CoreLocation框架详细解析(十五) —— 仿Runkeeper的简单实现(四)


版本号 时间
V1.0 2018.10.18 星期四


1. CoreLocation框架详细解析 —— 基本概览(一)
2. CoreLocation框架详细解析 —— 选择定位服务的授权级别(二)
3. CoreLocation框架详细解析 —— 确定定位服务的可用性(三)
4. CoreLocation框架详细解析 —— 获取用户位置(四)
5. CoreLocation框架详细解析 —— 监控用户与地理区域的距离(五)
6. CoreLocation框架详细解析 —— 确定接近iBeacon(六)
7. CoreLocation框架详细解析 —— 将iOS设备转换为iBeacon(七)
8. CoreLocation框架详细解析 —— 获取指向和路线信息(八)
9. CoreLocation框架详细解析 —— 在坐标和用户友好的地名之间转换(九)
10. CoreLocation框架详细解析(十) —— 跟踪访问位置简单示例(一)
11. CoreLocation框架详细解析(十一) —— 跟踪访问位置简单示例(二)
12. CoreLocation框架详细解析(十二) —— 仿Runkeeper的简单实现(一)
13. CoreLocation框架详细解析(十三) —— 仿Runkeeper的简单实现(二)
14. CoreLocation框架详细解析(十四) —— 仿Runkeeper的简单实现(三)

Everything Is Better When it Has a "Space Mode"


打开Main.storyboard并找到Run Details View Controller Scene。 在地图视图的顶部拖动UIImageView。 按住control键从图像视图控制拖动到地图视图。 在弹出窗口中,按住Shift键并选择Top, Bottom, Leading and Trailing。 单击Add Constraints以将Image View的边缘固定到Map View的边缘。

Xcode将添加约束,每个约束的值为0,这正是您想要的。 但是,目前,图像视图并未完全覆盖地图视图,因此您可以看到橙色警告线。 单击Update Frames按钮(下面的红色部分)以调整图像视图的大小。

UIButton拖到Image View的顶部。 删除Button的Title并将其Image值设置为info

按住Ctrl键并从按钮拖动到Image View。 在弹出窗口中,按住Shift键并选择Bottom and Trailing。 单击Add Constraints将按钮固定到图像视图的右下角。

Size Inspector中,Edit每个约束并将其值设置为-8

再次单击Update Frames按钮以固定Button的大小和位置。

选择Image View并将其Content Mode设置为Aspect Fit,将其Alpha设置为0。




选择Switch并按Add New Contraints按钮(“Tie Fighter”按钮)。 使用值8为Right,Bottom和Left添加约束。确保Left约束相对于Label。 选择Add 3 Constraints


按住ctrl键从Switch到Label。 在弹出的结果中,选择Center Vertically

选择Label,将其Title设置为SPACE MODE,将其Color设置为White Color

在文档大纲中,按住Control键从Switch到Stack View。 从弹出的结果中选择Vertical Spacing

在Switch的Size Inspector中,编辑约束Top Space to: Stack View。 将其关系设置为,将其值设置为8


Assistant Editor中打开RunDetailsViewController.swift,并按如下方式连接Image ViewInfo Button的outlets :

@IBOutlet weak var badgeImageView: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var badgeInfoButton: UIButton!


@IBAction func displayModeToggled(_ sender: UISwitch) {
  UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.2) {
    self.badgeImageView.alpha = sender.isOn ? 1 : 0
    self.badgeInfoButton.alpha = sender.isOn ? 1 : 0
    self.mapView.alpha = sender.isOn ? 0 : 1

当切换值更改时,您可以通过更改其Alpha值来动画设置Image View, Info ButtonMap View的可见性。

现在为Info Button添加action并连接它:

@IBAction func infoButtonTapped() {
  let badge = run.distance)
  let alert = UIAlertController(title:,
                                message: badge.information,
                                preferredStyle: .alert)
  alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .cancel))
  present(alert, animated: true)



let badge = run.distance)
badgeImageView.image = UIImage(named: badge.imageName)


Build并运行。 在跑步中发送模拟器,保存详细信息并尝试新的“Space Mode”

Mapping the Solar System In Your Town

跑步后的地图已经帮助您记住您的路线,甚至可以确定速度较低的特定区域。 现在,您将添加一项功能,准确显示每个徽章的获取位置。

MapKit使用annotations来显示诸如此类的点数据。 要创建annotations,您需要:

