Liftoff (2) 读书笔记 9.21

PART 1 Expressions

1. Both his employees and the public have found this to be one of the more jarring aspects of Musk’s character.

It is jarring for both parties when the SpaceX culture rubs against more bureaucratic bodies like NASA, the U.S. Air Force, and the Federal Aviation Administration.

jarring: annoying or shocking

jar: (v.) to make sb feel annoyed or shocked

His words jarred Harriet.

The screaming was starting to jar on my nerves.

2. Being late is par for the course in the aerospace industry.

be par for the course: to be what you would normally expect to happen, used to show disapproval

Long hours and tough working conditions are often par for the course in catering.

3. The Dragon capsule took SpaceX four years to design. It’s likely the fastest project of its ilk done in the history of the aerospace industry.

[ɪlk] = kind, type

of that/ his/ its/ their etc ilk

sb and that/ his/ their tec ilk

Ms Taylor and her ilk talk absolute rubbish.

4. The project started with Musk and a handful of engineers, most of them under thirty years old, and peaked at one hundred people.

peak at: to reach the highest point or level

Wind speeds peaked at 105 mph yesterday.

5. The result was a fully redundant avionics platform that used a mix of off-the-shelf computing gear and products built in-house by SpaceX.

already made and available in shops rather than being designed especially for a customer

off-the-shelf database software

6. If something went wrong with the shuttle, everyone was just resigned to waiting three weeks before they could try and launch again.

be resigned to (doing) sth/ resign oneself to (doing) sth: to calmly accept a situation that is bad, but cannot be changed

She's resigned to spending Christmas on her own.

At sixteen, I resigned myself to the fact that I'd never be a dancer.

a resigned look, voice etc

“We'll have to leave,” she said with a resigned sigh.

相似表达: take one's lumps

7. It obsesses over something that other people might find trivial and yet he has a definite point.

be obsessing about/ over sth/ sb: informal, to think about sth or sb much more than is necessary or sensible

Stop obsessing about your hair. It's fine.

be obsessed with/ by sth/ sb: to think or worry about them all the time, used to show disapproval

A lot of young girls are obsessed by their weight.

8. Musk laid into an FAA official while on a conference call with members of the SpaceX team and NASA.

lay into sb/ sth: to attack or criticize sb or sth

Outside the club, two men were laying into each other.

9. Bowersox ended up smack in the middle of the constant pull and push at SpaceX between doing things efficiently and agonizing over traditional procedures.

agonize over/ about sth: to think about a difficult decision very carefully and with a lot of effort

All the way home she agonized about what she should do.

10. Musk has been known to let even high-ranking officials have it when he thinks they’re off base and is not apologetic about this.

be off base: informal, to be completely wrong

His estimate for painting the kitchen seems way off base.

11. One former official felt that Musk would need to temper himself better in the years to come if SpaceX was to keep currying favor with the military and government agencies in its bid to defeat the incumbent contractors.

the incumbent president/ priest/ government etc: the president etc at the present time

it is incumbent upon/ on sb to do sth: it is sb's duty or responsibility to do it

It is incumbent upon parents to control what their children watch on TV.

the incumbent (n.) someone who has been elected to an official position and who is doing the job at the present time

In the June elections, Morris easily defeated the incumbent, Tom Smith.

12. The work kept Shotwell interested, but the environment started to grate on her.

1. 用菜擦子把食物擦成丝

2. grate on sb: to annoy sb

Mr Fen had a load voice that grated on her ears.

PART 2 Thoughts

But in order to achieve the external promised schedule, you've got to have an internal schedule that's  more aggressive than that. Sometimes you still miss the external schedule.


Elon Musk
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