Jean Craighead George是一位热爱自然, 以写作自然故事为主的美国著名儿童文学作家。《My Side of the Mountain》中文名字叫《 山居岁月》 在1960年获得纽伯瑞银获,这个作家另外一本很有名的书是 《狼女茱莉》 在1973年获得纽伯瑞的金奖。 后来她又为这两部作品各写了两本续集,发展成为三部曲。
她小时候想要离家出走,妈妈没有阻止她, 检查了一下她的书包看是否带了牙刷和Postcard, 她离家出走只有40分钟就回家了。她的妹妹也想要离家出走,她跟妈妈一样只检查了一下妹妹的书包。妹妹也很快就回家了。 大概在每个人心中都有一个要离家出走的梦吧。作者的爸爸是营养学家和科学家,小时候爸爸传授给她很多关于野生动物和植物的知识,如何野外生存,这些都在作者的书中有所体现。
“There are little yellow lilies on long slender stems with oval leaves dappled with gray. They have wonderfully tasty bulbs. I'll have a salad type lunch”
“I had read that you can boil water in a leaf. and ever since then I have been very anxious to see if this were true. It seems impossible, but it works. I boiled the eggs in a leaf”
“I think some of these wild foods would taste better with some flavoring. I understand that hickory sticks, boiled dry, leave a salty residue.
It is quite true. The can is dry, and thick with a black substance. It is very salty, and I tried it on frog's legs for breakfast”
Menu -“Brown puffballs in deer fat with a little wild garlic, fill pot with water, put venison in, boil. Wrap tubers in leaves and stick in coals. Cut up apples and boil in can with dogtooth violet bulbs. Raspberries to finish meal”
Everyday is adventure and freedom. Every day is lived in the beautiful mountains with its scenic beauty. The boy befriends an eagle, eats wild berries, fishes the streams and creeks, and matures in the process. This book is a must for every child who has a sense of adventure, who appreciates the outdoors, and who admires wildlife. If you can't escape your city life, then live your adventure through My Side of the Mountain.