  • 遵循MKAnnotation的类,它提供描述annotations位置的坐标。
  • MKAnnotationView的子类,显示与annotations关联的信息。


  • 创建遵循MKAnnotation的类BadgeAnnotation
  • 创建一个BadgeAnnotation对象数组并将它们添加到地图中。
  • 实现mapView(_:viewFor :)以创建MKAnnotationViews

将新的Swift文件添加到项目中并将其命名为BadgeAnnotation.swift。 将其内容替换为:

import MapKit

class BadgeAnnotation: MKPointAnnotation {
  let imageName: String
  init(imageName: String) {
    self.imageName = imageName



private func annotations() -> [BadgeAnnotation] {
  var annotations: [BadgeAnnotation] = []
  let badgesEarned = Badge.allBadges.filter { $0.distance < run.distance }
  var badgeIterator = badgesEarned.makeIterator()
  var nextBadge =
  let locations = run.locations?.array as! [Location]
  var distance = 0.0
  for (first, second) in zip(locations, locations.dropFirst()) {
    guard let badge = nextBadge else { break }
    let start = CLLocation(latitude: first.latitude, longitude: first.longitude)
    let end = CLLocation(latitude: second.latitude, longitude: second.longitude)
    distance += end.distance(from: start)
    if distance >= badge.distance {
      let badgeAnnotation = BadgeAnnotation(imageName: badge.imageName)
      badgeAnnotation.coordinate = end.coordinate
      badgeAnnotation.title =
      badgeAnnotation.subtitle = FormatDisplay.distance(badge.distance)
      nextBadge =
  return annotations






func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, viewFor annotation: MKAnnotation) -> MKAnnotationView? {
  guard let annotation = annotation as? BadgeAnnotation else { return nil }
  let reuseID = "checkpoint"
  var annotationView = mapView.dequeueReusableAnnotationView(withIdentifier: reuseID)
  if annotationView == nil {
    annotationView = MKAnnotationView(annotation: annotation, reuseIdentifier: reuseID)
    annotationView?.image = #imageLiteral(resourceName: "mapPin")
    annotationView?.canShowCallout = true
  annotationView?.annotation = annotation
  let badgeImageView = UIImageView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 50, height: 50))
  badgeImageView.image = UIImage(named: annotation.imageName)
  badgeImageView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit
  annotationView?.leftCalloutAccessoryView = badgeImageView
  return annotationView


Build并运行。 在跑步中发送模拟器并在结束时保存跑步。 现在,地图将为每个获得的徽章添加annotation。 单击一个,您可以看到它的名称,图片和距离。


1. Swift




1. AppDelegate.swift
import UIKit

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
  var window: UIWindow?
  func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
    UINavigationBar.appearance().tintColor = .white
    UINavigationBar.appearance().barTintColor = .black
    let locationManager = LocationManager.shared
    return true
  func applicationDidEnterBackground(_ application: UIApplication) {
  func applicationWillTerminate(_ application: UIApplication) {
2. HomeViewController.swift
import UIKit

class HomeViewController: UIViewController {
  override func viewDidLoad() {
3. NewRunViewController.swift
import UIKit
import CoreLocation
import MapKit
import AVFoundation

class NewRunViewController: UIViewController {
  @IBOutlet weak var launchPromptStackView: UIStackView!
  @IBOutlet weak var dataStackView: UIStackView!
  @IBOutlet weak var startButton: UIButton!
  @IBOutlet weak var stopButton: UIButton!
  @IBOutlet weak var distanceLabel: UILabel!
  @IBOutlet weak var timeLabel: UILabel!
  @IBOutlet weak var paceLabel: UILabel!
  @IBOutlet weak var mapContainerView: UIView!
  @IBOutlet weak var mapView: MKMapView!
  @IBOutlet weak var badgeStackView: UIStackView!
  @IBOutlet weak var badgeImageView: UIImageView!
  @IBOutlet weak var badgeInfoLabel: UILabel!
  private var run: Run?
  private let locationManager = LocationManager.shared
  private var seconds = 0
  private var timer: Timer?
  private var distance = Measurement(value: 0, unit: UnitLength.meters)
  private var locationList: [CLLocation] = []
  private var upcomingBadge: Badge!
  private let successSound: AVAudioPlayer = {
    guard let successSound = NSDataAsset(name: "success") else {
      return AVAudioPlayer()
    return try! AVAudioPlayer(data:

