You wanted to see me?
I want to give you a short that you're not gonna bail on too quick. Do you know Cross-co.?
Cross-co. Trucking. I've been tracking it. Mid-size firm, has a big distribution contract with that bakery company Yumtime. Been holding 50. Fundamentals are solid. I don't see the short play.
I don't need you to see it. I need you to do it. We'll get 50 on the tape. We'll size up later.
You got a fucking problem with this?
You plug that investor leakage?
I thought I'd done exactly that, but I haven't been able to get Garth Sykes on the phone.
He bails, it hurts us.
Yeah. I tried. But I think I need you to show face with this guy.
You got this. That's why I have you.
On the Tape 行情显示
I thought I'd done exactly 我希望我做到了
That fucker thinks that if you come running over here, I'm gonna forget he fired me in front of everyone I know?
Who knows what he thinks? One minute, you're his most trusted advisor, the next, you're on the outside. I'm here because... I think you might make it worse for yourself, and I don't want to see that.
The money I made him... He treated me like a lowlife.
And that's a trigger for you.
Everyone laughing at me growing up.
The dyslexia.
Even the teachers. I sent every one of those pricks a photo of my first million-dollar bonus check.
That made you feel really good for about 24 hours, and then you hated yourself for letting them know they ever got to you.
Kind of. Sometimes. This is different. I know plenty about how Axe Capital works... The dirty edge... The proprietary trading techniques. I know how the secret sauce is made.
Yeah. I'm sure you could put out a Schott's miscellany about the place.
It's like a farmer's almanac for non-farm stuff.
Then, yeah, I could put out a couple of volumes of Schott's miscellany about the place.
You just need to ask yourself one question first... Are you rich enough to never get another job?
I did work for that man. Bribed an oil company C.F.O. for him...
Stop talking. We're not in session. That's not privileged.
Point is, I got all muddied up for him. Hard not to rub it on his clean, white shirt now.
Remember Warren Jaffin, the analyst?
Bright guy?
That kid was sharp.
Real sharp, yeah.
Then he balked at his bonus one year and got popped. He got another job right away at a huge bank... $3 million a year, guaranteed. Only, word got back to Axe that Warren had bad mouthed him in the interview... Said Axe wasn't generous with him. So Axe called the head of the bank, asked him to pull the offer that day, which the guy did. Can you imagine... How humiliating that was for Warren? Probably told his whole family, all his friends that he was back. But Axe didn't leave it there. He called the president or chairman of every prime broker, bank, and fund in the industry and had him blackballed. Put it out over the loudspeaker, direct from the principal's office... "If you hire Warren Jaffin, you are my enemy." Do you know what Warren does now? He's got a blog. You've built a real life for yourself, Victor... A long way from Queens. If Axe is certain you'll act like a gentleman, he will make sure to take care of you.
You were the one that always told me to stand up for myself.
When you can win, yes. The only way you can win now is by letting it go.
I know how the secret sauce is made.
put out 放出, 伸出, 生产, 出版, 发布, 熄灭, 消除, 使困扰, 使脱臼, 把...杀出局, 出航
I got all muddied up for him 脏活累活我都替他干了
Bright guy 前途无量
Balk不及物动词有逡巡不前,犹豫的意思,及物动词时的意思是阻止, 错过, 推诿;,在柯林斯词典中查到有失望的意思
pop 除了我们知道的名词作流行音乐的意思,动词是(使) 发砰砰声; (使) 爆裂的意思外 做动词还有(突然或匆匆) 去的意思
$3 million a year, guaranteed. 底薪多少的地道表达
底薪三千 3 grand a month, guaranteed
had him blackballed. Have sb blackball 封杀某人
强烈要求央视封杀我 I highly ask CCTV to have me blackball
lowlife.=low-life (美国俚语)名词时 下流坯,卑鄙的人,恶棍;形容词时 低劣的,平庸的
dyslexia诵读困难; 失读症,阅读障碍症
proprietary adj. 专卖的; 专营的; 专利的; 所有的; 所有权的;
.n 所有权; 所有物; 所有人; 专卖药品; 独家制造(及销售)的产品;
Miscellany n. 杂集; 混合体;
Almanac n. 年鉴; 历书; 年历;
Privilege 作名词时意思是“特权;优待”,作及物动词时意思是“给予…特权;特免”。
stand up for 支持; 捍卫; 坚决维护;
had bad mouthed him have bad mouthed sb 说某人坏话
You know, I have to confess to something.
You're not gonna like it.
Fire away.
I took the kids for doughnuts.
I know. Kevin told me.
You're glad he cracked?
No, I never want them to keep secrets from you. They're gonna keep them from me their entire teenage years. They should at least know that they always can confide in you. And among your many gifts, that is a great one. Everyone feels like you're always on their sidre.
Well, I try to be, at least... Understand where they're coming from.
That's the wonderful part of your job. You get to employ your empathy. I have to be a real prick sometimes, you know? At work.
Yeah. Sometimes, we all do things we're not proud of at work.
Well, this is different. When I was in the park with the kids, there was this guy who... Specifics don't matter. What does is, that every once in a while, there's this thing we say... "I am never so proud as when I choose not to prosecute a case." And that's true... in theory. But once in a while, I wish that I could just be more... ... human. But I haven't figured out how to do that and my job at the same time.
You know? Being 100% good at your job... ... and 100% good... ... if you figure that one out, let's both quit and write that book.
Fire away 说吧; 讲吧; 问吧;
cracke 解决,揭开(秘密),破译,侦破