
【杰森】:Helicopter maintenance[1]!
【女狱警朵恩】:Right, this is the list[2]. You, you need to choose something from the list.

【狱警格雷戈】:Lost something?
【女狱警朵恩】:No, not that I can think of[3].
【女狱警朵恩】:Oh, my TV remote[4]... from my old TV... that I threw away... at home.

【狱警格雷戈】:Nah[5], no, I just found it in the... you know, round[6], round there in the back of the thing.
【狱警格雷戈】:Ah, the academic programme. So many wonderful options to consider... and reject[7]. The answer's 7C - Creg's Life Skills[8] class. Got a lot of wisdom to spread. I've certainly rubbed off on[9] Dawn.