  override func viewDidLoad() {
    dataStackView.isHidden = true // required to work around behavior change in Xcode 9 beta 1
    badgeStackView.isHidden = true // required to work around behavior change in Xcode 9 beta 1
  override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
  @IBAction func startTapped() {
  @IBAction func stopTapped() {
    let alertController = UIAlertController(title: "End run?",
                                            message: "Do you wish to end your run?",
                                            preferredStyle: .actionSheet)
    alertController.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Cancel", style: .cancel))
    alertController.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Save", style: .default) { _ in
      self.performSegue(withIdentifier: .details, sender: nil)
    alertController.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Discard", style: .destructive) { _ in
      _ = self.navigationController?.popToRootViewController(animated: true)
    present(alertController, animated: true)
  private func startRun() {
    launchPromptStackView.isHidden = true
    dataStackView.isHidden = false
    startButton.isHidden = true
    stopButton.isHidden = false
    mapContainerView.isHidden = false
    seconds = 0
    distance = Measurement(value: 0, unit: UnitLength.meters)
    badgeStackView.isHidden = false
    upcomingBadge = 0)
    badgeImageView.image = UIImage(named: upcomingBadge.imageName)
    timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 1.0, repeats: true) { _ in
  private func stopRun() {
    launchPromptStackView.isHidden = false
    dataStackView.isHidden = true
    startButton.isHidden = false
    stopButton.isHidden = true
    mapContainerView.isHidden = true
    badgeStackView.isHidden = true
  func eachSecond() {
    seconds += 1
  private func updateDisplay() {
    let formattedDistance = FormatDisplay.distance(distance)
    let formattedTime = FormatDisplay.time(seconds)
    let formattedPace = FormatDisplay.pace(distance: distance,
                                           seconds: seconds,
                                           outputUnit: UnitSpeed.minutesPerMile)
    distanceLabel.text = "Distance:  \(formattedDistance)"
    timeLabel.text = "Time:  \(formattedTime)"
    paceLabel.text = "Pace:  \(formattedPace)"
    let distanceRemaining = upcomingBadge.distance - distance.value
    let formattedDistanceRemaining = FormatDisplay.distance(distanceRemaining)
    badgeInfoLabel.text = "\(formattedDistanceRemaining) until \("
  private func startLocationUpdates() {
    locationManager.delegate = self
    locationManager.activityType = .fitness
    locationManager.distanceFilter = 10
  private func saveRun() {
    let newRun = Run(context: CoreDataStack.context)
    newRun.distance = distance.value
    newRun.duration = Int16(seconds)
    newRun.timestamp = Date()
    for location in locationList {
      let locationObject = Location(context: CoreDataStack.context)
      locationObject.timestamp = location.timestamp
      locationObject.latitude = location.coordinate.latitude
      locationObject.longitude = location.coordinate.longitude
    run = newRun
  private func checkNextBadge() {
    let nextBadge = distance.value)
    if upcomingBadge != nextBadge {
      badgeImageView.image = UIImage(named: nextBadge.imageName)
      upcomingBadge = nextBadge

// MARK: - Navigation

extension NewRunViewController: SegueHandlerType {
  enum SegueIdentifier: String {
    case details = "RunDetailsViewController"
  override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
    switch segueIdentifier(for: segue) {
    case .details:
      let destination = segue.destination as! RunDetailsViewController = run

// MARK: - Location Manager Delegate

extension NewRunViewController: CLLocationManagerDelegate {
  func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) {
    for newLocation in locations {
      let howRecent = newLocation.timestamp.timeIntervalSinceNow
      guard newLocation.horizontalAccuracy < 20 && abs(howRecent) < 10 else { continue }
      if let lastLocation = locationList.last {
        let delta = newLocation.distance(from: lastLocation)
        distance = distance + Measurement(value: delta, unit: UnitLength.meters)
        let coordinates = [lastLocation.coordinate, newLocation.coordinate]
        mapView.add(MKPolyline(coordinates: coordinates, count: 2))
        let region = MKCoordinateRegionMakeWithDistance(newLocation.coordinate, 500, 500)
        mapView.setRegion(region, animated: true)

