引言 2020-01-18
Are you really in a hurry? It seems like that all of us attach great importance to multitasking when doing things. We are fascinated with high efficiency, time management and multitasking ability. But does this kind of ability really help us to make things better or achieve something important in our life? As for creativity, it is not the case.
Why top scientists always switch from one topic to another?
Tim Harford:一个释放你的自然创造力的强大方法
3 reasons for slow-motion multitasking:
01 Creativity comes when you shift one problem from a context to another
02 Learning to do one thing well will help you do something else
03 Provide assistance when we are stuck
Joseph Gordon-Levitt:How craving attention makes you less creative
Joseph Gordon-Levitt has gotten more than his fair share of attention from his acting career. But as social media exploded over the past decade, he got addicted like the rest of us -- trying to gain followers and likes only to be left feeling inadequate and less creative. In a refreshingly honest talk, he explores how the attention-driven model of big tech companies impacts our creativity -- and shares a more powerful feeling than getting attention: paying attention.