) ...
fall from swoosh(rush) down and catch her
which one was that?
be rife with scientific inaccuracy be rife with 充斥着... scientific inaccuracy 不符合科学的误解/错误
assume that 假设
accelerate at an initial rate of 32 feet per second
swoop down to //swoosh down to// rush down to
save her by reaching out two arms of steel
at approximately 120 miles an hour 以每小时120公里
撞击 hit
be sliced into three equal pieces 切成三片
达到 速度 match her speed
decelerate减速 accelerate 加速
to be frank 直率,坦白讲 frankly
he'd let her hit the pavement hit 落在...
merciful mercy 仁慈,宽容,善行
your entire arguement 全部的论证
be predicted on sth 以..假设为前提
a feat of sth 惊人的 ... or ...的壮举
an extension of sth ..的延伸
leap tall buildings
derive from 源于../来自于 @
my exposure to 我对..的接触/暴露
i challenge you
find a single reference to .. 找不到一点关于..的线索
challenge accepted 接收挑战
be locked out 锁在外面
be on the fourth floor 在四楼
the elevator is broken. 电梯坏了
bring it up 提上去/搬上去
dolly 手推车 lifting belt
measurable upper-body strength
we are the intellectual descendants of ... 我们是..的传人
give me a fulcrum and a lever and i can move the earth
it is just a matter of ...
i dont have it / make it /do it 搞不定它
involve /need 包含/需要 a green lantern and a power ring
inclined plane 斜面
the force required to lift
be reduced by the sine of the angle of the stairs
call it 30 degrees push hit
what is your formula for the corner ? formula 准则/公式
gravity heartless bitch 无情的混蛋
will in no way increase the odds of you doing sth 绝不会提高 你成功做某事的概率
in any cae /anyway 无论怎样 lower the odds
expain to me sth 给我解释...
an organizational system where sth
a tray of flatware 托盘餐具
infer 推论 refer 提及
the evidence suggests ... 证据表明
have a tiny garage sale 二手货拍卖会
did it ever occur to you that ...你曾经有没想过...
have the compulsive need to 有强迫症去..
sort/organize/lable the entire world around them
hard as it may be for
sort ... by .. 按照...排序..
at times straighten up 整理
it was left to right ... 从左到右...
help sb run some cable 拉电缆
i am here for you
are you nsane 疯了?
break into a woamn's' apartment
in the middle of the night 半夜
reasonableness 合理性 be determined by
speak in a lower register 低声区
be roused by sb 被..唤醒
sleep splendidly 睡得香甜
deeply and well 睡眠质量高
a well-known folk cure for ... ..的林丹妙药
a measurable enhancement to ... ...的显著提高
shampoo her carpet
cross a line hold up a sarcasm sign
sb object to the imposition of .. 反对关于..的强加之举
be all over the place 简直要翻天了
is the willness to recognize one's mistakes
have great scientific potential
put together sth 组装..