// MARK: - Map View Delegate

extension NewRunViewController: MKMapViewDelegate {
  func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, rendererFor overlay: MKOverlay) -> MKOverlayRenderer {
    guard let polyline = overlay as? MKPolyline else {
      return MKOverlayRenderer(overlay: overlay)
    let renderer = MKPolylineRenderer(polyline: polyline)
    renderer.strokeColor = .blue
    renderer.lineWidth = 3
    return renderer
4. RunDetailsViewController.swift
import UIKit
import MapKit

class RunDetailsViewController: UIViewController {
  @IBOutlet weak var mapView: MKMapView!
  @IBOutlet weak var distanceLabel: UILabel!
  @IBOutlet weak var dateLabel: UILabel!
  @IBOutlet weak var timeLabel: UILabel!
  @IBOutlet weak var paceLabel: UILabel!
  @IBOutlet weak var badgeImageView: UIImageView!
  @IBOutlet weak var badgeInfoButton: UIButton!
  var run: Run!
  override func viewDidLoad() {
  @IBAction func displayModeToggled(_ sender: UISwitch) {
    UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.2) {
      self.badgeImageView.alpha = sender.isOn ? 1 : 0
      self.badgeInfoButton.alpha = sender.isOn ? 1 : 0
      self.mapView.alpha = sender.isOn ? 0 : 1
  @IBAction func infoButtonTapped() {
    let badge = run.distance)
    let alert = UIAlertController(title:,
                                  message: badge.information,
                                  preferredStyle: .alert)
    alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .cancel))
    present(alert, animated: true)

  private func configureView() {
    let distance = Measurement(value: run.distance, unit: UnitLength.meters)
    let seconds = Int(run.duration)
    let formattedDistance = FormatDisplay.distance(distance)
    let formattedDate =
    let formattedTime = FormatDisplay.time(seconds)
    let formattedPace = FormatDisplay.pace(distance: distance,
                                           seconds: seconds,
                                           outputUnit: UnitSpeed.minutesPerMile)
    distanceLabel.text = "Distance:  \(formattedDistance)"
    dateLabel.text = formattedDate
    timeLabel.text = "Time:  \(formattedTime)"
    paceLabel.text = "Pace:  \(formattedPace)"
    let badge = run.distance)
    badgeImageView.image = UIImage(named: badge.imageName)
  private func mapRegion() -> MKCoordinateRegion? {
      let locations = run.locations,
      locations.count > 0
    else {
      return nil
    let latitudes = { location -> Double in
      let location = location as! Location
      return location.latitude
    let longitudes = { location -> Double in
      let location = location as! Location
      return location.longitude
    let maxLat = latitudes.max()!
    let minLat = latitudes.min()!
    let maxLong = longitudes.max()!
    let minLong = longitudes.min()!
    let center = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: (minLat + maxLat) / 2,
                                        longitude: (minLong + maxLong) / 2)
    let span = MKCoordinateSpan(latitudeDelta: (maxLat - minLat) * 1.3,
                                longitudeDelta: (maxLong - minLong) * 1.3)
    return MKCoordinateRegion(center: center, span: span)
  private func polyLine() -> [MulticolorPolyline] {
    // 1
    let locations = run.locations?.array as! [Location]
    var coordinates: [(CLLocation, CLLocation)] = []
    var speeds: [Double] = []
    var minSpeed = Double.greatestFiniteMagnitude
    var maxSpeed = 0.0
    // 2
    for (first, second) in zip(locations, locations.dropFirst()) {
      let start = CLLocation(latitude: first.latitude, longitude: first.longitude)
      let end = CLLocation(latitude: second.latitude, longitude: second.longitude)
      coordinates.append((start, end))
      let distance = end.distance(from: start)
      let time = second.timestamp!.timeIntervalSince(first.timestamp! as Date)
      let speed = time > 0 ? distance / time : 0
      minSpeed = min(minSpeed, speed)
      maxSpeed = max(maxSpeed, speed)
    let midSpeed = speeds.reduce(0, +) / Double(speeds.count)
    var segments: [MulticolorPolyline] = []
    for ((start, end), speed) in zip(coordinates, speeds) {
      let coords = [start.coordinate, end.coordinate]
      let segment = MulticolorPolyline(coordinates: coords, count: 2)
      segment.color = segmentColor(speed: speed,
                                   midSpeed: midSpeed,
                                   slowestSpeed: minSpeed,
                                   fastestSpeed: maxSpeed)
    return segments
  private func loadMap() {
      let locations = run.locations,
      locations.count > 0,
      let region = mapRegion()
    else {
        let alert = UIAlertController(title: "Error",
                                      message: "Sorry, this run has no locations saved",
                                      preferredStyle: .alert)
        alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .cancel))
        present(alert, animated: true)
    mapView.setRegion(region, animated: true)
  private func segmentColor(speed: Double, midSpeed: Double, slowestSpeed: Double, fastestSpeed: Double) -> UIColor {
    enum BaseColors {
      static let r_red: CGFloat = 1
      static let r_green: CGFloat = 20 / 255
      static let r_blue: CGFloat = 44 / 255
      static let y_red: CGFloat = 1
      static let y_green: CGFloat = 215 / 255
      static let y_blue: CGFloat = 0
      static let g_red: CGFloat = 0
      static let g_green: CGFloat = 146 / 255
      static let g_blue: CGFloat = 78 / 255
    let red, green, blue: CGFloat
    if speed < midSpeed {
      let ratio = CGFloat((speed - slowestSpeed) / (midSpeed - slowestSpeed))
      red = BaseColors.r_red + ratio * (BaseColors.y_red - BaseColors.r_red)
      green = BaseColors.r_green + ratio * (BaseColors.y_green - BaseColors.r_green)
      blue = BaseColors.r_blue + ratio * (BaseColors.y_blue - BaseColors.r_blue)
    } else {
      let ratio = CGFloat((speed - midSpeed) / (fastestSpeed - midSpeed))
      red = BaseColors.y_red + ratio * (BaseColors.g_red - BaseColors.y_red)
      green = BaseColors.y_green + ratio * (BaseColors.g_green - BaseColors.y_green)
      blue = BaseColors.y_blue + ratio * (BaseColors.g_blue - BaseColors.y_blue)
    return UIColor(red: red, green: green, blue: blue, alpha: 1)
  private func annotations() -> [BadgeAnnotation] {
    var annotations: [BadgeAnnotation] = []
    let badgesEarned = Badge.allBadges.filter { $0.distance < run.distance }
    var badgeIterator = badgesEarned.makeIterator()
    var nextBadge =
    let locations = run.locations?.array as! [Location]
    var distance = 0.0
    for (first, second) in zip(locations, locations.dropFirst()) {
      guard let badge = nextBadge else { break }
      let start = CLLocation(latitude: first.latitude, longitude: first.longitude)
      let end = CLLocation(latitude: second.latitude, longitude: second.longitude)
      distance += end.distance(from: start)
      if distance >= badge.distance {
        let badgeAnnotation = BadgeAnnotation(imageName: badge.imageName)
        badgeAnnotation.coordinate = end.coordinate
        badgeAnnotation.title =
        badgeAnnotation.subtitle = FormatDisplay.distance(badge.distance)
        nextBadge =
    return annotations

