Q: Why people called Wang Anshi ”the bull-headed premier” and how did he treat to the man who differed from him?
A: Because Wang Anshi was impractical and terribly stubborn that was unable to take other advice and unwilling to admit a mistake.
He alienated the good old ministers and his best friends, dismissed officials who disagreed with his policies form their post and promoted unknown and unqualified men who agreed with him but used him for their own purposes at the same time. He gave up the tradition of ancestors by cashiering censors who fought for their freedom of criticism, which is necessary for the emperor to know the public opinion and make true decisions.
3 interesting sentences
1. Szema Kuang was author of the “Mirror of History”, which became the pole star to which all history writing in China after him must be orientated. The first draft was several times the number of volumes.
第一句话的中文义“大概是开山鼻祖,后生都要以此为榜样”的意思,自己绝对想不到这么说,甚至不会想着一句话里可以表达这么多层意思。后面一句A+倍数+the number of B,作为一个句型,自己写作的时候可以借鉴。
2. Wang anshih had therefore begun to dislike Szema Kuang as opposed to his policies.
3. Quoting Confucius, he said…
我们说会用As Confucius said. 不如quoting这个词简单,也更精准。
1. mistook
I am sorry I always mistook you guys cause you look similar to each other.
2. Conviction
Sometimes in our life, my must have the conviction that we can succeed in doing something, cause if you look askance at your ability, you will feel unconfident and anxious and at last fail.
3. Cashier
I need treat my work responsibly, or my employer would criticize me or cashier me.
some thoughts~
last week i went to Ming Xiaoling with my friend and when i crossed the sign, I felt excited cause the first 2 words of the sign are the words which i just learned on Friday. Now i have the habit to see English description at first rather than Chinese. it is an interesting thing~^_^