1. The importance of the nature of exponential function. 指数效应的重要性
One of the most significant barriers to people doing things in the world, to actually introducing change is that they underestimate their ability to bring about change.
Smiles are contagious.
We underestimate our capacity to affect change.
We are influencing people and the world every minute of our lives. The question is in which direction are we going to do it. Be practical idealist.
2. 外在环境是否会影响幸福水平?
有人对一些即将评定终身教职(tenure)的教授做了跟踪研究 。在评定结果出来以前问他们,如果评上了,你会怎么样?如果没有评上,你会怎么样?
Extreme circumstances make very little difference to our well-being. Wealth matters very little to our levels of well-being.
Once it’s beyond the basic needs, once our basic needs are met and that means food, shelter, basic education. Once those needs are met,income makes very little difference. No change across generations.
You had a spike in your level of well-being, but very quickly we go back to our base level.
One thing that does matter to our base level of well-being which is external circumstance is democracy versus oppression.
Beyond the extreme, additions or subtractions to our external circumstances make very little difference.
3. 降低期望值 vs 正确期望
Lower the expectation won’t work in the long term. The problem is right versus wrong expectations.
The right expectation is to believe in change from within.
In fact, our readiness and potential to experience happiness is mostly depended on our state of mind.
4. 允许自己做一个人 —— 接纳自己的各种情绪
There are two kinds of people who experience the constant high, who don’t experience painful emotions such as anger, or envy, or disappointment, or sadness, or unhappiness,or depression or anxiety at times. The one kind are the psychopaths,the other kind are dead people. If you experience these emotions, it’s a good sign.
In our society, we don’t give ourselves the permission to be human, the freedom to experience these painful emotions as well.
我的咨询师对我说过,所有的情绪都是正常的大脑反应,不要去批判自己。要学着像看电影一样,看着情绪现在来了,知道情绪会过去,然后再看着情绪走了。之前听过一些心理学的podcast,里面也多次提到不要批判自己的情绪。之前不是特别理解,现在看了Tal的课,慢慢开始体会到,这就是在give ourselves the permission to be human。
We all need a space, a place in our lives where we give ourselves the permission to be human. Whether we are with close friends, people we care about, whether it’s first and foremost with ourselves. If we don’t,we pay the price.
We need a space of unconditional acceptance.
When we suppress a natural phenomenon, that phenomenon only strengthens. The same applies to painful emotions that are natural. And when we try to suppress them, they strengthen.
Tal举了一个例子,现在请不要去想一头粉红色的大象,你的脑袋里一定有一只粉红色的大象。他说自己是一个内向的人,而内向的人做老师必然面对要在公众面前讲话,他每次都会很紧张,对自己说不要紧张,结果越来越紧张。The pink elephant is everywhere. 现在他还是会紧张,但他承认自己的紧张情绪,并且知道这种情绪是可控的。
5. 如何接受情绪
Rejecting our nature leads to sub-optimal performance,emotionally as well as in terms of external performance.
You would lead a life of constant frustration, refusing to accept something that is there, whether you like it or not.
We accept the law of gravity and we create games around it. And yet we don’t do the same when it comes to our emotions.
Painful emotions are as much as part of human nature as the law of gravity is part of physical nature. And “nature to be commanded must be obeyed”.
We are not talking about wearing our heart on our sleeves. What we are talking about here is a safe space.
What I am talking about is not resignation. What I am talking about is active acceptance. It means understanding that certain things I cannot change and certain things I can and ought to change.
6. ABC
A – affect, emotion (allow ourselves to be human)
B – behaviour, action
C – cognition, thoughts
Rumination is actually not that helpful to ruminate about painful emotions. It’s much more helpful to write about them, to talk to other people about them, rather than just to thinking constantly about how miserable I am. The key is to be true to reality.
7. "Positive Psychology" or "Reality Psychology" 积极心理学还是现实心理学?
This course should not be called “positive psychology”. This course is “reality psychology”.
Accepting the painful emotions are as much part of human nature as the wonderful emotions. The sooner we accept it, the better.
It’s not that you will not have painful emotions anymore. It’s simply that your psychological immune system will become stronger.
The difference between an extremely happy people and an extremely unhappy people is not that one gets sad, or upset, or anxious, or depressed, and the other does not. Both group do. It’s how quickly, how promptly we can recover from these painful emotions.
“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,the courage to change the things I can change, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
P.S. 这节课Tal是以带领大家做冥想结束的,我做着做着又睡着了。