// MARK: - Map View Delegate

extension RunDetailsViewController: MKMapViewDelegate {
  func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, rendererFor overlay: MKOverlay) -> MKOverlayRenderer {
    guard let polyline = overlay as? MulticolorPolyline else {
      return MKOverlayRenderer(overlay: overlay)
    let renderer = MKPolylineRenderer(polyline: polyline)
    renderer.strokeColor = polyline.color
    renderer.lineWidth = 3
    return renderer
  func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, viewFor annotation: MKAnnotation) -> MKAnnotationView? {
    guard let annotation = annotation as? BadgeAnnotation else { return nil }
    let reuseID = "checkpoint"
    var annotationView = mapView.dequeueReusableAnnotationView(withIdentifier: reuseID)
    if annotationView == nil {
      annotationView = MKAnnotationView(annotation: annotation, reuseIdentifier: reuseID)
      annotationView?.image = #imageLiteral(resourceName: "mapPin")
      annotationView?.canShowCallout = true
    annotationView?.annotation = annotation
    let badgeImageView = UIImageView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 50, height: 50))
    badgeImageView.image = UIImage(named: annotation.imageName)
    badgeImageView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit
    annotationView?.leftCalloutAccessoryView = badgeImageView
    return annotationView
5. BadgesTableViewController.swift
import UIKit
import CoreData

class BadgesTableViewController: UITableViewController {
  var statusList: [BadgeStatus]!
  override func viewDidLoad() {
    statusList = BadgeStatus.badgesEarned(runs: getRuns())
  private func getRuns() -> [Run] {
    let fetchRequest: NSFetchRequest<Run> = Run.fetchRequest()
    let sortDescriptor = NSSortDescriptor(key: #keyPath(Run.timestamp), ascending: true)
    fetchRequest.sortDescriptors = [sortDescriptor]
    do {
      return try CoreDataStack.context.fetch(fetchRequest)
    } catch {
      return []

// MARK: - Table View Data Source

extension BadgesTableViewController {
  override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
    return statusList.count
  override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
    let cell: BadgeCell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(for: indexPath)
    cell.status = statusList[indexPath.row]
    return cell

