

1. the setting sun 夕阳,落日,夕阳西下

2. in the sunlight 在阳光的辉照下

3. a streak of pink dawn broke the horizon. 天边出现一道红霞

4. the dark red orb began to shine blazingly, dazzling my eyes until they stung 这个深红色的东西(红霞)发出夺目的亮光,射的人眼发痛

5. rosy sunset glow 落霞

6. 斜阳 slanting sun 阳光斜着照进来 makes its presence in...

7. bask the sunshine 晒太阳,享受太阳浴

8. from the distance edge of the sea 从海边,天边

9. greet the sunrise 迎接太阳

10. waning sun 残阳;hazy twilight 迷茫的晚景

11. The hot sun snapped our energy. 火辣的太阳烤的我们虚软无力。

【 描写灯光,亮晶晶的,闪闪发亮的,月亮】

1. water drops glistening in... 亮晶晶的水珠

2. The sea glinted in the moonlight. 月色中海面上波光粼粼

3. beam quietly towards the dark blue sky 光 向暗蓝的天空静静的微笑着(发光)beam有发光和微笑的意思

4. the sun light 微光

5. the sun shed its rays straight onto the seawater 太阳光线从云里照射下来,直射水面

6. rippling water 波光粼粼,波光嶙峋

7. a fitful gleam 忽明忽暗的光

8. our reflections  were mirrored in the water 影子倒映在水里

9. 月光然后睡一半倾泻在...➡️ 流水一般的月光倾泻在... the moon sheds her liquid light silently over...

10. 月光隔着树照过来,高出丛生的灌木,落下参差斑驳的黑影 the moonlight is streaming down through the foliage, casting dark bushy shadows in the ground from high above, jagged and checkered

11. 灯火通明,电灯辉煌,闪烁 is ablaze with lights

12. moonlit night 月光照耀的夜晚

13. bask in a misty moonshine 沐浴在苍茫的月光下

14. moonless night 没有月亮的夜晚

15. loom 阴暗的 somewhat frighteningly dark 阴森森的


1. bleak leaden sky 灰暗凄冷的天空

2. murky grey sky 阴沉的天

3. The sky was pale with a bluish hue. 天空还是一片浅蓝,颜色很浅。

4. a low-hanging sky 天空低垂,低垂的天空;天空低垂犹如灰色的雾幕 a gray misty pall of a low-hanging sky

5. a pallid sky 暗淡的天空

6. It was growing dark 天黑了,暮色苍茫

7. an overcast sky/day 乌云密布,阴沉的天空

8. in the deepening dusk 暮色茫茫,天色渐渐暗下来

9. 笼罩着轻纱 wrapped in a gauzy hood

10. 昏暗低沉的天 the gloomy and low sky 压的人喘不过来气(令人窒息)made one feel suffocating / stifling


1. in the dim light 昏暗中,阴影中

2. at dead of night 在深夜

3. evening began to mellow 夜幕降临 mellow (颜色)变得温馨而柔和

4. As night falls 夜幕降临


1. 礼炮 cannon salutes

2. a riot of color 色彩缤纷

3. 变幻莫测 mysterious

4. The evening activity brings the climax of the festival. 晚上的夜游活动堪称压轴节目➡️推向节日的高潮


1. parched soil 干裂的大地

2. in the deepening dusk 暮色茫茫,天色渐渐暗下来 the world was shrouned in grey 大地被灰色吞噬着

3. 白雪茫茫的大地 snow-mantled ground


1. a tree with entanglement of bade branches 疏枝交横的树

2. swaying branches 树枝摇曳

3. withered leaves 枯叶

4. still clinging to the branches 留在枝头的(枯叶)

5. rustled (mournfully) 发出窸窸窣窣,莎莎的声音(哭声)

