清晨朗读会第823篇《The Stories That Stop Us》,选的是Leo Babauta 的文章,原文题目是:《The Stories That Stop Us From Being Present & Taking Action》。这一篇读完后很受启发,之前只是知道人都容易受故事影响,但是这一篇又给我一些的别的思考,比如,我们是否知道,清楚的意识到,我们也一直在给自己编织故事,让自己忙碌在自己编织的意义的网之上?
但是Leo Babauta想要表达的,是从更小更具体的视角来说的。
比如,当我们面对不确定, 不能掌控的事情时,因此有关的事情,要面对的人,我们往往也不知道怎么办了,就开始给自己一直讲故事。而现实是,事情还在那里,困境依然牵制着你,无论怎样也无法从自己的故事里突破出去,怎么办?
Leo Babauta 在文章里是这样描述这些困境的:
Wanting to overcome anger
Wanting to deal more calmly with stress
Hurt by other people’s inconsiderate actions
Getting stuck in resentment and thinking about how others have wronged you
Struggling with change because it’s hard
Struggling with letting go of clutter because of various emotional attachments
Finding all kinds of obstacles to taking on a project, side hustle, new business, writing a book/blog, etc.
They shouldn’t act that way
If they loved me they wouldn’t be so inconsiderate
This is too hard, I don’t want to do this
I suck, I keep failing, I am inadequate
They keep doing this, I don’t know why they keep doing that to me
They hurt me, they are not a good person
I can’t start my business/blog/project until I learn this, or get to this place in my life, or have perfect peace in my day and am in a good mood
This shouldn’t be happening to me! This sucks!
但我们应该明白的是:"Stories" , This isn’t a judgment about whether what we’re saying in our heads is true or not. It’s just what our minds do — they make up a narrative about the world, including other people and ourselves. Our minds are narrative machines.
Dropping the Stories & Becoming Present 。
Notice when you’re stuck in a story. A feeling of appreciating the sacredness of this moment can counteract the story, and change your way of being.
Dealing with Stress & Anger Without the Story,Every spike of fear or stress is an opportunity to transform, to open, to stay and be present.In this way, every stress is making you more mindful, less attached, and more open to life.
Taking Action Without the Story,Drop into the present, and just act. Afraid you’re not good enough to do the project? Only one way to truly know — take action on it and see!