prompt 迅速的/敏捷的
fragment 片段 write code fragment 在题目中一般会出现这样的词汇,来让你写代码片段
waterfall 瀑布
briefly 简单的/短暂的
举一个application communication中的例子
FOUR stages of team development are Forming,Storming,Norming,Performing and Adjouring
Forming stage:Behaviours
Define task, and how to achieve it
Develop team norms (abstract, not yet adopted)
Abstract and/or irrelevant discussion (irritating for some)
Superficial confidence, agreement, commitment
Storming stage:Behaviours
Defensiveness, competition, “choosing sides”
Questioning task and team composition
Unrealistic goals, complaints of excessive workload
Perception of a “pecking order”, disunity, jealousy, increased tension
Norming stage:Behaviours
Revising / accepting / adopting group norms
Conflict management
Friendliness, discussion, cooperation
Team cohesion & team spirit develop
Performing stage:Behaviours
Working cooperatively towards group goal
Effective task and time management
Constructive self-change
Improved problem-solving
Attachment to the team