graph TD
A[Wellness, Fitness, and Lifestyle Management] --> B[Chapter 1: Introduction]
B --> C[Learning Objectives]
B --> D[Test Your Knowledge]
B --> E[Wellness: The New Health Goal]
B --> F[The Dimensions of Wellness]
B --> G[Behaviours That Contribute to Wellness]
B --> H[Reaching Wellness through Lifestyle Management]
B --> I[National Wellness Goals]
B --> J[Career Options in Wellness]
C --> C1[Describe the dimensions of wellness]
C --> C2[Identify major health problems in Canada]
C --> C3[Describe behaviours for a wellness lifestyle]
C --> C4[List sources of wellness information]
C --> C5[Explain steps to create a behaviour management plan]
D --> D1[Lifestyle factors leading to death in Canadians]
D --> D2[Difference between health and wellness]
D --> D3[Health-related issues affecting university/college students]
E --> E1[Definition of Wellness]
E --> E2[Differences between health and wellness]
E --> E3[Factors influencing wellness]
F --> F1[Physical Wellness]
F --> F2[Emotional Wellness]
F --> F3[Intellectual Wellness]
F --> F4[Interpersonal Wellness]
F --> F5[Cultural Wellness]
F --> F6[Spiritual Wellness]
F --> F7[Environmental Wellness]
F --> F8[Financial Wellness]
F --> F9[Occupational Wellness]
G --> G1[Be Physically Active]
G --> G2[Choose a Healthy Diet]
G --> G3[Maintain a Healthy Body Weight]
G --> G4[Manage Stress Effectively]
G --> G5[Avoid Tobacco and Limit Alcohol]
G --> G6[Protect Yourself from Disease and Injury]
H --> H1[Getting Serious about Your Health]
H --> H2[Examine Current Health Habits]
H --> H3[Choose a Target Behaviour]
H --> H4[Learn about Your Target Behaviour]
H --> H5[Find Help]
H --> H6[Building Motivation to Change]
H --> H7[Dealing with Relapse]
H --> H8[Developing Skills for Change]
I --> I1[Pan-Canadian Public Health Network]
I --> I2[Canada's Physical Activity Guide]
I --> I3[Provincial Initiatives]
J --> J1[Teaching]
J --> J2[Community-Based]
J --> J3[Government Agencies]
J --> J4[Self-Employed]