// MARK: - Navigation

extension BadgesTableViewController: SegueHandlerType {
  enum SegueIdentifier: String {
    case details = "BadgeDetailsViewController"
  override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
    switch segueIdentifier(for: segue) {
    case .details:
      let destination = segue.destination as! BadgeDetailsViewController
      let indexPath = tableView.indexPathForSelectedRow!
      destination.status = statusList[indexPath.row]
  override func shouldPerformSegue(withIdentifier identifier: String, sender: Any?) -> Bool {
    guard let segue = SegueIdentifier(rawValue: identifier) else { return false }
    switch segue {
    case .details:
      guard let cell = sender as? UITableViewCell else { return false }
      return cell.accessoryType == .disclosureIndicator
6. BadgeDetailsViewController.swift
import UIKit

class BadgeDetailsViewController: UIViewController {
  @IBOutlet weak var badgeImageView: UIImageView!
  @IBOutlet weak var nameLabel: UILabel!
  @IBOutlet weak var distanceLabel: UILabel!
  @IBOutlet weak var earnedLabel: UILabel!
  @IBOutlet weak var bestLabel: UILabel!
  @IBOutlet weak var silverLabel: UILabel!
  @IBOutlet weak var goldLabel: UILabel!
  @IBOutlet weak var silverImageView: UIImageView!
  @IBOutlet weak var goldImageView: UIImageView!
  var status: BadgeStatus!
  override func viewDidLoad() {
    let badgeRotation = CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: .pi / 8)
    badgeImageView.image = UIImage(named: status.badge.imageName)
    nameLabel.text =
    distanceLabel.text = FormatDisplay.distance(status.badge.distance)
    let earnedDate =
    earnedLabel.text = "Reached on \(earnedDate)"
    let bestDistance = Measurement(value:!.distance, unit: UnitLength.meters)
    let bestPace = FormatDisplay.pace(distance: bestDistance,
                                      seconds: Int(!.duration),
                                      outputUnit: UnitSpeed.minutesPerMile)
    let bestDate =
    bestLabel.text = "Best: \(bestPace), \(bestDate)"
    let earnedDistance = Measurement(value: status.earned!.distance, unit: UnitLength.meters)
    let earnedDuration = Int(status.earned!.duration)
    if let silver = status.silver {
      silverImageView.transform = badgeRotation
      silverImageView.alpha = 1
      let silverDate =
      silverLabel.text = "Earned on \(silverDate)"
    } else {
      silverImageView.alpha = 0
      let silverDistance = earnedDistance * BadgeStatus.silverMultiplier
      let pace = FormatDisplay.pace(distance: silverDistance,
                                    seconds: earnedDuration,
                                    outputUnit: UnitSpeed.minutesPerMile)
      silverLabel.text = "Pace < \(pace) for silver!"
    if let gold = {
      goldImageView.transform = badgeRotation
      goldImageView.alpha = 1
      let goldDate =
      goldLabel.text = "Earned on \(goldDate)"
    } else {
      goldImageView.alpha = 0
      let goldDistance = earnedDistance * BadgeStatus.goldMultiplier
      let pace = FormatDisplay.pace(distance: goldDistance,
                                    seconds: earnedDuration,
                                    outputUnit: UnitSpeed.minutesPerMile)
      goldLabel.text = "Pace < \(pace) for gold!"
  @IBAction func infoButtonTapped() {
    let alert = UIAlertController(title:,
                                  message: status.badge.information,
                                  preferredStyle: .alert)
    alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .cancel))
    present(alert, animated: true)
7. CoreDataStack.swift
import CoreData

class CoreDataStack {
  static let persistentContainer: NSPersistentContainer = {
    let container = NSPersistentContainer(name: "MoonRunner")
    container.loadPersistentStores { (_, error) in
      if let error = error as NSError? {
        fatalError("Unresolved error \(error), \(error.userInfo)")
    return container
  static var context: NSManagedObjectContext { return persistentContainer.viewContext }
  class func saveContext () {
    let context = persistentContainer.viewContext
    guard context.hasChanges else {
    do {
    } catch {
      let nserror = error as NSError
      fatalError("Unresolved error \(nserror), \(nserror.userInfo)")
8. Badge.swift
import Foundation

