凯叔西游记1:6-9,0a unit1-12重复
海尼曼精讲课《the animal baby》《the puppy》,
四、游戏/手工/Field trip
game1.naughty car and policeman
mommy:baby,I am naughty car.i am hungry,i want to eat pizza.But I don't have money,what can i do?o.pizza is delicious,i want to eat one.oh,there is no body here,i can steal one piece of pizza. yummy,yummy!
有人偷披萨啦,110吗?有捣蛋车偷我们的披萨了,请你来抓住他。there is a naughty car stealed our pizza。hello.is this 110?there is a naughty car stealed our pizza。can you come and catch the naughty car?
Andy:没问题(no problem),我们马上到we will arrive soon.
捣蛋车在这里,快来抓住他。(here isnaughty car ,catch him quickly )
mommy:wa,there are policemen here, i must run fast.
Andy:快停下,我马上就抓到你了。(stop quickly, i will catch you soon)模拟警车跑声音
mommy:the policemen is here, i should run through on the bridge.
Andy:捣蛋车哪里去了?我要请求飞机支援。请问是警察飞机组吗?我需要你的帮助.我们在抓捣蛋车.(where is the naughty car ?i will ask policeplane for help. hello,is this policeplane?i need your help. )没问题,我们马上就到。(no problem, i will come soon)
mommy:wa, here comes a policeplane, where can i drive to?i think of a great idea. i can hide under the bridge.
Andy:捣蛋车哪里去了?我们看不到他了,他消失了.where is the naughty car ?we can not see it, it is missing.what can we do next.我们可以找警犬来找捣蛋车。狗的鼻子很灵敏。we can ask dog for help,dog has a sensitive nose。
mommy:oh,no.here comes a dog!my god, i am afraid of dog.wawawa
Andy:haha,i find the naughty car .
game2:can you get*
M:can you get a pizza?
M:can you get a potato/kiwi fruit/loliipop/book/strawberry?
总结:用游戏切入这个很重要,非常考验老母亲的玩商。这几天收集打卡看到很多好玩的游戏,准备学习起来。另外,今天can you get 游戏是海尼曼精讲课里的,当时孩子很感兴趣,自己一个人找会无聊,下次可以把爷爷奶奶一起加入进来,调动孩子的积极性。