"Vault Guide to Private Equity and Hedge Fund Interviews" by Alice Doo
^Preparation is key. 准备到什么程度呢: Practice as much as you can. This author didn’t get comfortable with interviewing until she bombed her first bunch. By the 10th interview, she slept with her eyes open while she spewed out packaged answers. ——其实不管应聘什么工作都是这样啊。
^Will you make money for the firm? 再优秀别人雇你也是因为这个。 ——Again, 其实不管应聘什么工作都是这样啊。
^PE和HF judge candidates based on a spectrum: 1)analytical abilities 2)industry experience 3)track record 4)contacts
^这行要求“血统”纯正--pedigreed --无非是有买方经历、卖方BB投行经历、MBB咨询经验、牛校高绩点——配合networking;然后最好找猎头(如果是应届生那还不如好好利用学校的career center)。关于啥叫血统纯正:Pedigrees at prestigious colleges (Wharton, Harvard) and bulge bracket investment banks (Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley) improve your marketability.
^Aim for pointed and concise answers.
^Radiate confidence, intelligence, reliability, dependability and a personality that your interviewer would enjoy spending most of his waking life with. 很实在
^给了很多例题(behavioral的和technical的;case study的;甚至brainteasers(一直觉得这个很扯根本跟智商关系不大跟有没有看过这个题关系很大...之前在学校的时候问了一些班上同学,确实就算面咨询公司碰到问brainteasers的也几乎没有)
fine-tune your strategy
keep you updated on your market worth
discreet study materials
sweet spot
discredit your answer
unvarnished scoop
a wealth of information