Look for the reason why I came into the group 007. 诉说我加入“007不写就出局”的原因。

Today is September 19 in 2022. I was assigned into the Class 308 of the group 007 five days before. The New  Class 239 was destroyed by the managers on September 14 in 2022. The managers said that we had already graduated from the grade one. In fact, there were only less than 20 classmates keep writing continuously in the class. The others lost.


Since then, we started a new level, the second year for us to learn writing in the group 007. Till today, I have already written 124 essays. 77 of them were published on Subscription Number, 47 were published on A Short Book.


It's said that the second class would start on October 9 in 2022. We all were asked to hand in our own essays about the reason why we wanted to join the group  007 at the beginning. It made me recall much more. Yes, what is my original purpose? Am I still on my way from the beginning? Whether or not have I changed my direction?

据说308班将在10月9日开班。所有成员被要求撰写一份命题作文“我为什么来到007?” 这将我拉入了回忆之中。是啊,我的初心是什么呢?我仍然在最初想要的道路上吗?我有没有改变过方向?

I was a new writer in the group 007 before 392 days. I had never written even one essay which was published anywhere. Why did I entre into the group 007 at that day ? It's good the question that I should answer. I only wanted to improve my ability of writing in the beginning. But at this moment I love writing. Although I am still a new one now.


I met a teacher whose name is Xiaolai Lee when I was 48. I saw him but he didn't see me. During the Spring Festival of China in 2021, my elder daughter came back to visit her mother and me. She guided me to join a group called The Class On Regular Investing. Six months later, the teacher told us that to be a successful regular investor, writing maybe the best way for us to train our ability of long term investing. You should make the strategy of regular investing become your habits.


He has been teaching us much more about excellent factors of a writer. He told us about many knowledges about our lives. When we were greduated from the Third Times  Xiaolai  Lee's Writing  Training Camp, the teacher told us that the group 007 is a good place where people can continuously improve his writing ability.


It is neccessary for me to recorde what I want and what I think. I am a foolish. I am a bear man also. Learning to write something in some words is my dreaming. But I had never imagined even if a person like me can dream this dreaming. Without hesitation, I made a choice. I joined the group 007. It based not impulsive but careful thinking.


After coming here, I find it easy to be one of its member. It's hard to stay here for long time. Only if you hand in at least one essay each week and comment at least two eaasys of others, you may become the one who is the winner in the group. Conversly, if you absent any times to hand in your essays, you will loss yourself.


After listening  to the teacher, Qinjie's course, with thinking about the team spirit, “One Essay Each Week, Keep Writing For More Than 7 Years, Then Go To The South Antarctic”.  What a strange slogan. I love the guy, I love the group. I start my weekly writing. Unconsciously, one year past. During this year, I finished 124 essay's writing. It is impossible for me whole my life if I haven't been here.




I don't regret being in the group 007. I am lucky to be one member of the group 007. I think it  right I made the decision joining the group 007. I trust me myself that I can stay here for more than 7 years. I can become the one whom I want to be.


Understanding is easy. Doing several times is easy. But keep doing is difficult.

[There is a big gap between understanding and doing.]

----Quote from Xiaolai Lee's works On Regular Investing.

How to cross the gap? Keep doing. For us 007er, only need to write an essay each week. For everyone of our class 308, you only need to "Let Brother Xiao See"  continuously. It's easy. isn't it? Brothers and sisters, lets go. Just do it. Keep doing.




如何跨越那道鸿沟呢?持续做到。对于我们007人,只需要每周写1篇文章。对于308班的每一位战友,你只需要持续做到“让肖大哥看见”。这很容易,不是吗?兄弟们,姐妹们, 行动起来,干就好了。Keep doing.

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