这本 深度强化学习 书的前言如下,特别交其中英文摘出来
- 出版社: [清华大学出版社
Deep reinforcement learning has gathered much attention recently. Impressive results were achieved in activities as diverse as autonomous driving, game playing, molecular recombination, and robotics. In all these fields, computer programs have learned to solve difficult problems. They have learned to fly model helicopters and perform aerobatic manoeuvers such as loops and rolls. In some applications they have even become better than the best humans, such as in Atari, Go, poker, and StarCraft.
- 深度强化学习探索复杂环境的方式,有点像小孩子玩耍时尝试不同的事情,得到反馈后再试一次。计算机好像真的具有一些人类学习的能力;深度强化学习触及人类的梦想。
- The way in which deep reinforcement learning explores complex environments reminds us how children learn, by playfully trying out things, getting feedback, and trying again. The computer seems to truly possess aspects of human learning; deep reinforcement learning touches the dream of artificial intelligence.
The successes in research have not gone unnoticed by educators, and universities have started to offer courses on the subject. The aim of this book is to provide a comprehensive overview of the field of deep reinforcement learning. The book is written for graduate students of artificial intelligence, and for researchers and practitioners who wish to better understand deep reinforcement learning methods and their challenges. We assume an undergraduate-level of understanding of computer science and artificial intelligence; the programming language of this book is Python.
We describe the foundations, the algorithms, and the applications of deep reinforcement learning. We cover the established model-free and model-based methods that form the basis of the field. Developments go quickly, and we also cover more advanced topics: deep multi-agent reinforcement learning, deep hierarchical reinforcement learning, and deep meta learning.
We hope that learning about deep reinforcement learning will give you as much joy as the many researchers experienced when they developed their algorithms, finally got them to work, and saw them learn!
Leiden, The Netherlands Aske Plaat January 2022