struct Badge {
  let name: String
  let imageName: String
  let information: String
  let distance: Double
  init?(from dictionary: [String: String]) {
      let name = dictionary["name"],
      let imageName = dictionary["imageName"],
      let information = dictionary["information"],
      let distanceString = dictionary["distance"],
      let distance = Double(distanceString)
    else {
        return nil
    } = name
    self.imageName = imageName
    self.information = information
    self.distance = distance
  static let allBadges: [Badge] = {
    guard let fileURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "badges", withExtension: "txt") else {
      fatalError("No badges.txt file found")
    do {
      let jsonData = try Data(contentsOf: fileURL, options: .mappedIfSafe)
      let jsonResult = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: jsonData) as! [[String: String]]
      return jsonResult.flatMap(Badge.init)
    } catch {
      fatalError("Cannot decode badges.txt")
  static func best(for distance: Double) -> Badge {
    return allBadges.filter { $0.distance < distance }.last ?? allBadges.first!
  static func next(for distance: Double) -> Badge {
    return allBadges.filter { distance < $0.distance }.first ?? allBadges.last!

// MARK: - Equatable

extension Badge: Equatable {
  static func ==(lhs: Badge, rhs: Badge) -> Bool {
    return ==
9. BadgeStatus.swift
import Foundation

struct BadgeStatus {
  let badge: Badge
  let earned: Run?
  let silver: Run?
  let gold: Run?
  let best: Run?
  static let silverMultiplier = 1.05
  static let goldMultiplier = 1.1
  static func badgesEarned(runs: [Run]) -> [BadgeStatus] {
    return { badge in
      var earned: Run?
      var silver: Run?
      var gold: Run?
      var best: Run?
      for run in runs where run.distance > badge.distance {
         if earned == nil {
          earned = run
        let earnedSpeed = earned!.distance / Double(earned!.duration)
        let runSpeed = run.distance / Double(run.duration)
        if silver == nil && runSpeed > earnedSpeed * silverMultiplier {
          silver = run
        if gold == nil && runSpeed > earnedSpeed * goldMultiplier {
          gold = run
        if let existingBest = best {
          let bestSpeed = existingBest.distance / Double(existingBest.duration)
          if runSpeed > bestSpeed {
            best = run
        } else {
          best = run
      return BadgeStatus(badge: badge, earned: earned, silver: silver, gold: gold, best: best)
10. BadgeCell.swift
import UIKit

class BadgeCell: UITableViewCell {
  @IBOutlet weak var badgeImageView: UIImageView!
  @IBOutlet weak var silverImageView: UIImageView!
  @IBOutlet weak var goldImageView: UIImageView!
  @IBOutlet weak var nameLabel: UILabel!
  @IBOutlet weak var earnedLabel: UILabel!
  var status: BadgeStatus! {
    didSet {
  private let redLabel = #colorLiteral(red: 1, green: 0.07843137255, blue: 0.1725490196, alpha: 1)
  private let greenLabel = #colorLiteral(red: 0, green: 0.5725490196, blue: 0.3058823529, alpha: 1)
  private let badgeRotation = CGAffineTransform(rotationAngle: .pi / 8)
  private func configure() {
    silverImageView.isHidden = status.silver == nil
    goldImageView.isHidden = == nil
    if let earned = status.earned {
      nameLabel.text =
      nameLabel.textColor = greenLabel
      let dateEarned =
      earnedLabel.text = "Earned: \(dateEarned)"
      earnedLabel.textColor = greenLabel
      badgeImageView.image = UIImage(named: status.badge.imageName)
      silverImageView.transform = badgeRotation
      goldImageView.transform = badgeRotation
      isUserInteractionEnabled = true
      accessoryType = .disclosureIndicator
    } else {
      nameLabel.text = "?????"
      nameLabel.textColor = redLabel
      let formattedDistance = FormatDisplay.distance(status.badge.distance)
      earnedLabel.text = "Run \(formattedDistance) to earn"
      earnedLabel.textColor = redLabel
      badgeImageView.image = nil
      isUserInteractionEnabled = false
      accessoryType = .none
      selectionStyle = .none
11. BadgeAnnotation.swift
import MapKit

class BadgeAnnotation: MKPointAnnotation {
  let imageName: String
  init(imageName: String) {
    self.imageName = imageName
12. StoryboardSupport.swift
import UIKit

protocol StoryboardIdentifiable {
  static var storyboardIdentifier: String { get }

extension StoryboardIdentifiable where Self: UIViewController {
  static var storyboardIdentifier: String {
    return String(describing: self)

