DatePickerDialog和TimePickerDialog,两个都是以对话框的形式出现,并在内部实现了布局(不需要添加任何的布局),最最重要的是调用方法简单易学,now,let's begin.
* @param context The context the dialog is to run in.
* @param callBack How the parent is notified that the date is set.
* @param year The initial year of the dialog.
* @param monthOfYear The initial month of the dialog.
* @param dayOfMonth The initial day of the dialog.
public DatePickerDialog(Context context,
OnDateSetListener callBack,
int year,
int monthOfYear,
int dayOfMonth) {
this(context, 0, callBack, year, monthOfYear, dayOfMonth);
public static void showDatePickerDialog(Activity activity, final TextView tv, Calendar calendar) {
// Calendar 需要这样来得到
// Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
// 直接创建一个DatePickerDialog对话框实例,并将它显示出来
new DatePickerDialog(activity,
// 绑定监听器(How the parent is notified that the date is set.)
new DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener() {
public void onDateSet(DatePicker view, int year,
int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth) {
// 此处得到选择的时间,可以进行你想要的操作
tv.setText("您选择了:" + year + "年" + monthOfYear
+ "月" + dayOfMonth + "日");
// 设置初始日期
, calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR)
* Creates a new date picker dialog for the current date using the parent
* context's default date picker dialog theme.
* @param context the parent context
public DatePickerDialog(@NonNull Context context) {
this(context, 0, null, Calendar.getInstance(), -1, -1, -1);
* Creates a new date picker dialog for the current date.
* @param context the parent context
* @param themeResId the resource ID of the theme against which to inflate
* this dialog, or {@code 0} to use the parent
* {@code context}'s default alert dialog theme
public DatePickerDialog(@NonNull Context context, @StyleRes int themeResId) {
this(context, themeResId, null, Calendar.getInstance(), -1, -1, -1);
* Creates a new date picker dialog for the specified date.
* @param context the parent context
* @param themeResId the resource ID of the theme against which to inflate
* this dialog, or {@code 0} to use the parent
* {@code context}'s default alert dialog theme
* @param listener the listener to call when the user sets the date
* @param year the initially selected year
* @param monthOfYear the initially selected month of the year (0-11 for
* compatibility with {@link Calendar#MONTH})
* @param dayOfMonth the initially selected day of month (1-31, depending
* on month)
public DatePickerDialog(@NonNull Context context, @StyleRes int themeResId,
@Nullable OnDateSetListener listener, int year, int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth) {
this(context, themeResId, listener, null, year, monthOfYear, dayOfMonth);
现在 我们用第三个来指定主题 (敲黑板),以下常量:
public static void showDatePickerDialog(Activity activity, int themeResId, final TextView tv, Calendar calendar) {
// 直接创建一个DatePickerDialog对话框实例,并将它显示出来
new DatePickerDialog(activity
, themeResId
// 绑定监听器(How the parent is notified that the date is set.)
,new DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener() {
public void onDateSet(DatePicker view, int year,
int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth) {
// 此处得到选择的时间,可以进行你想要的操作
tv.setText("您选择了:" + year + "年" + monthOfYear
+ "月" + dayOfMonth + "日");
// 设置初始日期
, calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR)
* Creates a new time picker dialog.
* @param context the parent context
* @param listener the listener to call when the time is set
* @param hourOfDay the initial hour
* @param minute the initial minute
* @param is24HourView whether this is a 24 hour view or AM/PM
public TimePickerDialog(Context context, OnTimeSetListener listener, int hourOfDay, int minute,
boolean is24HourView) {
this(context, 0, listener, hourOfDay, minute, is24HourView);
public static void showTimePickerDialog(Activity activity, final TextView tv, Calendar calendar) {
// Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
// 创建一个TimePickerDialog实例,并把它显示出来
// 解释一哈,Activity是context的子类
new TimePickerDialog( activity,
// 绑定监听器
new TimePickerDialog.OnTimeSetListener() {
public void onTimeSet(TimePicker view,
int hourOfDay, int minute) {
tv.setText("您选择了:" + hourOfDay + "时" + minute
+ "分");
// 设置初始时间
, calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY)
, calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE)
// true表示采用24小时制
* Creates a new time picker dialog with the specified theme.
* <p>
* The theme is overlaid on top of the theme of the parent {@code context}.
* If {@code themeResId} is 0, the dialog will be inflated using the theme
* specified by the
* {@link android.R.attr#timePickerDialogTheme android:timePickerDialogTheme}
* attribute on the parent {@code context}'s theme.
* @param context the parent context
* @param themeResId the resource ID of the theme to apply to this dialog
* @param listener the listener to call when the time is set
* @param hourOfDay the initial hour
* @param minute the initial minute
* @param is24HourView Whether this is a 24 hour view, or AM/PM.
public TimePickerDialog(Context context, int themeResId, OnTimeSetListener listener,
int hourOfDay, int minute, boolean is24HourView) {...}
theme :
- The traditional (pre-Holo) alert dialog theme (int 1)
- The holographic alert theme with a dark background (int 2)
- The holographic alert theme with a light background (int 3)
- The device's default alert theme with a dark background. (int 4)
- The device's default alert theme with a light background. (int 5)
