The first two chapters introduce the natural of purposeful practice and how to make your training purposefully.
The purposeful practice, which is the way to deliberate practice, has four characteristics: specific goal, keep focused, meaningful positive feedback and get out of comfort zone.
When we talk about extraordinarily performs, people always admire the gift. Actually, practice is the most crucial approach to purposeful practice, which can force your brain and body to adapt to a new homeostasis.
我几乎不健身,从小体育也差,也是想着要做出一些改变,今年暑假回来我报了减脂班,并控制饮食,到今天为止参与了13次训练,总共大概是17小时,刚开始平板支撑30秒都觉得很累很累,到现在可以完成1分钟标准动作的平板支持,也不过是过了17小时。这个过程其实就是第二章中讲的reestablish homeostasis,逐渐的增加运动量,让身体走出了舒适区,建立的新的平衡。
对比Peak前两章来看,在这个purposeful practice的过程中,我有目标,但不够明确;在训练中我可以做到全力以赴,饮食也控制的不错;教练能给出有效的feedback,自己也设置了小小的奖励;自己的体能在提升,走出了舒适区。
书中还提到了如果你达到acceptable level之后就一直重复当前的训练,那你永远不会进步,这里其实就是说的“不进则退”,不能满足于现状。
These newly activated genes will switch on or ramp up various biochemical systems within the cell, which will change its behavior in ways that are intended to respond to the fact that the cells and surrounding systems have been pushed out of their comfort zone.
ramp sth up
ramp (人造)斜坡,坡道;(UK) 减速带; (US) 支路,英式叫slip road
e.g. I pushed the wheelchair up the ramp and into the supermarket. 我沿坡道把轮椅推进了超市。
Imitation: Sorry, there is no lift to the footbridge, but you could go out of the station and take the luggage by the ramp.
The exact details of what goes on inside a cell in response to such stresses are extremely complicated, and researchers are only just now beginning to unravel them.
Imitation: Scientist still cannot unravel the secrets of Stonehenge.
thumb 拇指
index finger or forefinger 食指
middle finger 中指
ring finger 无名指 In some cultures, people wear a ring on their ring finger to show that they are married or are planning to get married
little finger 小指
serve as control
They also recruited six nonmusicians to serve as controls against whom the musicians would be compared.