推荐几款我日常在Doc like code中常用的Visual Studio Code Editor插件。
Markdownlint -- Markdown/CommonMark linting and style checking for Visual Studio Code
简介:markdownlint is an extension for the Visual Studio Code editor that includes a library of rules to encourage standards and consistency for Markdown files.
推荐理由:作为writer,会在多种写作工具间切换(word, confluence, markdown),比较少用的markdown语法难免会遗忘。有了这个插件,熟悉markdown语法与样式后,但凡有语法或样式问题,它会在出错处加波浪线,点击提示,会显示violate的具体规则。
简介:GitLen -- Visualize code authorship at a glance via Git blame annotations and CodeLens, seamlessly navigate and explore Git repositories, gain valuable insights via rich visualizations and powerful comparison commands, and more.
推荐理由:在日常协同写作中,一份大文档通常有多达十几位writer在维护。有时由于不同模块feature间有交叉,我们会修改同一章节,因而会想知道谁修改了我章节(Git Blame功能)。
这个插件直观地在VSC editor里可视化了这个功能。鼠标点击相应段落,就可以看到是谁最后修改了它,以及以往谁修改过它。我把这个插件推荐给了Localization的小伙伴。平时,他们会给writer反馈translator发现的问题,经常无法准确定位谁是author,把反馈错发了。:-)
Note: 启用后会影响VSC编辑器的响应速度,推荐不需要时Disable。
简介:Markdown PDF -- Converts Markdown files to pdf, html, png or jpeg files.
Highlights non-breakable spaces and other similar Unicode characters that might be hard to spot, also highlights trailing whitespace.
Markdown All in One
Allows for markdown keyboard shortcuts to bold text, underline, etc. Also formats tables and lists cleanly.
Note: Some authors have reported issues with this extension which make editing impossible. If you get a keyboard error, uninstall this extension before you call for help. This extension also automatically numbers lists. Update the settings to use "1." for all numbered list items.