Chapter eleven: the animals
1. How do those animals benefit each other?
When I read this part, I find it really interesting that in the natural food chain, everything could be fully used, nothing will be wasted. For instance,farmers feed the cows with grass and then use the same place to feed pigs. One animal's waste could be used by the other animal.
2. Are diseases, pests, forests useless in this ecosystem?
Not ture. Every species play an important role in the ecosystem, they are in a varying balance. If you want to raise more turkeys for money,to keep the balance, you have to raise more cows and other animals.
Farming is not adapted to large scale operations because of the following reasons:
Farming is concerned with plants and animals that live, grow, and die.
There are a lot of similar industries have been facing the same dilemma: You want to make more money, you have to hire more employees, produce more produts to sell, by all means to make your company grow large. Those ones like education, culture, health care, animal and environment production etc., they are dealing with the lives instead of things. Try not to aim at making fortuen if you are in similar industriea.