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1) Waymo inches closer to driverless car launch with repair deal
Google's spin-off company Waymo has hired AutoNation, America's largest auto retailer, to maintain and repair its fleeting of driverless vehicles ...
2) Arbe Robotics raises $9M to build high-resolution radars for autonomous cars
As carmakers and tech companies continue to improve the mechanics and reliability of self-driving cars, Arbe Robotics, a Tel Aviv startup developing a ...
3) Sit back, relax, and enjoy a ride through the history of self-driving cars
Digital Trends
Seemingly within just a few years, autonomous cars have gone from science fiction fantasy to reality. But while it seems like this technology emerged ...
4) 商用车无人驾驶提供商「踏歌智行」完成数千万元Pre-A轮融资,辰韬资本领投_36氪
本次融资主要用于短距离物流、碾压工程车无人驾驶以及无人驾驶运行保障管理平台的研发。 近日,北京踏歌智行科技宣布完成数千万元Pre-A轮融资,本轮 ...
5) 李开复:无人驾驶必须一步到位,没有所谓的人机协同
Leiphone (博客)
6) 4 Ways To Drive Customer Engagement With AI
Once fodder for sci-fi novels, artificial intelligence (AI) is now a key ingredient in customer engagement. In fact, according to a Pegasystems survey on ...
7) Big tech firms' AI hiring frenzy leads to brain drain at UK universities
The Guardian
British universities are being stripped of artificial intelligence (AI) experts in a brain drain to the private sector that is hampering research and disrupting ...
8) 'Vulnerable' AI tricked into thinking a turtle is a rifle and a cat is guacamole
The Independent
Researchers have found a way to trick Google's AI into completely mis-identifying real-world objects. They managed to make InceptionV3, an image ...
9) Self-Driving Car Startup Optimus Ride Gets $18 Million for the Race to a Driverless Road
The Drive
A self-driving auto technology company named Optimus Ride has secured a fresh $18 million in funding from a group of venture capitalists led by ...
[Download] MIT White Paper - Consumer Interest in Automation: Preliminary
Observations Exploring a Year’s Change