1. 进入项目目录
git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain
2. 异常
2.1 error:did you mean--global(with two dashes?)
记住 --global 一定写成 --(两个-)
2.2 不能执行,请先安装
$ git credential-osxkeychain
# Test for the cred helper
git: 'credential-osxkeychain' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.
$ curl -s -O \
# Download the helper
$ chmod u+x git-credential-osxkeychain
# Fix the permissions on the file so it can be run
$ sudo mv git-credential-osxkeychain \
"$(dirname $(which git))/git-credential-osxkeychain"
# Move the helper to the path where git is installed
Password: [enter your password]
$ git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain
# Set git to use the osxkeychain credential helper