How much money do you make?
Many parents are reluctant to share their salaries with their children—in part because they understand how eager their kids might be to compare notes with their friends. But children have concerns about money, and refusing to talk with them about it could cause anxiety and a fear of the topic that may well last into adulthood. Too much information can overwhelm kids, though. So try to be honest without telling them more than they need to know.
As a first step you could explain that you make enough money to ensure your family has everything it needs. That doesn’t necessarily mean disclosing a number. In fact the difference between $50,000 and $500,000 might not mean much to your fifth-grader. Instead think of the question as an opportunity to talk about how the money you make helps pay for the things your family needs, such as food and housing.
For younger kids, you can use a pile of change to represent what you take home every month. Then list your family’s monthly expenses—from groceries to TV bills—and draw from that change pile to show how that money is spent. The remaining money, you can explain, goes into savings and can be used for expenses, such as college or family vacations.