Murderors of two children sentensed to death today
Zhangbo and Ye Chengchen was sentensed to death today. Zhangbo was in love with Ye and requested to marry her. But Ye insisted Zhang should get rid of his two children first. So Zhangbo persuaded his divorsed wife to send the doughter back, and he pushed both the doughter and son out of the windor and killed both.
After the murder, under the pressure of police Zhangbo and Ye blamed each other to be the main minder, the court held them to be guilty of murder and sentensed them to death.
Then Zhangbo and Ye appealed, before the hearing, Zhang wrote three letters to his ex-wife to ask for her pardon, but the pitiful mother of two deseased children refused and claimed Zhang should die. She also claimed to the public, she will fight to keep the judgment of first instance maintained. During the appeal, Zhang and Ye claimed them to be not guilty, Ye said she was insane.
However, today, the result came out, Zhang and Ye were sentensed to death all the same. Generally, the public like the result, for king two innocent and lovely children is just beyond everyone's bearing.