分别总是伤感的,John与Savannah的分别以及John与父亲的分别。 经过激烈的吵架和深刻的道歉和互相谅解,他们的感情更加的深了,是心灵上的相容。
最后Savannah那封信真的可以说是情书的最好典范了,字字句句包含着爱与不舍。 不知道这分别的日日夜夜该如何熬过。
1. She said many 'and', staring at John. And she wore a curious expression. Last she told John he didn't have to apologize.
2. She gave John her home address and phone number and an envelope.
3. Writing letters to those people who they care a lot about.
4. John had dinner with his Dad as usual.
5. John read the letter until the plane lifted off from the runway. He was touched and had tears in his eyes. He wanted to turn around and go back home.