6. put forth bright green leaves 簇生油绿的枝叶

7. look so sickly 病怏怏的,憔悴的

8.  (秋风)将树叶凋落 autumn wind is denuding the trees of their leaves

hillsides denuded of trees 光秃秃没有树的山坡

9. brownish yellow, dill yellow 暗黄,枯黄

10. leafy and make shade 绿树成荫

11. willow trees may have died back 杨柳枯了,再青 regreening

12. the tree shadows were dancing 树影婆娑

13. locust trees 槐树;linden tree 菩提树

14. emerald-green leaves 翠绿的树下;lush greenery 草木青青

15. 弯弯的杨柳稀疏的倩影 the benign figures of the drooping willows, here and there (比sparce更有节奏感)

16. in a lush, shady ambience of threes all around the pond 荷塘四面,长着许多树,郁郁葱葱; ambience 周围环境,气氛

17. willows interlaced with others 杨柳和其他树交织在一起

18. foliage 植物,叶子(总称)

19. bough(s) 大树枝

20. shafts and limbs of the pine trees 松树的树干和树枝


1. Sweet aroma of the flowers 芬芳的香气从风里飘来 wafted to us by the soft breezes 迎面扑来

2. the profusion of moonlight and lotus fragrance 无边的荷香月色

3. a profusion of colors 色彩缤纷,五彩斑斓

4. a profusion of sth 大量的,丰富的,充沛的


1. limpid water 清澈的水 ( or lucid )

2. 清浅的水,两岸青青的草 limpid water of a shallow brook flanked on both sides by 两侧有 green grass

3. rivulet 小溪,溪流,小河; brook 溪,小河,小川

4. 江流汹涌,回旋激荡,水击礁石,浪花飞溅,声如雷鸣 pounding on the midstream rocks, the river roars thunderously. The shoals give rise to many eddies. 激起漩涡。

5. play ducks and drakes 打水飘,扔石子(浪费掉)

6. serpentine course of the river 蜿蜒曲折的河道

7. bracing sea air 清新怡人的海风

8. a pellucid stream 清澈的小溪

9. 潺潺小溪 babbling stream, murmuring stream ; 小溪:brook, creek, rivulet, till


1. 嶙峋的山峰 jagged peaks

2. snow-mantled peaks 白雪覆盖的山峰

3. They clothed in blue and purple 这些山峦呈现一片蓝紫颜色, print their bold outlines in the clear evening sky 他们雄浑的轮廓印在傍晚的碧空云际


1. 细软的沙子 sponge fine sand

2. 海风卷起雪浪拍打海岸 the sea wind dashed the snow-white billows against the beach

3.  在美丽的浪花里 among the brillian spray (among 一般加可数n.,这里用不可数)

4. seaweed 海草 ; seashore 海滨

5. 静听着海潮的倾诉 the sea quietly unbosom itself

6. bosom 胸襟,怀抱 the mightiness of the sea 大海的伟大

7. broad and liberal ( generous) 胸襟广阔

8. surging waves海浪,violent waves猛浪

9. plunge into the bosom of the sea 投入大海的怀抱

10. floate about on the blue waters 漂浮在碧波之上

11. choppy waters 波浪起伏的水面

12. unruffled sea 平静的海面

13. 浩荡大河 grand river, mighty river; 浩瀚:magnificent, vast, mighty, broad

14.  undulating waves 起伏的波浪


1. the street was lined with fine houses 马路两旁,立着别墅

2. the street was deserted 寂寞的马路

3. a zigzag path 弯曲的羊肠小道

4. The car swished past them. 车嗖的一声从他们身边驶过。

【描写房屋 建筑】

1. illuminated windows 灯窗明灿

2. The sun glinted on the window.  太阳照在窗户上闪闪发光。

3. The guard towers were silhouetted against the sky. 天空映出了瞭望台的轮廓。

4. thatched cottage 茅舍,茅屋

5. pavilion 亭子,小亭子

6. straw sheds and cottage 草棚茅舍

7. a city steeped in history 历史古城

8. a hut with corrugated roof 一间有瓦楞的小屋

【 描写风,微风,暴风雨】

1. a gust of strong wind 一阵阵猛厉的风

2. howling around 刮着风

3. in soft breeze 微风中

4. a fitful breeze 一阵阵微风

5. 微风从我的身边掠过 gentle sea breeze brushing pat me (brush past 掠过,静水深流)

