1. Qualitative research refers to research whose findings are not subject to quantification or quantitative analysis.
2. Rationale Behind the Technique:
- criteria used and evaluations made in most buying decisions have emotional and subconscious content
- Such content is accurately and adequately verbalized by the respondent only though indirect communicative techniques
3. Difference between qualitative and quantitative research
4. What is the Strength of Such Research?
Great way to understand the in-depth motivations and feelings of consumers, and offers more perspectives on quantitative findings.
Exact findings if replicated may differ but CONCLUSIONS will remain the same.
5. What is the Weakness of Such Research?
Sample sizes are small so representativeness becomes an issue
Difficult at times to interpret the findings, and can be dominated by one individual
Subjective Interpretation
Inductive approach and data driven
Focus Groups: 8 to 12 participants who are led by a Moderator in an in-depth discussion of one particular Topic or concept. Has the advantage of respondent Interaction, and allows the researcher to experience The emotional framework in which the product is being used.
A successful focus group should contain a well- planned discussion guide. (a written outline on the topics to be covered during the session).
-attitudes and feelings toward eating out
-discussion of fast foods
-discussion of the food and décor of a particular chain
Focus groups can uncover bad ideas, but may not finalize the viability of other ideas…..
7. DEPTH INTERVIEWS: Relatively unstructured one-on-one interviews.
Advantages: No group pressure; person feels he/she is the focus of attention; respondents can be probed at length
Disadvantages: More expensive than focus groups/per Interview basis; no group dynamics; Sample size is now only 1!
8. Customer Care Research (CCR)-for High Involvement Products
What started you on the road to making this purchase?
Why did you make this purchase now?
What was the hardest part of this process? Was there any point where you got stuck?
When and how did you decide the price was acceptable?
Is there someone else with whom I should talk to get more of the story behind this purchase?
If you’ve purchased this product before, how does the story of your last purchase differ from this one?
These techniques attempt to delve below surface responses to obtain true feelings, meanings and motivations of individuals.
They penetrate a person’s defense mechanisms to let true feelings and attitudes emerge. Person “projects” personal feelings into an unstructured situation bypassing defensive mechanisms.
-word association
- sentence and story completion…Marshall Fields is…..
- cartoon tests
- photo sorts (fits pictures of people to the brand).
- consumer drawings (draw how you feel about the object)
- storytelling (Consumers tell stories about their experiences)
- third person techniques- what does “your neighbor” or “most people” think? MASON HAIR STUDY 1950’s