solution on Find the longest word and return its length
- 先把字符串str转为数组
- 将数组的每个元素长度转换成一个新的数组
- 将这个数组由小到大排序
- 取此数组中的最后的数组,也就是最长的字符串
- 将这个长度值返回
- for
- String.prototype.split()
- Array.prototype.sort()
- Array.prototype.reduce()
- Math.max()
- Array.prototype.pop()
其中 String.prototype.split() 主要是用来将字符串str转换成数组arr。比如:
"May the force be with you".split(" ")
这里需要注意,在使用split()方法时,""中间的要有一个空格(" ")。否则将会转变成这样一个数组:
"May the force be with you".split("");
// ["M", "a", "y", " ", "t", "h", "e", " ", "f", "o", "r", "c", "e", " ", "b", "e", " ", "w", "i", "t", "h", " ", "y", "o", "u"]
Array.prototype.max = function(){
return Math.max.apply({},this);
var arr=[1,45,23,,3,6,3,4,564,45];
- findLongestWord("The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog")返回6
- findLongestWord("May the force be with you")返回5
- findLongestWord("Google do a barrel roll")返回6
- findLongestWord("What is the average airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow")返回8
function findLongestWord(str) {
// 第1步:将传给str的值"May the force be with you"转换成数组
var array = str.split(' ');
// 得到数组 ["May", "the", "force", "be", "with", "you"]
var longest = 0;
// 第2步:对数组array做遍历,并且将符合条件的值赋值给longest
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
// array.length = 6
if (array[i].length > longest) {
// 如果为true,longest值为array[i].length;
longest = array[i].length;
/* * array = ["May", "the", "force", "be", "with", "you"]
* array.length = 6 *
* 遍历次数 i = ? i < array.length i++ array[i].length longest array[i].length > longest longest= array[i].length
* 1st 0 yes 1 "May".length=3 0 3 > 0 => yes 3
* 2nd 1 yes 2 "the".length=3 3 3 > 3 => no 3
* 3rd 2 yes 3 "force".length=5 3 5 > 3 => yes 5
* 4th 3 yes 4 "be".length=2 5 2 > 5 => no 5
* 5th 4 yes 5 "with".length=4 5 4 > 5 => no 5
* 6th 5 yes 6 "you".length=3 5 3 > 5 => no 5
* 7th 6 no * End Loop */
* // 第3步:输出最长词的长度
* return longest; // 5 }
function findLongestWord(str){
// 1st:将传给str的值为:"May the force be with you"转成数组
// 得到数组arr=["May","the","force","be","with","you"]
var arrNum[];
// 2st:对数组arr做遍历
for(var i=o; i<arr.length; i++){
// 讲数组arr中每个元素的长度length放到一个新数组arrNum中
* 遍历次数 i = ? i < arr.length i++ arr[i] arr[i].length arrNum
* 1st 0 yes 1 "May" 3 [3]
* 2nd 1 yes 2 "the" 3 [3,3]
* 3rd 2 yes 3 "force" 5 [3,3,5]
* 4th 3 yes 4 "be" 2 [3,3,5,2]
* 5th 4 yes 5 "with" 4 [3,3,5,2,4] * 6th 5 yes 6 "you" 3 [3,3,5,2,4,3]
* 7th 6 no * End Loop
// 3st:通过Math.max()取出数组arrNum中最大值,并且输出
return Math.max.apply(null,arrNum);//5
function findLongestWord(str){
// 1st:将传给str的值为:"May the force be with you"转成数组
var strArr=str.split(" ");
var numArr=[];
var sortArr=[];
// 2st: 对strArr数组做遍历,并把数组中每个词的length放到新数组numArr中
for(var i=0; i<strArr.length; i++){
// 新数组:numArr=[3,3,5,2,4,3]
// 3st: 使用sort()对数组numArr排序,有小到大
sortArr=numArr.sort(funtion compare(a,b){
return a-b;
// 排序后的数组:sortArr=[2,3,3,3,4,5]
// 4st: 通过pop()取到数组sortArr中最后一个值,赋值给longestWord
var longestWord=sortArr.pop();//5
// 5st: 输出longestWord
return longestWord;//5
function findLongestWord(str) {
// 第1步:将传给str的值为:"May the force be with you"转成数组
var arr = str.split(' ');
// 得到数组 arr = ["May", "the", "force", "be", "with", "you"]
// 第2步: 通过sort()将数组arr按由小到大排序
arr = arr.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.length - b.length;
* a b b.length a.length arr
* "May" "the" 3 3 ["May","the"]
* "the" "force" 5 3 ["May","the","force"]
* "force" "be" 2 5 ["be","May","the","force"]
* "be" "with" 4 2 ["be","May","the","with","force"]
* "with" "you" 3 4 ["be","May","the","you","with","force"]
// 最长的字符排在数组最后
// 第3步:获取数组最长字符的长度
var longestString = arr.pop().length; // 5
// 第4步:返回最长字符的长度 return longestString; // 5 }
function findLongestWord(str){
// 1st: 将传给str的值为:"May the force be with you"转成数组
var strSplit=str.split(' ');
//得到数组 arr = ["May", "the", "force", "be", "with", "you"];
// 2st: 使用reduce方法,取得strSplit数组中最长的元素
var longestWord = strSplit.reduce(function(longest,currentWord){
return currentWord.length > longestWord ? current : longest;},"");
// 取到最长的元素longestWord = "force"
* strSplit = ["May", "the", "force", "be", "with", "you"];
* currentWord longest currentWord.length longest.length currentWord.length > longest.length longestWord
* "May" "" 3 0 yes "May"
* "the" "May" 3 3 no "May"
* "force" "May" 5 3 yes "force"
* "be" "force" 2 5 no "force"
* "with" "force" 4 5 no "force"
* "you" "force" 3 5 no "force"
// 第3步. 返回longestWord的length
return longestWord.length;//5
// longestWord.length => "force".length =>5
function findLongestWord(str){
// 1st: 将传给str的值为:"May the force be with you"转成数组
var strSplit = str.split(' ');
// 得到数组strSplit = ["May", "the", "force", "be", "with", "you"];
// 2st: 使用reduce方法,取到strSplit数组中最长的元素length,并且返回
return strSplit.reduce(function(longest,currentWord){
return Math.max(longest, cunrrentWord.length),0);// "force".length => 5