6. biting wind 寒风刺骨;piercing wind 寒风凛冽

7. The flags in the stadium flapped in the wind. 旗帜在风中飘扬。


1. pitter-patter of rain  雨声淅淅沥沥

2. drip-drop 雨滴;drip, drip, drip 滴 滴 滴

3. beating down against the window and roof 雨水打窗飘瓦

4. spring rain 春雨

5. the faraway mountains were veiled in a misty rain 远山被一片烟雨笼住

6. be caught in a rain on the way home 归途遇雨

7. rain with a vengeance 大雨滂沱 with a vengeance 猛烈地

8. Rain pelted down the windows. 大雨打在窗户上

It’s letting down out there. 外边滂沱大雨

the cold wind and pelting rain 寒风暴雨

the rain pelted down in big drops. 倾泻豆大的雨点

9. torrential rain 倾盆大雨,骤雨;

10. teemimg rain 倾盆而下,it’s teeming down.


1. the rumble of thunder reverberated across the valley 雷声响彻山谷


1. the droning is the ship engine 船上机器的声响


1. A ghastly stillness resigned. 路上寂静的可怕➡️ 寂静统治着 not a soul in sight 看不见一个人

2. budding spring 萌芽的春

verdant summer 绿荫的夏

withered autumn 凋零的秋

bleak winter 枯寂的冬

3. this bit of the universe 这一片天地 in my possession now  现在属于我了

4. place not frequented by pedestrians 人迹罕至的地方,少有人走 frequent 作动词v,常去某地

5. alongside the pound 沿着池塘 runs a path 有一条小路 run:使向导,引导;伸展,延展 eg:The roads runs parallel to the river.

6. assume a different look 呈现出另一番景象


1. spurt out 喷出,涌出 (液体)

2. squat against the wall 蹲靠在墙边

3. sth come into full view 尽收眼底

4. well up 涌出(泪水);流露(情感);萌发(思想); brim with tears 充满泪水

5. 请悄悄地挪动了 treading on, lightly and furtively

6. 跨过 stride over;glide past 擦身而过

7. give sb a thick ear 给某人一记耳光

8. The truck receded into the distance. 卡车声逐渐在远处消失。retreat/ recede后退

9. ... bulging with 充满,装满着...(bulge用于进行时)

10. hasten to 急忙着 hasten back to 急忙回去

11. my hat off to 向...脱帽致敬,佩服

12. drudge at 做苦工(的人)the tedious task 机械的(枯燥的)工作

13. 观赏着,欣赏着 we feasted our eye on sth

14. 用起来会加分的动词和介词

️ reign 统治,支配 (不好的)事情来临➡️ 被不好的事情统治

The ugly scene reigned. 景色变得不堪(不堪的景色统治着)

️ brew 酝酿,酿酒 (不愉快的事情)即将来临

Trouble seemed to be brewing. 又要有乱子了(乱子又要酝酿了)

️ be in store 某事即将发生

Nobody could tell what kind of fate was in store. 没人知道会发生什么。

15. 停止资助某人的学费 discontinue中断 financing your schooling

16. speak up your mind 大胆说出心中所想

17. bestow on sb 赠与,授予

18. 感到痛心,感到....之情(中文)


a feeling of sadness came over me 一种悲伤之感掌控了我

可以替换为:take possession of / seize / reign 统治支配了我

感情 creep up on Sb 某人慢慢感到....(不知不觉影响...)

19. I was seized with sadness. 我感到很难过。be seized with 被某种情感抓住,涌上心头

20. go trekking 远足,徒步旅行

21. teem with 充满,到处都是(移动着的人,动物)a River teeming with fish 盛产鱼的河流,teeming with tourists 游人如鲫

22. assimilate into 同化

23. seethe with 到处都是,遍布,充满(人/动物)

24. flatten sth/ yourself against / on sth 紧贴着...


1. uncalled-for  adj. 不必要的,多余的

2. A发生的时候还没有B ➡️ A在B之前发生,Do A before B

3. 表示不如人意的结果出现 only to find; turned out to be; end up doing

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