listen to the CD:2a、汉语二、2b
cartoon time:Ali baba's farm,how much is that doggy in the window?
paly games:螃蟹歌:踩脚一起横着走,然后蹲下横着走看谁走得快。
how much is that doggy in the window?互相扮演角色:老板、顾客。准备了一些硬币,5角、1角、1元,让Ann在手里掂掂,看哪个重,哪个轻,哪个大,哪个小。Ann感知的都对。然后画螃蟹、香肠、doggy,准备表演。
customer:Good evening,boss!
boss:Good evening.May I help you?
customer:how much is that doggy in the window?
boss:Oh,is that Doggy?
customer:Yes,the one with the wiggley tail.I hope that doggy is for sale.How much?
boss:five yuan.
customer:(掏兜,掉出1角钱)But I don't have enough money to buy it.(低头走开)
然后表演第二轮:前面类似,最后成交。给了boss 钱.
customer:Here you are, five yuan.
boss:Ok,It's your doggy.
customer:Thank you!
boss:You are welcome!
reading time:as picture