extension StoryboardIdentifiable where Self: UITableViewCell {
  static var storyboardIdentifier: String {
    return String(describing: self)

extension UIViewController: StoryboardIdentifiable { }
extension UITableViewCell: StoryboardIdentifiable { }

extension UITableView {
  func dequeueReusableCell<T: UITableViewCell>(for indexPath: IndexPath) -> T {
    guard let cell = dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: T.storyboardIdentifier, for: indexPath) as? T else {
      fatalError("Could not find table view cell with identifier \(T.storyboardIdentifier)")
    return cell
  func cellForRow<T: UITableViewCell>(at indexPath: IndexPath) -> T {
    guard let cell = cellForRow(at: indexPath) as? T else {
      fatalError("Could not get cell as type \(T.self)")
    return cell

/// Use in view controllers:
/// 1) Have view controller conform to SegueHandlerType
/// 2) Add `enum SegueIdentifier: String { }` to conformance
/// 3) Manual segues are trigged by `performSegue(with:sender:)`
/// 4) `prepare(for:sender:)` does a `switch segueIdentifier(for: segue)` to select the appropriate segue case

protocol SegueHandlerType {
  associatedtype SegueIdentifier: RawRepresentable

extension SegueHandlerType where Self: UIViewController, SegueIdentifier.RawValue == String {
  func performSegue(withIdentifier identifier: SegueIdentifier, sender: Any?) {
    performSegue(withIdentifier: identifier.rawValue, sender: sender)
  func segueIdentifier(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue) -> SegueIdentifier {
      let identifier = segue.identifier,
      let segueIdentifier = SegueIdentifier(rawValue: identifier)
      else {
        fatalError("Invalid segue identifier: \(String(describing: segue.identifier))")
    return segueIdentifier
13. UnitExtensions.swift
import Foundation

class UnitConverterPace: UnitConverter {
  private let coefficient: Double
  init(coefficient: Double) {
    self.coefficient = coefficient
  override func baseUnitValue(fromValue value: Double) -> Double {
    return reciprocal(value * coefficient)
  override func value(fromBaseUnitValue baseUnitValue: Double) -> Double {
    return reciprocal(baseUnitValue * coefficient)
  private func reciprocal(_ value: Double) -> Double {
    guard value != 0 else { return 0 }
    return 1.0 / value

extension UnitSpeed {
  class var secondsPerMeter: UnitSpeed {
    return UnitSpeed(symbol: "sec/m", converter: UnitConverterPace(coefficient: 1))
  class var minutesPerKilometer: UnitSpeed {
    return UnitSpeed(symbol: "min/km", converter: UnitConverterPace(coefficient: 60.0 / 1000.0))
  class var minutesPerMile: UnitSpeed {
    return UnitSpeed(symbol: "min/mi", converter: UnitConverterPace(coefficient: 60.0 / 1609.34))
14. FormatDisplay.swift
import Foundation

struct FormatDisplay {
  static func distance(_ distance: Double) -> String {
    let distanceMeasurement = Measurement(value: distance, unit: UnitLength.meters)
    return FormatDisplay.distance(distanceMeasurement)
  static func distance(_ distance: Measurement<UnitLength>) -> String {
    let formatter = MeasurementFormatter()
    return formatter.string(from: distance)
  static func time(_ seconds: Int) -> String {
    let formatter = DateComponentsFormatter()
    formatter.allowedUnits = [.hour, .minute, .second]
    formatter.unitsStyle = .positional
    formatter.zeroFormattingBehavior = .pad
    return formatter.string(from: TimeInterval(seconds))!
  static func pace(distance: Measurement<UnitLength>, seconds: Int, outputUnit: UnitSpeed) -> String {
    let formatter = MeasurementFormatter()
    formatter.unitOptions = [.providedUnit] // 1
    let speedMagnitude = seconds != 0 ? distance.value / Double(seconds) : 0
    let speed = Measurement(value: speedMagnitude, unit: UnitSpeed.metersPerSecond)
    return formatter.string(from: speed.converted(to: outputUnit))
  static func date(_ timestamp: Date?) -> String {
    guard let timestamp = timestamp as Date? else { return "" }
    let formatter = DateFormatter()
    formatter.dateStyle = .medium
    return formatter.string(from: timestamp)
15. LocationManager.swift
import CoreLocation

class LocationManager {
  static let shared = CLLocationManager()
  private init() { }
16. MulticolorPolyline.swift
import UIKit
import MapKit

class MulticolorPolyline: MKPolyline {
  var color =




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