Every warranty to which the PropertyInsured or any item thereof1is or may be made subject shall fromthe time the warranty attaches apply and continue to be in force during thewhole currency of this Policy,2and non-compliance with any suchwarranty shall be a bar to any claim in respect of such Property or item,3provided that whenever this Policy is renewed a claim in respect of Damageoccurring during the renewal
period shall not be barred by reason of awarranty not having been complied with at any time before commencement of suchperiod.4
The Company may at its option, repair orreplace the Property Damaged, or any part thereof, instead of paying the amountof the Damage, or may join with any other persons, companies or insurers in sodoing,6but the Company shall not be bound to repair exactly orcompletely, but only as circumstances permit and in reasonably sufficientmanner, and in no case shall the Company be bound to expend more in repair thanit would have cost to repair such Property as it was at the time of theoccurrence of such Damage, nor more than the Sum Insured thereon.
If in any casethe Company shall be unable to repair or replace the Property Insured becauseof any law or regulations in force affecting the alignment of streets, or theconstruction of buildings, or otherwise,7the Company shall, inevery such case, only be liable to pay such sums as would be required to repairor replace such Property if the same8could lawfully be repaired toits former condition.
[if !supportLists]1. [endif]保证条款
1. Extension of cover can be granted subject tothe discretion of the Company once a Period of Insurance has commenced;however, the insurance cover provided will be automatically extended for amaximum period of 10 days in the event that the Insured Person is unavoidablydelayed in the course of his scheduled itinerary as stipulated prior todeparture.
2. The insurance coverage commences on thedeparture of the Insured Person from his residence or office (whichever islater) directly to the international departure point and ceases on the InsuredPerson's return to his residence or office (whichever is earlier); PROVIDEDTHAT the insurance shall not in any event be deemed to have commenced more than12 hours prior to the departure time or ceased more than 12 hours after thereturn to the Place of Origin or arrival at the final destination. As forcoverage under the ''Cancellation Charges" section the insurance commenceson the date the Insurance Certificate is issued and ceases on the departuredate on the itinerary as stipulated before commencement of travel.
3. If any claim shall be fraudulent orintentionally exaggerated or if any false declaration or statement shall bemade then the policy shall be void and no claim shall be payable.
[if !supportLists]1. [endif]旅游保险