此文由Alzet ®公司官网信息、中国代理商所供信息和互联网整理得来。
The Function of the Flow Moderator
The flow moderator is not a flow regulator and it has no role in determining the pumping rate of an ALZET® Osmotic Pump. The flow moderator has several important roles:
- After the pump is filled, the insertion of the flow moderator helps to displace any air trapped within the pump reservoir. This is essential because all air must be evacuated in order for the pump to function correctly.
- More importantly, the flow moderator restricts diffusion of the agent from the exit portal, thereby assuring osmotic control of delivery.
The flow moderator also acts as an internal splint around which the drug reservoir can be compressed without obstructing outflow.
Flow Moderator 不是流速调节装置,不决定渗透压泵的流速。它所具有的重要功能是:
① 辅助排出气泡
② 限制外界介质混入,使给药过程只受渗透压控制。
Flow Moderator 能够作为支撑结构,防止药囊(drug reservoir)在药物大量派出之后免遭塌陷进而避免阻碍药物继续排出。